Din sökning på "*" gav 532799 sökträffar
Steg mot en modern fastighetsskatt
Characterization of MIMO channels for Personal Area Networks at 5 GHz
Subsynchronous Resonance, A Controller for Active Damping
Critical infrastructure and systemic vulnerability: Towards a framework for planning.
Toffees and caries cavities
The dining room at a geriatric hospital
J. R. Rydbergs vetenskapliga gärning
The role and distribution of case endings in formal Arabic speech styles
Bioenergi från jordbruket – en växande resurs
Ageing, gender and social care for young and old in five European countries- the impct of socio-demographic change.
Dataspelande inte orsak till dåliga skolresultaten
Vi forskare som står bakom den här artikeln har tidigare kritiserat debatten kring nät- och dataspelsberoende för att vara missvisande. Vi menar att nättid eller dataspelande i sig inte har något att göra med vare sig försämrade studieresultat eller rubbad dygnsrytm. Forskningen har på senare år antytt att överdrivet dataspelande bör ses som ett uttryck för underliggande problem, på samma sätt som
Modeling of plasticity at large strains
This thesis is concerned with various aspects of the constitutive modeling of plasticity. Both theoretical issues and issues related to the numerical implementation of the constitutive models are addressed. An approach to the modeling of kinematic hardening plasticity when large strains are present, taking the microstructure into account, is developed. Kinematic hardening is modeled using a varia
Det metareflekterande forskarutbildningsseminariet - oskriven läroplan, kultur och karriär
Om sammansvärjningar, obesvarade brev och diverse övriga lidanden. Reflektioner kring Adam örn och det svenska 1800-talets bortglömda självbiografier
Managing chronic sorrow: experiences of patients with multiple sclerosis
Development of a Combined VOF-LPT Method to Simulate Two-phase Flows in Various Regimes
Soft and Hard Mesons in Chiral Perturbation Theory
This thesis deals with Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT), an effective field theory for the strong force used to describe meson interactions. The work done can be split in two parts. The first one is on ChPT in its standard formulation. This theory has been very successful so far in describing low energetic processes. However, it is still not entirely clear how much it can be trusted for precision
Effect of two contrasting worksite interventions, i.e. ergonomics versus strength training, on chronic pain and work disability in slaughterhouse workers: a single-blind, randomized controlled trial
Simple is Better? - An Experiment on Requirements Prioritisation
The process of selecting the right set of requirements for a product release is highly dependent on how well we succeed in prioritising the requirements candidates. There are different techniques available for requirements prioritisation, some more elaborate than others. In order to compare different techniques, a controlled experiment was conducted with the objective of understanding differences