

Din sökning på "*" gav 539935 sökträffar

Gun-jumping in the EUMR: How it ought to be regulated

This Master’s thesis concerns the regulation of premature implementations of mergers, also known as gun-jumping. The purpose of the paper is to establish how the phenomenon should be regulated in the European Union Merger Regulation (EUMR). Potential solutions are sought primarily from the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. With the objective of the EUMR in mind, namely the pr

Forecasting the Regulating Price in the Finnish Energy Market using the Multi-Horizon Quantile Recurrent Neural Network

In recent years there has been a large increase in available data from the electric grid in Finland. The availability of both operational as well as financial data enables exploration of forecasting energy prices using deep learning techniques. As a result this thesis implements the Multi-Horizon Quantile Recurrent Neural Network (MQRNN) to forecast the regulating price in the Finnish energy markeEnergy is something we use on a daily basis. Among other things we use it to charge our phones and turn on the lights. But what determines the price of energy? In the Nordics, energy is traded like a commodity by the market. That means the price is set according to supply and demand. And while the demand is easy to forecast, determining what will be produced is harder. Forecasting production accur

Kan rättigheter förändra världen? En socialantropologisk fältstudie om barns rättigheter i Palestina.

Sammanfattning Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att skapa en djupare förståelse för barnkonventionens realisering. Uppsatsen tar avstamp i bredare en debatt om de mänskliga rättigheterna med en teoretisk förankring i universalism, kulturrelativism och relativ universalism. För att uppnå upp-satsens syfte valde jag att fokusera på implementeringen av barnkonventionen i Palestina, ett land som länge

Transnationalizing the European Parliament: Analyzing the 2018 Debate on Transnational Lists

This thesis aims to analyze arguments made for and against introducing transnational lists in the European Parliament elections. The focus will lie in understanding the arguments made in terms of relevance and performance, with aspects such as political affiliations being regarded as well. The chosen material are speeches from a debate in the Parliament in 2018 regarding a suggestion of implementi

Hungrig i onödan? En litteraturgranskning av riktlinjer kring preoperativ fasta

Bakgrund: Att minska risken för aspiration genom att patienter fastar inför generell anestesi är praxis. Detta motiveras genom att fasta minskar mängden innehåll i ventrikeln. Tidsintervallen för hur länge och vad som ska inkluderas i fastan har genom åren varierat. Fasta har en rad negativa fysiologiska konsekvenser och riskerar att orsaka ett vårdlidande. Syfte: Att granska evidensen för riktlin

Tillsammanshet i Höganäs hamn

Idag är en stor del av hushållen i storstäder singelhushåll. Det privata boendet har blivit ett mått på välfärd. I många fall väljer vi de privata boendeformerna av rena bekvämlighetsskäl vilket i längden kan leda till ensamhet. För att motverka ensamheten behöver vi gemenskap i den vardagliga miljön. Vi behöver lättillgänglig kontakt och samvaro med människor runt omkring oss. Hur kan stadsbyggna

PLL for 5G mmWave

This paper presents research and implementation of a high frequency Integer-N phase-locked loop for digital beamforming in mobile devices. Multiple topologies investigated whereof two were implemented. The transient phase noise of the PLL is -104dB/-95dB @1MHz. The output frequency range is from 8G-10G. Reference signal is 163.84MHz, reference-spurs is -80dBc/-98dBc lower than main frequency. RMS

Heretical Skeletons: Social Deviance & The Mediatization of Santa Muerte

The purpose of this Thesis is to investigate the Mexican religious phenomenon of Santa Muerte and the mediatization that both simplifies and sensationalizes her. By investigating public Santa Muerte shrines and prayer cards in Guadalajara and Mexico City, by interviewing devotees in both cities, and by looking at media depictions of Santa Muerte, this project will explore how mediatization affects

