Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar
New methods for separation and recovery of biomolecules
New methods and applications in the separation of biomolecules are reviewed, with an emphasis on the large-scale recovery of proteins. Highlights include the advent of flow-through particles in perfusion chromatography, which allows for very high flow rates, while retaining a high chromatographic efficiency.
Literate Money: Mobile Money Services and Financial Literacy
This paper tries to understand the relationship between mobile money and financial literacy, and further down examines whether any potential relationship would also imply a causal effect by mobile money on financial literacy. The analysis is done in the context of Kenya, a pioneer in mobile money with its implementation of M-Pesa drastically changing the economic climate in the country. The relati
Towards National Connected Digital Twins - A Geospatial Perspective
Digital Twins are realistic digital representations of the physical world, frequently characterised by a two way link between digital and physical. Originating in manufacturing, they are now expanding to city and national scales. In this paper we explore connections between Geographic Information Science and National Digital Twins. Six different viewpoints and perspectives are presented on the top
The impact of late design choices on daylight and energy use in buildings
Daylight analysis is often carried out when definitive decisions about space characteristics such as materials, colours, window characteristics and furnishing have not yet been made. Such late design choices, which are first introduced or can still be changed late in the design process or even after its conclusion, impact the daylight levels of interior spaces. This study explored the impact of la
Border controls and (im)mobilities : Experiences from a public transport node
The Öresund Bridge between Sweden and Denmark was opened in 2000, allowing both road traffic and fast commuter trains to travel between Malmö and Copenhagen. Various agreements have long facilitated passport-free travel. However, at the end of 2015, temporary border controls were first introduced. This paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of portrayals in the news media and everyday mobili
Carbon isotope values of hazelnut shells: a new proxy for canopy density
Hazel (Corylus avellana) has been abundant in the vegetation of northern and central Europe since the early Holocene and has provided food and materials for humans ever since. Here we use stable carbon isotope (δ13C) values of hazelnut shells to infer woodland openness based on the premise of the “canopy effect”. It is well established that plants growing in dense, shaded forests have lower carbon
Snow redistribution decreases winter soil carbon loss in the Arctic dry heath tundra
Rapid warming increases winter soil carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux in Arctic tundra ecosystems, which can significantly offset carbon (C) uptake during growing seasons and affect the overall annual C balance. In winter, the Arctic landscape is predominantly covered with snow, which is vital for regulating ecological processes. Nevertheless, the impact of snow redistribution on the spatial distributio
Impact of final design on daylight provision
Daylight analysis informs design decisions in architectural spaces, yet materials, colours, and furnishings - often chosen later - can significantly impact indoor daylighting. This study assessed these effects in a typical open-plan office in Copenhagen using parametric simulations with Radiance through Honeybee in Grasshopper, complemented by a sensitivity analysis following the Morris method. Va
Navigating Turbulence: A qualitative analysis of United Airlines' external crisis communication strategies
United Airlines is a major American airline company founded in 1926, which operates both domestic and international routes. They have experienced past reputational damage, and have suffered a loss in legitimacy as critics have questioned their practices. Using the Legitimacy Theory and Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) as basis, a thematic content analysis (specifically template analy
"Operationen gick bra men patienten dog"
I takt med att samhället digitaliseras ökar även tillgängligheten till olika kommunikationsforum där samspel mellan individer och organisationer är nödvändigt för att bibehålla förtroende mellan parterna. Som resultat av en stigande digital närvaro ökar även organisationers behov att hantera krissituationer i en kommunikativ kontext. En konsekvens av digitaliseringen som uppmärksammats mer och merAs our society becomes increasingly digitised, a growing number of communication platforms emerge, necessitating interaction between individuals and organisations to sustain trust between them. One consequence of digitalisation that has gained more and more attention is the occurrence of cyber attacks, whose increased presence poses serious threats to individuals, organisations and society at larg
The impact of greenwashing on consumer brand attitude: A quantitative survey study on consumers' attitudes towards green advertising and its effect on consumer brand attitude in the energy industry
