

Din sökning på "*" gav 528469 sökträffar

Impacts of landscape heterogeneity on bottom-up effects affecting biological control

Conservation biological control of crop pests by natural enemies relies on management strategies to favour their trophic interactions. In agricultural landscapes, natural enemies acting across habitat boundaries may feed on non-pest prey, resulting in apparent competition between non-pest prey and pests. Such communities, including pests, non-pest prey, and natural enemies have been shown to be af

Exocomets in the β Pictoris system

Kometer har alltid fascinerat människan då de till skillnad från stjärnor och andra objekt på natthimlen rör sig över den. De består av is som frigör gas när kometen kommer tillräckligt nära solen. Gasen ser ut som en svans och ger kometen dess karakteristiska utseende. Förr i tiden saknade människan kunskap om dessa kroppar och de väckte rädsla. Kometer sågs som dåliga omen och tecken på gudarnasComets have been a source of fascination throughout the history of man. In recent years, advances in technology have opened up for the study of extrasolar objects, among them exocomets. The first exocomets were observed in the β Pictoris system almost 50 years ago and the system has been of interest ever since. Still, it is not clearly known where these bodies originate from and how they end up in

Interconfigurational d-f luminescence of Pr3+ ions in praseodymium doped Li6Y(BO3)3 single crystals

Luminescence properties of undoped Li6Y(BO3)3 (LYB) crystals grown by the Bridgman method as well as undoped and praseodymium doped LYB crystals grown by the Czochralski method were studied under excitation by ultraviolet light, synchrotron radiation and electron beam in the temperature region of 5–300 K. The emission bands peaking at 4.8, 3.76 and 2.95 eV were found in undoped Czochralski-grown c

Multilingual Networks Past and Present : Insights from Naduhup Languages of Northwest Amazonia

In Amazonia, interfluvial groups such as the Naduhup (Makú) peoples of the northwest Amazon have tended to be less visible than riverine peoples in the historical record, but are also more likely to maintain their cultural and linguistic identity over time. Hence the languages of these groups may offer insights into Indigenous histories that have otherwise been largely overlooked or obliterated. L

Om LAS-reformens effekter på uppsägningar av personliga skäl

Under 2022 genomgick LAS en omfattande förändring. 7 § 1 st LAS om upp-sägning av personliga skäl har ändrats från krav på saklig grund till sakliga skäl och samtidigt gjorts semidispositiv i syfte att öka förutsebarheten. Reformen avsåg att göra det tydligt att avtalsbrottets allvar och omständigheterna vid uppsägningstillfället är det avgörande. Uppsatsen avser att utreda om reformen innebär någIn 2022, 7 § Employment Protection Act underwent a comprehensive change. Dismissal for personal reasons has been changed from a requirement on a factual basis to factual reasons and at the same time made semi-dispositive with the aim of increasing predictability. The reform intended to make it clear that the seriousness of the breach of contract and the circumstances at the time of termination are

Triangeldramat mellan OECD, EU och den svenska rätten - En granskning av den svenska implementeringen av Rådets direktiv (EU) 2022/2523 och de efterföljande konsekvenserna för framtidens skatteflykt bland multinationella koncerner

2013 presenterade OECD tillsammans med G20-länders ett åtgärdsprogram för att ta sig an och komma till rätta med urholkningen av skattebasen och otillbörliga vinstförflyttningar som var möjliga till följd av att de internationella skattereglerna var utdaterade. Åtgärdsprogrammet innehåller bland annat regleringar avsedda att motverka skatteflykt bland multinationella koncerner. Europeiska unionen In 2013, the OECD, in collaboration with G20 countries, introduced an action plan to address and tackle the erosion of the tax base and undue profit shifting made possible due to outdated international tax rules. The program includes regulations aimed at combating tax evasion among multinational corporations. The European Union has adopted Directive (EU) 2022/2523, which Sweden, as a member of the

Ändring och eftergift av avtalsvillkor till följd av passivitet - En studie av senare års praxis från Högsta domstolen gällande passivitet

Under många år har passiviteten varit en relativt underordnad figur i svensk rätt. På senare tid har dock Högsta domstolen lämnat flera avgöranden där passiviteten särskiljs från andra liknande institut som reklamation och preskription. Från att enbart handla om försittande av tid har passivitet blivit erkänd som allmän princip med flera rättsregler som följd. Uppsatsen gör inget anspråk på att For many years, passivity has been a relatively minor figure in Swedish law. In later years however, the Supreme Court has rendered several verdicts concerning passivity, complaint, and statutes of limitation. Recent precedents have transferred passivity from being considered part of complaint rules with limited legal impact into what is now considered more a principle of law, with several rules

Genome-wide association and Mendelian randomization analysis provide insights into the shared genetic architecture between high-dimensional electrocardiographic features and ischemic heart disease

Observational studies have revealed that ischemic heart disease (IHD) has a unique manifestation on electrocardiographic (ECG). However, the genetic relationships between IHD and ECG remain unclear. We took 12-lead ECG as phenotypes to conduct genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for 41,960 samples from UK-Biobank (UKB). By leveraging large-scale GWAS summary of ECG and IHD (downloaded from Finn

Serum biomarkers in patients with hand-arm vibration injury and in controls

Hand-arm vibration injury is a well-known occupational disorder that affects many workers globally. The diagnosis is based mainly on quantitative psychophysical tests and medical history. Typical manifestations of hand-arm vibration injury entail episodes of finger blanching, Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) and sensorineural symptoms from affected nerve fibres and mechanoreceptors in the skin. Differenc

Sub-picosecond time-resolved cavity ring-down spectroscopy

This project aims to develop a time-resolved spectroscopic method that can resolve and characterize transient processes of optically thin samples. With that purpose, we investigate the combination of the pump-probe technique with cavity ring-down spectroscopy.

Rethinking Public Squares: Athens, Berlin, Copenhagen

Since ancient times, public squares have played a significant role in the social and political life of towns and cities. They were designed as open spaces for public use, allowing people to meet, communicate, and demonstrate, and as centers for commercial and civic culture that reflected historical transformations. However, nowadays, public squares are often nearly abandoned urban voids, rather th

Changes in self-perceived performance and satisfaction with performance of daily activities following interdisciplinary rehabilitation in people with late effects of polio

Background: People with late effects of polio (LEoP) may need rehabilitation to manage everyday life but knowledge of the benefits of interdisciplinary rehabilitation is limited.Objective: To evaluate changes in performance and satisfaction with performance of activities among people with LEoP following interdisciplinary rehabilitation.Methods: A pre-post retrospective study based on data on 102 p

How businesses strategize for sustainability and overcome barriers within different economic paradigms

Industrial society is the reason for the rising global ecological crisis, and companies are a primary contributor to this trend. To change this course, companies must transform along with society’s green transition. In the academic debate of economics and sustainability, various competing economic paradigms suggest how to steer society towards a sustainable transformation. Based on theoretical his

Brandtekniskt fysiskt skydd - Konflikter och synergier mellan brandskydd och fysiskt skydd

The thesis explores the conflict between physical protection and fire protection requirements in industrial buildings important to society. It aims to identify conflicting laws, regulations, and general advice related to fire safety and physical protection, focusing on occupancy class 1 according to BBR (2011:6). The work includes a literature study, scenario creation to test regulations, developm