

Din sökning på "*" gav 534793 sökträffar

Snögubben vaknar till liv

Sammanfattning Titel: Snögubben vaknar till liv Arbetet problematiserar och belyser mitt arbetssätt inför min gestaltning som ”Snögubben” (Snowman) i Rusty Magees musikalopera ”Vinteryra” (Flurry tale). Arbetet problematiserar framför allt den klassiska sångarens utmaning i att gestalta roller inom andra genrers än opera. Med hjälp av källor i form av egna intervjuer och inspelade historiska Title: The snowman comes to life This lecture recital problematizes and explores my approach in Rusty Magees musical opera “Flurry tale”. The lecture recital primarily problematizes challenges for the classically trained singers performing roles outside of the opera genre. By the help of sources such as conducted interviews and historical recordings I present vocal approaches to performing in

Preoperative prediction of nodal status using clinical data and artificial intelligence derived mammogram features enabling abstention of sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer

INTRODUCTION: Patients with clinically node-negative breast cancer have a negative sentinel lymph node status (pN0) in approximately 75% of cases and the necessity of routine surgical nodal staging by sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) has been questioned. Previous prediction models for pN0 have included postoperative variables, thus defeating their purpose to spare patients non-beneficial axillary

All Things Gender: An analysis of IM’s Gender Mainstreaming from policy to practice across regions

Since its adoption into the global agenda, gender mainstreaming (GM) has been a pivotal strategy for promoting gender equality. This research explores the translation of GM policy from strategy documentation to practical application within a non-governmental organization (NGO), specifically Individuell Människohjälp (IM): Swedish Development Partner, which posits itself as a feminist organization.

Hansan : Ett handelsimperiums uppgång och fall

En omfattande analys och skildring hela Hansans historia från tidigmedeltida handelsscener till upplösningen på 1600-talet, med utblickar mot 1900-talet. Alla aspekter finns med: handel, sjöfart, skeppsbyggnad, köpmannapraxis, infrastruktur, kultur, arkitektur, förhandlingar, politiska förvecklingar, krig osv.

Reimagining energy infrastructure for justice : power, politics, and institutional work in India’s 2.05 GW Pavagada solar park

India has positioned itself as a leader in transitioning its energy sector to renewable sources, with ambitious targets and policies in place. Large-scale grid-integrated renewable energy plants have been identified as the most efficient option. Scholarly arguments differ regarding the impacts of renewables-led transitions, with some emphasizing positive environmental, economic, and social outcome

Moral licensing and sustainable eating: Exploring mechanisms for rebound effects in dietary consumption choices

Rebound effects, though well-documented in consumption areas such as household energy consumption, have been far less explored in nutrition. This is despite the fact that the nutrition may be just as crucial of a consumption area when considering how to reduce carbon footprints in personal lifestyle choices. This thesis explores the existence of one of the possible mechanisms behind a rebound effe

Motivations for citizen collaboration to accelerate the sustainable urban transition. Participation in local sustainability initiatives in the Sege Park neighbourhood of Malmö, Sweden

Citizen collaboration is essential to tackling global sustainability issues. People have different motivations for participating. However, there is a lack of studies on citizen motivations for participating in local sustainability initiatives. To address this gap, the present study looked into the motivations of the residents of the Sege Park neighbourhood in Malmö, Sweden. The study interviewed n

Modeling of Enzymatic Reaction for Pharmaceutical Production

By modeling of an enzymatic reaction for pharmaceutical production it is possible to get a better understand the mechanism of the enzymatic reaction, and to find an optimal condition for the process step. The enzyme in question is enteropeptidase that cleaves proteins by hy-drolysis. Enteropeptidase can cleave at many different cleaving sites, if the amino acid Argi-nine or Lysine is at the first

Are soluble E-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 potential predictors for the development of diabetic retinopathy in young adults, 15-34 years of age? A Swedish prospective cohort study

The aim of this study was to determine plasma levels of three adhesion molecules that may contribute to the development of diabetic retinopathy; soluble endothelial selectin (sE-selectin), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (sVCAM-1), in young adults, aged 15-34 years at diagnosis of diabetes, to find potential predictors for developm

A political economy theory of fossil fuel subsidy reforms in OECD countries

Fossil fuel subsidies continue to be a considerable barrier to meeting the targets of the Paris Agreement. It is thus crucial to understand the political economy of fossil fuel subsidies and their reform. To understand these mechanisms in the developed world, we use a database of different types of fossil fuel subsidy reforms among Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) coun

Clinical recognition of frontotemporal dementia with right anterior temporal predominance : A multicenter retrospective cohort study

INTRODUCTION: Although frontotemporal dementia (FTD) with right anterior temporal lobe (RATL) predominance has been recognized, a uniform description of the syndrome is still missing. This multicenter study aims to establish a cohesive clinical phenotype. METHODS: Retrospective clinical data from 18 centers across 12 countries yielded 360 FTD patients with predominant RATL atrophy through initial