

Din sökning på "*" gav 528286 sökträffar

Estimation of Vehicle Roll Angle

Haldex Traction can with their Active Yaw Control prevent unwanted handling by applying an extra yaw torque with their all wheel drive system. To be able to calculate when or when not, yaw torque should be applied, it is important to accurate know the different state information about the vehicle. When driving on banked roads, vehicle dynamics and sensor measurements are changed compared to drivin

Microbial Diversity in Raw and Pasteurized Milk with Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP)

Abstract In this thesis, a molecular PCR-based method was used to study the bacterial diversity in milk. The aim was to compare the microbiota of traditionally pasteurized milk with milk treated with a novel pasteurization technique, using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). A second aim was to analyze the microbial composition of cheese produced from the two milk variant

Affecting Thermodynamics of miRNA - effects of platin drugs and cations on microRNAs

miRNA och dess termodynamik I alla männskliga celler (förutom i de röda blodkropparna) finns en cellkärna. Inuti kärnan finns DNA:t. Segment av DNA kan läsas i en process kallad för transkription. I denna process omkodas det cellulära DNA genom transkription till den strukturellt liknande molekylen RNA. Denna molekyl blir vanligtvis avläst av cellen i en process kallad translation där kedjor av aAbstract We have performed a series of experiments in order to elucidate the properties of two breast cancer related microRNAs, here we denote A and B. In one experiment, we tested varying concentrations of biologically relevant cation upon the melting curve of A. We saw that the monovalent conditions favoured a melting curve that had two inflexion points whereas the divalent conditions favoured

Development of Ni-based Ohmic contacts to InAs and InGaAs

Low specific contact resistivity (ρc) of alloyed Ni/Pd/Au and nonalloyed Ti/Pd/Au Ohmic contacts to unintentionally doped n-InAs and n+-In0.63Ga0.37As, which is a potential candidate for highly scaled HBTs and MOSFETs, is reported. Contacts were formed by UV-ozone oxidation and oxide removal with 1:1 HCl:DI water, and then deposited by either thermal evaporation or sputtering, followed by annealin

Energy optimization at a chemical industry enterprise. Case study - Perstorp AB

Executive summary Title: Energy optimization at a chemical industry enterprise Case study - Perstorp AB Authors: Sandra Leksell and Anna Parsdotter Supervisors: Patrick Lauenburg, PhD, Dept. of Energy Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University and Daniel Hansson, Technical Manager, Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB Background: The industrial sector in Sweden consumed 152.4 TWh energy in 2010,

Gynnar anlagda småvatten som finansierats med åtgärdsprogramsmedel hotade amfibier?

Many Swedish amphibians are threatened and included in action plans to prevent them from extinction. There are many reasons for amphibians being threatened but one important factor is the loss of suitable breeding ponds. This report evaluates if 34 ponds created for threatened amphibians, and financed through these action plans, have been colonized by threatened amphibians in Scania. The ponds wer

Låsningar & Lösningar: En intervjustudie med elever på resursskola kring problemsituationer och bemötande

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att genom semistrukturerade intervjuer synliggöra elever på resursskola och deras upplevelser av problemsituationer och bemötande i en skolmiljö. Åtta elever i åldrarna 10-16 år vid två olika resursskolor i Skåne intervjuades för ändamålet. Tematisk analys användes för identifiering av teman i intervjumaterialet. Resultaten visade att problemsituationer och The aim of this qualitative study was through semi-structured interviewing to make visible students in resource school and their experiences with problem-situations and response in a school environment. Eight students aged 10-16 years at two different resource schools in the south of Sweden were interviewed for the purpose. Thematic analysis was used for identifying themes in the interview materia

Ett särskilt funktionshinder? - en analys av identitet, relationer och gränsdragningar i Malmö Dövas Förening "Svenske" 1954-1970

Syftet för undersökningen är att utreda identitet, relationer och gränsdragningar i den döva gruppen under 1954-1970. Detta genom att undersöka en lokal dövförening, Malmö Dövas Förening ”Svenske”. Källmaterialet utgörs huvudsakligen av protokollanteckningar från föreningsstyrelsens sammanträden. Analysen stöttade sig mot teoretiska begrepp hämtade ur deaf studies och disability studies, två forsk

