

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Visuell politisk kommunikation på Instagram

This thesis concerns the research area of ​​International visual relations. It also concerns the media platform Instagram, and how it has come to be used by Swedish politics between 2014 and 2022. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether the way Swedish political parties express visual political communication has changed. This is done through a quantitative approach. Content analysis is

Massmedias fria tolkning av utsatta i konflikter

Som mediekonsument tar man på olika sätt del av nyheter dagligen. För många är det ett sätt att hålla sig uppdaterad om både vad som händer i omvärlden men även inom landets gränser. Nyheter väljs utifrån vissa kriterier och inte minst under kriget i Ukraina har vikten av närhet märkts när nyhetsrapportering har gjort. Men hur väljs nyheter som ligger utanför Sveriges närområde? Och vad är det som

SolarWinds hack och det nya kriget

I den här teorigenererande studien utforskas hur cyberangrepp såsom SolarWinds hack har påverkat möjligheterna att föra krig mot andra stater. Vi ämnar göra detta genom att undersöka aspekter som exempelvis vad man kan uppnå med cyberkrigföring, hur staters förståelse av krig ser ut idag, implikationer av anonymitet i cyberrymden samt hur militära maktstrukturer förändras. Uppsatsen tar formen av

The Healthy Cities Movement in Kuching: Localizing WHO Guidelines Through Holistic Governance

Southeast Asia is a region with an impressive pace of urbanization and with increased health-related problems from urbanization. More countries have understood the importance of working with multifaceted angles to health. The multifaceted manner of understanding includes a developed approach to public policy and Asian studies. This thesis analyzes Healthy Cities projects in Kuching (Malaysia) thro

När forskningsetik blir till juridik - En studie av Överklagandenämnden för etikprövning och deras tillsyn

In recent years it has been a clear conflict in Sweden between scientists and the agency “Önep” which is responsible for the regulatory enforcement of research ethics. This conflict has shown how the academy and the state can have conflicting interests and that power struggle has made this master thesis relevant. Therefore, this thesis aim, and purpose has been to examine how Önep conduct their re

A Cost, A Tweet, A Backlash:Conceptualizing the gendered violence targeting Swedish female members of parliament in relation to the election of 2022

An inclusive democracy is of essence to combat the changes that the world is going through seen in the trend of increasing female participation. However, attitudes towards women in the public sphere seems not as progressive as one might believe which is an understudied topic. The aim of this thesis is to examine this development through the phenomena violence against women in politics in the conte

Var är kvinnorna? En innehållsanalytisk och diskursiv studie om kvinnors roller och positioner i organiserad brottslighet inom Sverige

Organized crime is generally associated with men. Women in organized crime have long lived under the radar, and it is only in recent years that their participation has begun to be noticed. The aim of this qualitative study (based on feminist IR theory) is to provide understanding on how women in Sweden are involved in organized crime, what roles they play, and how they are discursively represented

Mellan nödvändigt samarbete och skadlig maskopi: En WPR-analys av hur EC, EFPIA och CEO arbetar för att (de)legitimera EU:s regleringar av läkemedelsindustrin

Although the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of easily accessible medicines, a reactive pharmaceutical industry and the effects of how the same industry sector is regulated, the EU’s pharmaceutical regulations still have apparent flaws. Therefore, this WPR study intends to visualize how EC, EFPIA, and CEO have tried to maintain or undermine these regulations over time. To enabl

Computed tomography with adjusted dose for body mass index may be superior to whole-body radiography especially in elderly patients with multiple myeloma

Background: Whole-body skeletal radiography has traditionally been used in the management of multiple myeloma for defining treatment strategies. For several reasons, radiography has been replaced by computed tomography (CT) covering the same regions. Purpose: To evaluate the body mass index (BMI) adjusted effective radiation dose from two different methods of whole-body radiologic imaging for mult

App-based mathematical intervention for youth with intellectual disabilities : a randomised controlled trial

