

Din sökning på "*" gav 534497 sökträffar

The impact of macronutrient composition on metabolic regulation : An Islet-Centric view

Aim: The influence of dietary carbohydrates and fats on weight gain is inconclusively understood. We studied the acute impact of these nutrients on the overall metabolic state utilizing the insulin:glucagon ratio (IGR). Methods: Following in vitro glucose and palmitate treatment, insulin and glucagon secretion from islets isolated from C57Bl/6J mice was measured. Our human in vivo study included 2

Electrical Tuning of Plasmonic Conducting Polymer Nanoantennas

Nanostructures of conventional metals offer manipulation of light at the nanoscale but are largely limited to static behavior due to fixed material properties. To develop the next frontier of dynamic nano-optics and metasurfaces, this study utilizes the redox-tunable optical properties of conducting polymers, as recently shown to be capable of sustaining plasmons in their most conducting oxidized

Mitochondrial biogenesis, telomere length and cellular senescence in Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia

Progressive age is the single major risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases. Cellular aging markers during Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been implicated in previous studies, however the majority of studies have investigated the association of individual cellular aging hallmarks with PD but not jointly. Here, we have studied the association of PD with three aging hallmarks (telomere attrition, m

Changes in the upper airway volume after orthognathic surgery: three-dimensional measurements in a supine body position

The objectives of this study were to analyse the changes in airway cross-sectional areas and volumes due to surgical movements of the jaws and to identify any possible correlation with the direction of the movements. Fifty-seven participants, aged 18–28 years (mean 20.8 years) at surgery, were followed up for 12 months postoperatively. Pre- and postoperative measurements of the facial region obtai

Human monoclonal antibodies against a recombinant HIV envelope-antigen produced by primary in vitro immunization. Characterization and epitope mapping.

Peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy, HIV sero-negative blood donors have been in vitro immunized using penv9, a recombinant fragment of the envelope of HIV-1. This primary in vitro immunization followed by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation and somatic cell fusion subsequently gave rise to several specific anti-penv9 monoclonal antibodies (MO28, MO30 and MO43) of μ isotype. The hybridom

Evaluation of geostatistical and multiple regression models for assessment of spatial characteristics of carbon monoxide concentration in a data-limited environment

Efforts to manage air pollution problems caused by motorized transport in developing countries have frequently failed due to a lack of air quality data, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Air quality data from sparse monitoring stations is typically insufficient for spatial modelling, which is required for understanding and managing air quality conditions. This study aimed at assessing the emp

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Defibrillator Use in Sports

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in young athletes is rare, with an estimated incidence ranging from 0.1 to 2 per 100,000 per athlete year. The creation of SCA registries can help provide accurate data regarding incidence, treatment, and outcomes and help implement primary or secondary prevention strategies that could change the course of these events. Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defi

Vetenskapliga tidskrifter – ett lömskt problem för humaniora

Finansieringen av nationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter har blivit ett lömskt problem eller ett wicked problem inte bara för historia utan för humaniora i stort. Liksom andra lömska problem utmärks denna fråga av att själva problembeskrivningen är föränderlig, definitionerna undflyende samt att problemet är sammanvävt med andra komplexa problemområden. För en långsiktig lösning är det därför nödvänThe question of how to fund Swedish academic journals such as Scandia has become a wicked problem, not only for history but also for the humanities as a whole. This issue is confounded by the difficulty in terms of categorizing these journals and their funding needs and further complicated by the global movement towards open access. For the humanities, the issue of how to fund these journals is of

What the latest science on climate change mitigation means for cities and urban areas

The Summary for Urban Policymakers (SUP) initiative provides a distillation of the IPCC reports into accessible and targeted summaries that can help inform action at city and regional scales. Volume I in the series, What the Latest Physical Science of Climate Change Means for Cities, identified the ways in which human-induced climate change is affecting every region of the world, and the cities an

3′-end fluorescence labelling of long RNAs using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase

Through recent years, RNA has rapidly gone from mainly being known as a passive information-carrying molecule within the central dogma of molecular biology to becoming the active ingredient in multiple therapeutics, such as in vaccines and potential drugs against cancer. However, one of the main challenges with RNA as a therapeutic is efficient delivery to cells. Understanding the mechanism throug

Role of smooth muscle YAP and TAZ in protection against phenotypic modulation, inflammation, and aneurysm development

A ruptured arterial aneurysm, especially in the aorta, represents one of the most acute and mortal conditions encountered in clinical medicine. Population-based screening in elderly men, treatment of risk factors, such as hypertension, and endovascular or open repair of rupture-prone lesions, represent cornerstones in management. Surgical repair has a sizeable effect on life-expectancy, but medica

Ghosts of International Law: The Figure of the Foreign Fighter in a Cultural Perspective

Heroes and villains, idealists and mercenaries, freedom fighters and religiousfanatics. Foreign fighters tend to defy easy classification. Good andbad images of the foreign combatant epitomize different conceptions offreedom and are used to characterize the rightness or wrongness of thisactor in civil wars. This book traces the history of these figures and theirafterlife. It does so through an int

Kriget i Ukraina

I denna studie utforskas hur Rysslands användning av militära medel i Ukraina kan förklaras. Studien genomför två analyser, en på individnivå med hjälp av Perception och Misperception teorin och den andra på systemnivå med utgångspunkten i strukturella realismen. På individnivå finner studien att Putin ser på västen i termer av ”vi” och ”dem” samtidigt som Putin ser interaktioner mellan Rysslan

(Re-)Framed: Controlling vs. Transforming - Understanding varying social policy crisis responses when comparing the Commision's policy framing during both the pandemic and the Euro crisis

Both the pandemic and Euro crisis posed social risks in terms of unemployment and poverty. Yet, we see a more socially focussed crisis response to the pandemic, whereas the Euro crisis mainly neglected social policy. My thesis asks in how far such social policy crisis response variation can be understood. Hitherto literature usually focusses on instiutionalist arguments that are unable to bridge s

Steel-to-concrete connections in narrow concrete corners

Ett vanligt förekommenade problem vid utformning av stål-och betonganslutningar i hörn är att platsbrist kan ge upphov till anslutningar som är asymmetriskt utformade. De avvikande placeringarna på bultarna medför komplexa beräkningar och skapar ett behov av förenklade modeller vid design. Förenklingen kan leda till skillnader i brottsbeteende mellan designen och den fysiska produkten vilket kan lA commonly occurring problem when designing steel-to-concrete connections in corners with space deficits is the necessity for irregularly placed bolts with regards to design codes. The complexity of the calculations for the irregular placements of bolts generates the need to use simplified models during the design. This simplification could lead to differences between the design and the physical p

Childhood Diarrhea Prevalence and Uptake of Oral Rehydration Solution and Zinc Treatment in Nigeria

Given the disproportionate burden of childhood diarrhea deaths in Nigeria, this study assessed the prevalence and predictors of the disease and the uptake of ORS and zinc supplementation as treatments in a population-based national survey. Cross-sectional data from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey were used. A log-Poisson regression was used to estimate the relative risks (RR) for the in

The Stressful Memory Assessment Checklist for the Intensive Care Unit (SMAC-ICU) : Development and Testing

Stressful or traumatic memories of an intensive care stay may lead to long-term psychological morbidity. Memory assessment is therefore essential to aid in the patients’ recovery process. Acknowledging the large cohort of post ICU patients during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a simple tool for the evaluation of ICU memories is needed. The aim of this study was, therefore, to develop and test the validi