

Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar

Traumatiserade flyktingar i socialt arbete

According to the Swedish Red Cross, there are over 40 million people fleeing from war and conflict around the world. Some of these individuals are suffering from a disorder named PTSD (Post Traumatic Disorder Syndrome). This disorder is caused by previous experience incurred by war, conflict and violence. My intention with this study has been to increase the knowledge about refugees in Sweden suff

Björnkram eller björntjänst? Möjligheter för personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder att känna och uttrycka inflytande i insatser med avsikt att bidra till deras delaktighet i samhället.

In Sweden there are laws and recommendations from The National Board of Health and Welfare about the importance of a user's involvement in and possibility of influencing services directed at them. Even with such good intentions the same board reports that it is hard to know if people experience that they do. The purpose of my study was to examine how professionals can use their knowledge to he

Den kompetente läraren - Yttre och inre ramfaktorer och deras inverkan på undervisning

Title: The competent teacher-external and internal frameworks and their influence on educational praxis. This thesis is about what kind of approach a teacher (may) consider when he is facing parameters that he can not do anything about, in this case represented by political, educational och social frameworks. One of the things a teacher can do to adapt to the situation is to see what possibilities

En studie av deltagardemokratiska experiment - trend eller verktyg?

The Swedish public inquiries and most of the political science advocate reforms in the spirit of participatory democracy to strengthen the democracy. Although it is striking how limited and narrow the scientific documentation is in analysing the effects of participatory democratic reforms. Still, many of the local governments in Sweden are reshaping their organisations according to the participato

Svenskkyrklig ecklesiologi : i mötet med Svenska Missionskyrkan

The purpose of this essay is to shed light upon the ecumenical work that has been done between the Church of Sweden and the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden. The recent years of work have led to a recommendation for a certain degree of fellowship to be established between those churches. This proposal as well as other documents are analysed in the essay from an ecclesio-logical point of view, to

Sustainable Development and Empowerment through Fair Trade - A Minor Field Study of the Impacts from Fair Trade Participation on Sri Lankan Producers and Workers

Fair Trade is a growing international movement with the aim to empower disadvantaged producers and workers in the developing world and to promote sustainable development. With an understanding of the increased economic globalization as unfair, Fair Trade seeks to make the relationships in the international trade more equitable. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the impacts from Fair Trade u

Hiv/Aids : Vad rör det mig ?

Over 40 miljon people in the world suffer from hiv/aids today. Africa is the continent that is worst affected by hiv/aids but how is the situation in Sweden? Why is it so quiet concerning hiv/aids in Sweden? Our aim with this work was to find out about the hiv/aids situation in Sweden and particulary in Malmö. The result of our research was that hiv/aids have increased since the year 2000 and most

Kärlekens retorik: Om tilltal och sexualsyn i Ur kärlekens språk och Kärlekens språk 2000

Denna uppsats jämför och analyserar de båda sexualupplysningsfilmerna "Ur kärlekens språk" (Torgny Wickman, 1969) och "Kärlekens språk 2000" (Anders Lennberg 2004). Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda vilka olika sätt som de båda filmerna tilltalar sin publik på och vad dessa respektive tilltal får för konsekvenser för den syn på sexualitet som man vill förmedla. Därtill försöker up

De osynliga barnen? : en studie om Kriminalvården och Socialtjänstens arbete med barn till frihetsberövade föräldrar

The purpose of this essay was to look at how the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and the Social Service work with children who have parents in prison and what they can do to ease the contact between the children and their parents. In our study we have used different questions regarding parent role, gender, child perspective, contact possibilities and collaboration. We have interviewed six pri

Kultur och kvinnlighet. Myndighetsutövares reflektioner kring invandrade kvinnor.

The aim of this study is to discuss how public officials, who are implementing integration policies, describe and relate to ?immigrant women?. The analysis is based on interviews with eight public officials. Drawing on perspectives from discourse theory, multiculturalism, western feminism and postcolonialism, the diskussion tries to place the interview statements within a theoretical debate concer

Den ideologiska spegeln - en studie kring hur ideologisk-diskursiva ramar skapas inom ramen för ett politiskt parti

Abstract One aim of this thesis, has been to explore how discursive frames are constructed, frames to relate to, compare with, and therefore be part in shaping political subjects. The other aim has been connected with a more empirical platform, where I wanted to discover how these frames are established and structured discursively within a political organization, among its members; in this case w

Snabbmatens risksamhälle : En kulturanalys av kropp, mat, ansvar och tillit inom McDonald's

Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur McDonald's som aktör förhåller sig till den aktuella debatten om riskerna med snabbmat. Hur försöker McDonald's upprätthålla förtroendet från oss konsumenter inom ramen för den aktuella debatten? Vilka nya åtaganden har McDonald's genomfört den senaste tiden vad det gäller sortiment och marknadsföring? Hur speglar snabbmats

I den bästa av världar. En reflekterande uppsats om åtgärder för lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnors marginalisering inom sjukvården.

Abstract Det har i ett antal internationella undersökningar framkommit att HBT- personer har sämre hälsa än heterosexuella. I den förbindelsen har syftet med denna uppsats varit att diskutera kring vilka åtgärder som är möjliga för att förändra denna ohälsa, där jag har koncentrerat mig på särlösning kontra integrationsteorier. Jag har inriktat mig på lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnor inom HBT- omr

Ras är en konstruktion- rasifiering en process En jämförande diskursanalys i hur den nationella identiteten konstrueras mellan `svenska invandrare` och `norska invandrare` bosatta i Oslo

The aim of this thesis is to seek understanding to how a national identity is constructed. Five women and five men at the age of 21-37 years old have been interviewed during November 2005 and January 2006. All of them lived Oslo at the time. The informants have been divided into two groups, `Swedish immigrants` and `Norwegian immigrants`, none of the people interviewed is ethnic `Swedish` or `Norw

Den orangea revolutionen - om förhandlingar för demokratisk transition

Denna uppsats behandlar den orangea revolutionen ur ett transitionsperspektiv och försöker teoriprövande utröna om denna revolution kan anses som en demokratisk transition i enlighet med transitionsterin. Uppsatsen är teoriprövande till sin karaktär och kontrasterar den politiska processen i Ukraina mellan den första omgången i presidentvalet den 31 oktober 2004 och den tredje omgången den 26 dec

The Battlefield of Breadwinners and Housewives - A study of gender identities and discourses of empowerment

The study evolves around the emergence of a gender awareness in the Kenyan political consciousness, as a consequence of the adoption of the alternative development discourse, promoting values like equal participation and empowerment. My task has been to determine the outcome of local development initiatives in terms of women's empowerment and then relate the findings to theories on discursive

Folkhälsopolitikens praktik - En studie av tre kommuners implementering av folkhälsopolitiken och dess syn på befintlig styrning

The purpose of this study is to analyse how the local governments have implanted the new public health policy, which Sweden adopted in April 2003. The new health policy stakes out a new direction for national public health policy. Instead of focusing on diseases the new public health policy focus in factors that determine health. Important factors to study are the role of central steering from th