The purpose of the study was to evaluate whether students with intellectual disabilities (ID) can improve their arithmetic skills by participating in an arithmetic intervention programme, theoretically founded on explicit instruction (EI) and administered via an application developed for tablet computers. The intervention study used a randomised controlled trial design (RCT) (n = 30, aged 10-16, 1

Regeringspresskonferensernas uppgång i Sverige 1993–2019

This study exams the governmental press conferences between 1993 and 2019. It aims to understand the fluctuations and increase of press conferences over the whole period as well as during term of office and discusses possible explanations for these changes. For the analytical discussion, tools like coalition theory and more recent theoretical frameworks such as Sagarzazu and Klüvers research are u

The Swedish Political Mainstream in Crisis: In The Light of Radical Right-Wing Populism

The rise of radical right-wing populism in Western Europe has severely altered the political landscape during the last decade, and mainstream parties, from left to right, are struggling to employ strategies preventing voters from deserting to the radical right. In this thesis, I examine two mainstream parties in the context of Sweden, the Social Democratic party (S), and the Moderate party (M), to

Longitudinal Tau PET Using 18F-Flortaucipir : The Effect of Relative Cerebral Blood Flow on Quantitative and Semiquantitative Parameters

Semiquantitative PET measures such as SUV ratio (SUVr) have several advantages over quantitative measures, such as practical applicability and relative computational simplicity. However, SUVr may potentially be affected by changes in blood flow, whereas quantitative measures such as nondisplaceable binding potential (BPND) are not. For 18F-flortaucipir PET, the sensitivity of SUVr for changes in b

Connected We Stand: Lead Firm Ownership Ties in the Global Petrochemical Industry

Using oil, gas, and coal to create platform chemicals on an enormous scale, the petrochemical industry constitutes a core part of the global energy order. Given prospects for demand growth for petrochemicals, the sector is set to become increasingly important to the fossil fuel interests. Starting from the perspective that internationalised networks are important to understand prospects for transf

House Dust Mite and Cat Dander Extract Induce Asthma-Like Histopathology with an Increase of Mucosal Mast Cells in a Guinea Pig Model

Background: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease with structural changes in the lungs defined as airway remodelling. Mast cell responses are important in asthma as they, upon activation, release mediators inducing bronchoconstriction, inflammatory cell recruitment, and often remodelling of the airways. As guinea pigs exhibit anatomical, physiological, and pharmacological features resembling hu

Somaliland och Somalia - det koloniala arvets påverkan på Afrikas horn

Afrikas horn består av två de facto stater – Somalia, synonymt med anarki, och Somaliland, som är ett av Afrikas mest välfungerande länder. Utifrån teorier om spårberoende argumenterar vi för att skillnaden beror på den olikartade kolonisationen som de två länderna genomgick som italiensk respektive brittisk koloni. Skillnaderna i kolonialadministrationen gav upphov till skilda mängder socialt kap

Högerpopulismens ansikte i svensk politik - En studie om imaginaries, othering och appropriering av feminism i svensk högerpolitik

Abstract The right-wing populist party The Sweden Democrats became the second largest party in the Swedish election of 2022. Their electoral success can be traced to populistic discursive methods. There are several political strategies commonly used by right-wing populist parties. This paper aims to analyze such strategies in the Sweden Democrats rethorics but also in other right-wing parties not

Group A streptococci induce stronger M protein-fibronectin interaction when specific human antibodies are bound

Group A streptococcus (GAS) is a highly adapted, human-specific pathogen that is known to manipulate the immune system through various mechanisms. GAS’ M protein constitutes a primary target of the immune system due to its spatial configuration and dominance on the bacterial surface. Antibody responses targeting the M protein have been shown to favor the conserved C region. Such antibodies (Abs) c

On militant democracy’s institutional conservatism

This article critically reconstructs militant democracy’s ‘institutional conservatism’, a theoretical preference for institutions that restrain transformation. It offers two arguments, one historical and one normative. Firstly, it traces a historical development from a substantive to a procedural version of institutional conservatism from the traditional militant democratic thought of Schmitt, Loe