Family Policies and Women in the Labour Market: Evidence from Southern Europe

Previous research has analysed the relationship between women’s labour market outcomes and family policies in the general context of the European Union or among OECD countries. The current dissertation investigates the effect of a set of family policy’s instruments on women’s labour market participation and maternal employment in the countries of Southern Europe – Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal

Refugees in Denmark: When temporality is long lasting

The recent tightening of the Danish Aliens Act in 2019 has brought about an emphasized notion of temporality to temporary residence permits for refugees in Denmark. Temporality, in the eyes of the Danish government, is a sign to refugees, that their stay in Denmark should only be considered temporary, and that they should one day return to their countries of origin. But for refugees who have no no

Mötet mellan socialarbetare och arbetsorganisationen - en undersökning om sambandet mellan arbetsorganisationens regler och upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse

The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether there is any relationship between job satisfaction and the view of the organization's rules for social workers in Sweden. By using Michel Oakeshott's theory of nomocracy and telocracy an online survey was conducted with 87 social workers working in adult social service. The study uses correlational analysis to measure the relations

Banning Plastic Straw by Straw: Why California needs a more harmonized approach to plastics management

Over 150 local communities in California have implemented plastic product bans as a way to decrease stress on landfills, reduce non-recyclable materials, and manage litter. Plastic product bans such as plastic bags, polystyrene, or single-use plastics, are used to address both local (e.g. litter reduction or community aesthetics), and global (e.g. microplastic pollution or wildlife entanglement) p

Patient and Planet: Developing a Tool to Facilitate Design of Medical Products for a Circular Economy

Transitioning to a circular economy requires designing products that are meant to remain within and cycle through economic systems. While circular product design principles have been applied across industries, the medical industry presents unique challenges with its complex regulatory requirements and the high-risk nature of innovating with medical products. This thesis aims to contribute to the i

Feasibility of Self-Regulation on the Aesthetic Medical Field: A Research Based on the Practicing Medical Doctor’s Perspective

Aesthetic medicine is a unique medical arena with great economic benefits, but it is also full of controversy. Whether the doctors in the field could enjoy the same degree of autonomy as in the therapeutic medical field, and retain the self- regulating management of the medical profession, has always been the focus of debate. Although various scholars have proposed arguments on this issue from the

Combating Money Laundering: AML technologies in money laundering detection, investigation and prevention

Money laundering is the act of concealing the origin of illegal proceeds and it occurs due to deregulated economies and insufficient legal security. The European Union has recognized the importance of combating this crime by developing Directive (EU) 2015/849 on antimoney laundering and counter-terrorist financing, which applies to financial and credit institutions. They are obligated to work prev

Towards yeast as a tool for in vivo continuous evolution of TRPV1 modulators

The TRPV1 receptor (transient receptor potential vanilloid 1) is a nonspecific membrane-bound cation channel, which plays an important role in nociception and pain transmission, the nerve-response to possibly dangerous stimuli. It is known that TRPV1 can be modulated by a variety of stimuli, amongst which heat, protons and chemical compounds, such as capsaicin, are the most known activators. This

Vändpunkter i drogmissbruk - En kvalitativ dokumentanalys av fyra självbiografier

The purpose of this study was to examine how turning points manifest themselves during the life course of people that have substance abuse. We collected our data through a qualitative method, by reading four autobiographies written by authors who describe in detail how they encountered substances, and how they managed to turn their life around for the better. The chosen material was written in Swe

A Financial Market Segmented New-Keynesian Macro Model

This essay complements the monetary literature by estimation and simulation of a New-Keynesian macro model featuring financial market frictions and long bond portfolio policy. The model is an extended version of the canonical three-equation New-Keynesian model with segmented financial markets distinguishing the short-term money market from the long-term bond market. Our data is U.S. quarterly data

The use of AI in conducting scientific research

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been increasingly recognized as a key enabler in discovering scientific knowledge. Due to the current momentum, researchers from various fields try to incorporate AI to their research work. However, research to be truly identified as scientific research it requires to bring in new knowledge adhering to a scientific method. This study attempts to explore how AI affe