Din sökning på "*" gav 532841 sökträffar
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Effects of increased UV-B radiation on the lichen Cladonia arbuscula spp. mitis: UV-absorbing pigments and DNA damage
Lichens, a form of symbiosis between a fungal and a photosynthetic partner, are believed to be a group that evolved early in the history of terrestrial life. As a consequence, they probably experienced higher ultraviolet (UV) radiation fluxes than at present. However, in the last two decades, due to the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, increasing levels of ultraviolet-B radiation (280-3
The Nature of the Metal-Rich Thick Disk
We have traced the Galactic thick disk to its, to date, highest metallicities. Based on high-resolution spectroscopic observations of 187 F and G dwarf stars that kinematically can be associated either with the thin disk (60 stars) or with the thick disk (127 stars), we find that the thick disk stars reach at least solar metallicities, and maybe even higher. This finding is independent of the U_LS
Hebrews and the Implied Author's Rhetorical Ethos
Konfirmandernas bildningsresa : Ungdomars berättelser om sitt deltagande i konfirmandundervisning
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under de senaste åren har det svenska samhället förändrats när det gäller dess förhållande till religion och till Svenska kyrkan. Från att ha varit en statskyrka fram till år 2000 och därmed tidigare tillhört enhetskulturen och varit en majoritets kyrka, är Svenska kyrka idag en kyrka som är fri från staten och verkar i ett mångkulturellt samhälle där många olika kulturThe tradition for teenagers to participate in confirmation groups and be confirmed was formerly very strong in Sweden. Up to the 1970s, approximately 80-90 % of all young Swedes were confirmed. But in 2007, these courses were only attended by 37 %, according to the latest Church of Sweden statistics (Svenska kyrkan 2007a). The Aim of the thesis is: Using a Bildung perspective, the aim of the prese
Jiang Qing
Tessin i tidens typografi : om grafisk form vid 1700-talets mitt
Socialstyrelsens projekt Barns Behov i Centrum
Aroma components in Vangueria infausta L. : Characterization of components using GC_MS and aroma loss during drying
This study focuses on the fruit of the African medlar (Vangueria infausta L., family Rubiaceae). The investigation included the development of an extraction procedure of volatile components from the fruit matrix, a purification step, separation, identification and quantification. Initial experiments showed that some components, especially sugars, degrads during the heating in the GC analysis, prod
Next generation nanotechnologies for sensor array fabrication
New emerging technologies such as nanoimprint lithography (NIL) offers the biosensor research community the possibility to fabricate low-cost biodevices having nanometer dimensions. Such nanosized devices can be applied as biosensors where new functions might emerge due to the nanoscale dimensions. In this paper we will discuss various nanolithography methods as well as the benefits of going to th
Vem formar den stategiska forskningen? Institutionell dynamik och anslagspolitisk utveckling i KK-stiftelsen
Popular Abstract in Swedish Forskningspolitiken har i allt högre utsträckning kommit att kopplas till närings- och innovationspolitiken. Ett exempel är den strategiska forskningspolitik som växte fram i början av 1990-talet, där ett antal forskningsstiftelser med nya mål och modeller för finansiering tillkom. I denna studie diskuteras implikationerna av dessa förvaltnings- och forskningspolitiska Research policy is increasingly linked to social needs and to some extent integrated with industrial and innovation policy. The strategic research policy that emerged in Sweden in the early 1990's resulted in the establishment of a new kind of research funding both in form and direction: strategic research foundations. The purpose of one of these foundations, the Knowledge Foundation (Stiftelsen f
Aktiemarknadsorienteringens ideologi - En studie av en organisations försök att skapa aktieägarvärde, dess styrning och kontroll samt uppgörelse med sitt förflutna
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under det senaste decenniet har idén om maximering av aktieägarvärde (Shareholder Value) och en allmänt ökad aktiemarknadsorientering spridit sig från USA och Storbritannien, där den traditionellt har haft ett starkt fäste, till övriga Europa och utgör numera en dominerade ideologi i många av de större, börsnoterade aktiebolagen. Mycket av den traditionella litteraturenDuring the last few decades, the belief in the economic benefits of maximization of shareholder value as a principle of corporate governance has spread from its traditional Anglo Saxon strongholds to the rest of Europe and can now be described as an established and dominant ideology in many large corporations. The more influential part of the literature on shareholder value has mainly paid attenti
Intermediality in Culture. Thomas Mann's "der Tod in Venedig"
Laplace model for multi-axial responses in fatigue analysis of a cultivator frame
This paper reviews means for fatigue damage rates estimation using Laplace distributed multiaxial loads. The model is suitable for description of stresses containing transients of random amplitudes and locations. Explicit formulas for computing the expected value of rainflow damage index as a function of excess kurtosis are given for correlated loads. A Laplace model is used to describe variabilit
Scandinavian Flint - an Archaeological Perspective
The book presents a classification system for Scandinavian flint for use by archaeologists. Flint types are described and evaluated in terms of knappability, limitations posed by nodule size, and prehistoric availability. Flint formation, geographic distribution of flint sources, provenience studies, and patination are discussed in detail.
Sociologiska perspektiv på religionsämnet i svensk grundskola
The aim of the article is to add a sociological perspective on the subject of religion. This will be based on a review of the development of the subject, based on a critical analysis of the 2011 curriculum and curriculum for the subject of religion, both for primary school curricula for teacher education at the university as well as a textbook on religion.
Tvivel - replikernas poetik
A departing assumption in my work is the idea about a particular kind of conflict inherent in the theatrical line, produced by its situatedness in the specific relational doubt created in the speaking, performing voice and body, a space articulated already in the written line, as writing intended to be spoken. To the inherent self-contradiction in such utterances are added the layers of conscious
Armin T. Wegner : Utdrivningen av det armeniska folket i öknen
”Utdrivningen av det armeniska folket i öknen” var titeln på ett diabildsföredrag som tyske n Armin T. Wegner höll den 19 mars 1919 i Berlin. Det är en gripande berättelse framförd av ett av dem främsta ögonvittnen till armeniska folkmordet under första världskriget i Osmanska imperiet. Som tysk sjukvårdare i turkiska arméns tjänst hade Wegner möjlighet att träffa och intervjua folkmordsoffren, fö
Affine Invariants of Planar Sets
Recent research has indicated that invariants can be useful in computer vision for identification and pose determination of objects. The idea is to find functions that are invariant under a set of transformations acting on a configuration space. This paper describes some new viewpoints on the construction and use of such invariants. The key idea is that any kind of features like derivatives, disti