Studie syfte är att ge en mer nyanserad förståelse och utforska konsumenters attityder gentemot miljömässigt hållbara annonser inom energisektorn och dess påverkan på konsumenternas varumärkesattityd. Målet är att identifiera och förklara relationen mellan dessa begrepp. Genom detta bidrar studien till det strategiska kommunikationsfältet genom att fördjupa kunskapen inom en begränsad och utmanad This study aims to gain a more nuanced understanding and explore consumers’ attitudes towards environmental sustainability advertisements in the energy industry and its effect on consumer brand attitude. Thus, the purpose is to identify and explain the relationship between these constructs. In doing so, this study contributes to the field of strategic communication by gaining knowledge within a li
A Victim or Not? A quantitative experimental study of a cyber attack crisis’ effect on public attitudes toward an organization and on the organization’s reputation
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en cyberattackkris påverkar allmänhetens attityder gentemot en organisation samt organisationens rykte. Studien utforskar teorin Situational Crisis Communication Theorys (SCCT) offerkategorisering av en cyberattackkris i en svensk kontext. Vidare undersöks hur individers kunskap om cyberattacker, tillskrivning av krisansvar och nyttjande av olika responssThis study aims to examine how a cyber attack crisis affects public attitudes toward an organization and the organization’s reputation. The study explores the Situational Crisis Communication Theory’s (SCCT) victim categorization of a cyber attack crisis in a Swedish context. Further, it examines how individuals’ knowledge about cyber attacks, attribution of crisis responsibility, and response str
Epidemiology and evaluation of breathlessness - A data-driven approach
Improvements in precision and accuracy of complex- relative to real-domain linear combination model spectral fitting not necessarily recovered by zero filling
Although the information obtained from in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) presents a complex-valued spectrum, spectral quantification generally employs linear combination model (LCM) fitting using the real spectrum alone. There is currently no known investigation comparing fit results obtained from LCM fitting over the full complex data versus the real data and how these resulAlthough the information obtained from in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) presents a complex-valued spectrum, spectral quantification generally employs linear combination model (LCM) fitting using the real spectrum alone. There is currently no known investigation comparing fit results obtained from LCM fitting over the full complex data versus the real data and how these resul
Implementation of smart cities in Sweden
This thesis investigates the implementation and challenges of Smart Cities, focusing on how different elements affect the decisions and strategies for integrating smart technologies. The study is based on qualitative interviews with professionals involved in Smart City projects. It highlights the diverse definitions and interpretations of the Smart City concept, emphasizing the importance of trans
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Educational Exit and the Pursuit of a Happy Childhood Among Singaporean Middle-Class Families
On the basis of ethnographic fieldwork in Singapore, the article explores the tension between children's academic success and emotional wellbeing, and the ways in which middle-class parents navigate these conflicting aspirations. It delves into families with young children who pursue alternative lifestyles by moving abroad to a presumably less stressful environment or by homeschooling their childrOn the basis of ethnographic fieldwork in Singapore, the article explores the tension between children's academic success and emotional wellbeing, and the ways in which middle-class parents navigate these conflicting aspirations. It delves into families with young children who pursue alternative lifestyles by moving abroad to a presumably less stressful environment or by homeschooling their childr
Workplace Incivility in Caregiving : Relations to Work Motivation and Psychological Need Satisfaction
Workplace incivility is a pervasive issue with implications for employee well-being. Drawing upon Self-Determination Theory, this study explores the association between experienced workplace incivility, need satisfaction, and work motivation and investigates whether workplace incivility is negatively associated with autonomous work motivation. We hypothesize that experiencing workplace incivility
Extracellular vesicles released from microglia after palmitate exposure impact brain function
Dietary patterns that include an excess of foods rich in saturated fat are associated with brain dysfunction. Although microgliosis has been proposed to play a key role in the development of brain dysfunction in diet-induced obesity (DIO), neuroinflammation with cytokine over-expression is not always observed. Thus, mechanisms by which microglia contribute to brain impairment in DIO are uncertain.