Demokratin eller säkerhetens väktare? Hemliga tjänsters anpassning till en modern värld

Sedan kalla krigets slut har underrättelseorganisationerna genomgått en långdragen process för att anpassa sig till nya hot så väl som ökade krav på demokratisk insyn och kontroll av verksamheten. Vi har undersökt hur denna process har sett ut, vilka aktörer som varit drivande och vad som gör att underrättelseorganisationerna är så svåra att reformera. Våra slutsatser indikerar att det helt klart

"Det viktigaste är att få ledarna inom organisationerna till att samverka"

Since the late 1970s, public administrative management has increasingly been in-spired by corporate-inspired governance-models to have an effective management. The reforms came to be called New Public Management. Today modern manage-ment is facing new challenges and perhaps the New Public Leadership model may be the proper answer to these new challenges? This study examines Eslöv municipal adminis

Sweden, the SAP and European integration

European integration has increasingly come to depend on the abolition of national regulations, driven by the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). According to previous research, this mode of integration effectively undermines the institutional foundations of social democratic welfare states and coordinated systems of industrial relations – something which has not been fully appreciated by

Bilden av psykiskt funktionshindrade i mediedebatten - förespråkare och motståndare till ett nytt gruppboende

The aim of this study was to see how a group home for mentally ill people was portrayed in a local newspaper debate about building a new home for mentally ill people in residential area. The research material found in the daily newspaper Helsingborgs Dagblad was both articles and debates. We selected the articles and debates (posts) that could answer our questions. We used text analysis and were i

Water quality and tidal induced changes effects on the zooplankton community in the Area of Multiple Use Hawaii, mangrove channel in South Pacific Guatemala

Abstract: The zooplankton community of The Area of Multiple Use Hawaii (AUMH), South Pacific Coast of Guatemala mangrove channel ecosystem was studied in the dry season between February and March 2011. Zooplankton samples were taken during two lunar cycles, four tidal cycles (flood, high water (HW), ebb, low water (LW)), at four different sites. For each sampling occasion, salinity, pH, dissolved

Genetic modification of Crambe abyssinica for better understanding of the biosynthesis pathways of erucic acid

Abstract Replacing fossil oil with renewable resources perhaps is the most urgent challenge that the human being now is facing. Bioenergy has been considered as one of the best alternatives to fossil oil. Diverse non-edible applications of plant oil have been explored in the chemical industry recent years. However, both quantity and quality need to be improved from different oil crops for diverse

Position Accuracy with Dual Motor Control for a Gantry-Tau Robot

Very high accuracy and a very high repeatability, both in the range of a few microns, is very hard to achieve with today's common serial robots. An approach utilizing the Gantry-Tau principle is used in my theses together with a dual motor control to eliminate the troublesome backlash rising from the mechanical limitations. Both hardware and software will be regarded and with an antagonistic c

Descriptive Assessment and Amendment of the SimpleTreat Model - Modelling of Organic Chemicals in Sludge for Soil Applications

Large quantities and numbers of organic compounds (OCs) from industries and domestic sources enter the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) everyday, which is an ever-increasing issue in modern society. In WWTPs, the pollutants are either degraded or emitted to the air, the effluent (water) or the sludge (biosolids). Even though the sludge may contain toxic contaminants and heavy metals, there is a

Pawnshop of hearts? The dynamics of identification and meaning creation in a property management organization.

Title: Pawnshop of hearts? – The dynamics of identification and meaning creation in a property management organization. Submission Date: 22nd of May 2013 Course: BUSN49- Degree Project in Managing People, Knowledge and Change (Master level) Authors: Linnea Hansson and Mathilda Welin Brook Supervisors: Jens Rennstam and Stephan Schaefer Department of Business Administration School of Eco

French and German Security Policy: Close allies with differing views on the intervention in Libya

France and Germany are two closely connected countries with two very different identities. Despite of these differences they have been cooperating for many years and have been a driving factor behind European integration and have had a common interest in making the European Union a global actor with a more united foreign policy. Agreement between the two countries are not an axiom though, as the i