

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Polarization measurements in neutral pion photoproduction

We present measurements of the recoil proton polarization for the H-1((γ) over right arrow,(p) over right arrow)pi(0) reaction for theta(c.m.)(pi) = 60degrees-135degrees and for photon energies up to 4.1 GeV. These are the first data in this reaction for polarization transfer with circularly polarized photons. Various theoretical models are compared with the results. No evidence for hadron helicit

Photoluminescence quenching at a polythiophene/C-60 heterojunction

Quenching of photoluminescence in a substituted polythiophene in the presence of a deposited C-60 layer is studied by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL). The steady-state PL is evaluated by con -sidering the interference of the absorbed and emitted electro-optical field in the thin film coupled to exciton diffusion in the conjugated polymer. PL quenching occurs for excitons gene

Enriched environment increases neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the subventricular zone of stroke-lesioned adult rats

Background and Purpose - The subventricular zone in the adult brain is identified as an endogenous resource of neuronal precursors that can be recruited to adjacent lesioned areas. The hypothesis was tested that postischemic environmental enrichment might enhance subventricular zone cell genesis. Methods - A cortical infarct was induced in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats by ligating the midd

Herpes simplex virus--the most frequently isolated pathogen in the lungs of patients with severe respiratory distress

308 consecutive patients with severe or complicated respiratory tract infections underwent fiber-optic bronchoscopy in the search for a microbiological etiology. Protected brush specimens were used for bacterial cultures and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for virus isolation and cytological examination. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) was the most commonly found pathogen and was isolated in 37 patients.

Pharmacological basis for duration of effect: formoterol and salmeterol versus short-acting beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists

The mechanisms behind the long duration of bronchodilating action of the beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists formoterol and salmeterol are only partially understood. This review compares pharmacological characteristics of long-acting versus short-acting beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists in human and animal airways. Based upon the reviewed evidence, it is concluded that for beta 2-adrenoceptor agonists, long d

Endogenous free fatty acids repel and attract Collembola

We used video recording of the movement pattern of Protaphorura armata (Collembola) to test whether its avoidance of the odor of dead conspecifics extends to related species. P. armata was repelled by the odor of dead individuals of Onychiurus scotarius and Onychiurus circulans, but not by live individuals. Free palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids were present in extracts of the three repellent sp

Recent Developments in High-Temperature Proton Conducting Polymer Electrolyte Membranes.

Progress in the area of proton conducting polymer electrolyte membranes is intimately linked with the development of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, and is today largely driven by the insufficient properties of humidified Nafion® membranes at temperatures above 100 °C. Recent developments in the field include new ionomers and hybrid membranes containing inorganic nanoparticles to control

Social Dangers as Constraints for Pro-Environmental Travel Modes - the Perception of Parents in England and Sweden

The paper explores parental perception of social dangers in the urban environment as a constraint for children to walk and cycle. Group discussions with 37 Swedish and 35 English parents of 7 to 12 year old children revealed that social dangers related to strangers, criminality and drugs concerned parents in both countries. These concerns also influenced travel mode choices for their children’s jo

Neurodevelopmental outcome at 5 years of age of a national cohort of extremely low birth weight infants who were born in 1996-1997

Objective. Increasing survival of extremely low birth weight (ELBW; birth weight < 1000 g) infants raises a concern regarding the risks of adverse long-term outcome such as cognitive dysfunction. Few studies have reported long-term follow-up of representative regional cohorts. The objective of this study was to assess the 5-year outcome of a prospectively followed national ELBW infant cohort. Meth

Intrasite Spatial Analysis in Scandinavian Stone Age Research

This paper is a discussion of theory and methods used in intrasite spatial analysis - the analysis of "living floors". Processes in the formation of the archaeological record such as abandonment, discard, loss, and caching, are discussed. There is also some investigation into factors which may disturb or obscure patterning on an occupation site. Examples to illustrate the discussion are taken from

Anti-LFA-1 Improves Pig Islet Xenograft Function in Diabetic Mice When Long-Term Acceptance Is Induced by CTLA4Ig/Anti-CD40L.

Background. It has been previously demonstrated that addition of anti-LFA-1 to a combination of CTLA4Ig and anti-CD40L induces the permanent acceptance of dopaminergic fetal pig xenografts when transplanted into the brain of wild-type mice. The purpose of this study was to test whether this costimulation blockade also can induce acceptance of adult pig islets transplanted to C5713L/6 mice with str

Complex karyotypes in flow cytometrically DNA-diploid squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck

In squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN), DNA ploidy as determined by flow cytometry (FCM) has been found to yield prognostic information but only for tumours at oral sites. Cytogenetic findings have indicated complex karyotype to be a correlate of poor clinical outcome. In the present study, 73 SCCHN were investigated with the two techniques. Aneuploid cell populations were identif

Which depth dose data should be used for dose planning when wedge filters are used to modify the photon beam?

The use of beam data for open photon fields when calculating absorbed dose distributions for beams with wedge filters has been studied. The depth doses for beams with wedge filters are changed through beam hardening and the dose maximum can be shifted; both these changes result in errors in the final dose calculations of several per cent if open beam data are used. The errors are larger for 6 MV t

Do you trust your brethren? Eliciting trust attitudes and trust behavior in a Tanzanian congregation

This paper describes one possible method for using subject pools other than undergraduate students. We also report the results from an experiment in which 145 subjects belonging to a specific church in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania were exposed to a Trust Game and a standard set of attitudinal survey questions in order to study trust and trustworthiness, two concepts that are likely to be at the core of

Buller och hälsa

Foreword to texts by Maria Albin, Jonas Björk, Jonas Ardö, Erik Skärbäck and Tor Kihlman

Altered AP-1/Ref-1 redox pathway and reduced proliferative response in iNOS-deficient vascular smooth muscle cells

We previously reported that injury-induced medial vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and neointima formation in carotid arteries of inducible nitric oxide synthase knockout ( iNOS KO) mice were significantly reduced compared with wild type (WT). However, the molecular pathway underlying such differences is not known. In this in vitro study, we discovered that the AP-1/Ref-1/thioredox

Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Transgenic Mice: In Vivo and Ex Vivo Models for the Role of hIAPP in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), a pancreatic islet protein of 37 amino acids, is the main component of islet amyloid, seen at autopsy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). To investigate the roles of hIAPP and islet amyloid in DM2, we generated transgenic mice expressing hIAPP in their islet beta cells. In this study, we found that after a long-term, high-fat diet challenge isl

On the importance of vibrational contributions to small-angle optical rotation: Fluoro-oxirane in gas phase and solution.

The specific optical rotation of (S)-fluoro-oxirane in gas phase and solution is predicted using time-dependent density functional theory (B3LYP functional) and coupled cluster linear response theory. Upon vibrational averaging, the coupled cluster singles and doubles model predicts the gas phase specific optical rotation to be 8.1 degrees (dm g/cm(3))(-1) at 355 nm at room temperature. This is an

Thioureido N-acetyllactosamine derivatives as potent galectin-7 and 9N inhibitors

Derivatives of N-acetyllactosamine carrying structurally diverse thioureido groups at galactose C3 were prepared from a C3'-azido N-acetyllactosamine derivative in a three-step reaction sequence involving azide reduction and isothiocyanate formation by thiophosgene treatment of the C3-amine, followed by reaction of the isothiocyanate with a panel of amines. Evaluation of the N-acetyllactosamine th