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Different methods to present the effect of blood pressure on cardiovascular diseases by Cox regression.
Resurser och sociala relationer : studier av ett lokalsamhälle i förändring 1600-1800 : Österhaninge och Västerhaninge socknar
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Out of the Theoretical Cul-de-sac (Commentary)
A key premise of the heuristics-and-biases program is that heuristics are “quite useful.” Let us now pay more than lip service to this premise, and analyse the environmental structures that make heuristics more or less useful. Let us also strike from the long list of biases those phenomena that are not biases and explore to what degree those that remain are adaptive or can be understood as by-prod
Självkompakterande betong - en tyst revolution inom byggandet
I denna artikel görs en genomgång av tillverkning och användning av självkompakterande betong. För detta ändamål beskrivs de krav som ställs vid tillverkningen samt ges några tillämpningar, såsom broar, tunnlar och höghus.
A parametric grammar of Seediq
Seediq is an Austronesian language spoken in Taiwan. It has several characteristics which are typologically unusual but typical for Austronesian languages. VOS word order, subject-focus (i.e. a multipolar voice distinction which does not imply valency reduction) and cliticisation of subject pronouns. This dissertation comprises a surface description of the grammar of the language presented in the
Overhauser-enhanced MRI.
Developmental patterning by mechanical signals in Arabidopsis
Impaired wound healing in an acute diabetic pig model and the effects of local hyperglycemia.
Diabetic wounds result in significant morbidity, prolonged hospitalization, and enormous health-care expenses. Pigs have been shown to have wound healing resembling that in humans. The aim of this study was to develop a large-animal model for diabetic wound healing. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin injection in Yorkshire pigs. Full-thickness wounds were created and dressed with a sealed cham
Lymfödem och bröstcancer ur sjukgymnastiskt perspektiv.
Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen hos kvinnor i Sverige. Tio procent av den kvinnliga befolkningen får bröstcancer under sin livstid. En minoritet avlider. Operation är den vanligaste behandlingen som oftast kombineras med strålbehandling. Det är mindre känt att vissa sidoeffekter av behandlingen kan ge bestående fysisk påverkan. Sådana bieffekter är armlymfödem samt nedsatt axelrörlighet
Northern Revolts. Medieval and Early Modern Peasant Unrest in the Nordic Countries
Equal contribution of increased intracranial pressure and subarachnoid blood to cerebral blood flow reduction and receptor upregulation after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Object Cerebral ischemia remains the key cause of disability and death in the late phase after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and its pathogenesis is still poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the change in intracranial pressure or the extravasated blood causes the late cerebral ischemia and the upregulation of receptors or the cerebral vasoconstriction observed foll
Crisis and Caring for Inner Selves: Psychiatric Crisis as a Social Classification in Sweden in the 1970s
This article aims to contribute to the understanding concerning the introduction of crisis psychotherapy in the 1970s in psychiatric clinics in Sweden. The article discusses how this psychotherapy became central in the work of the clinics in supporting patients to well-being and inner growth. The ambition was that patients in an acute crisis-situation would be offered care immediately, aiming at a
Conflict management in student groups - a teacher’s perspective in higher education
Students working in groups is a commonly used method of instruction in higher education, popularized by the introduction of problem based learning. As a result, management of small groups of people has become an important skill for teachers. The objective of our study is to investigate why conflicts arise in student groups at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University and how teachers manage th
Den hemlöse regissören: Intervju med Nicolas Winding Refn
Moisture content prediction of rain-exposed wood: Test and evaluation of a simple numerical model for durability applications
Abstract in FrenchDecay-prediction models can be used to predict the service life of wooden components. However, knowledge of how the material climate, i.e. moisture content and material temperature, varies with time is required. A reliable material climate prediction model is therefore crucial in situations when measurements are not viable. The aim of this paper is to develop and assess the perfo
No title
Abstract not available.
Bruton's tyrosine kinase: cell biology, sequence conservation, mutation spectrum, siRNA modifications, and expression profiling.
Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is encoded by the gene that when mutated causes the primary immunodeficiency disease X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) in humans and X-linked immunodeficiency (Xid) in mice. Btk is a member of the Tec family of protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and plays a vital, but diverse, modulatory role in many cellular processes. Mutations affecting Btk block B-lymphocyte develop
Truncation of SNAP-25 reduces the stimulatory action of cAMP on rapid exocytosis in insulin-secreting cells.
SNAP-25 is important for Ca(2+)-dependent fusion of Large Dense Core Vesicles (LDCVs) in insulin-secreting cells. Exocytosis is further enhanced by cAMP-increasing agents such as GLP-1 and this augmentation includes interaction with both PKA and cAMP-GEFII. To investigate the coupling between SNAP-25 and cAMP-dependent stimulation of insulin exocytosis we have used capacitance measurements, protei
The Practice of Politics and Revolution : Egypt's Revolutionary Youth Social Movement
The dissertation analyzes a recognized collective political actor in Egypt, the shabāb al-thawra – the revolutionary youth. The thesis posits that in order to understand the shabāb al-thawra political actor, it is necessary problematize “revolutionary youth” beyond its nominative sense. Instead, the concepts of “youth” and “revolutionary” are conceived as communities of practice, whereby “youth” r