

Din sökning på "*" gav 529536 sökträffar

Det narkotikafria samhället - krossar det knarket eller knarkarna?

Sverige har med europeiska mått mätt en stor problematik och dödlighet kopplad till narkotika. Utöver detta för Sverige en repressiv narkotikapolitik och lagstiftning, som till stor del skiljer sig från övriga europeiska länder. Sverige har dock tidigare haft en mer liberal och vårdinriktad syn på narkotikabruk, som underminerades på grund av visionen om ett narkotikafritt samhälle. Denna uppsatSweden has, by European standards, measured a great deal of problems and mortality linked to drugs. Additionally, Sweden has a repressive drug policy and legislation, which is largely different from other European countries. However, in the past Sweden has had a more liberal and health-oriented view, which was undermined by the vision of a drug-free society. This essay aims to investigate how Sw

Aktiekapitalsänkningen i privata aktiebolag år 2020 - En analys av de bakomliggande faktorerna

Aktiebolaget är dagens absolut mest populära bolagsform. Den är i Sverige ungefär 250 år gammal och har naturligt utvecklats i takt med samhället. Sedan Sverige gick med i EU har dock en trend kunnat ses där kravet på aktiekapital i privata bolag minskat. Detta har skett genom den konkurrenssituation som uppstått på den inre marknaden inom EU. Denna konkurrenssituation har uppstått som ett resultaLimited companies are today's most popular form of companies in Sweden. Limited companies has existed in Sweden about 250 years and has naturally evolved in line with society. However, since Sweden joined the EU, a trend has been seen where the requirement for share capital in private companies has decreased. This has been done through the competitive situation that has arisen in the internal

Ethnic profiling in Sweden – can it be legalised through the test of proportionality?

I USA och Storbritannien är termer såsom “driving while black” (översatt ungefär till ”vara mörkhyad och köra bil”) välkända och båda länderna kräver att deras polismyndigheter samlar in data rörande polisens arbete och etnicitet. Detsamma går inte att säga gällande Sverige där termen ”etnisk profilering” inte är lika välkänd. 2013 avslöjades det dock att polismyndigheten i Skåne haft ett registerIn the USA and the UK, terms such as “driving while black” are well known and the countries require their law enforcement to present statistics on the correlation between law enforcement and ethnicity. This is not the case in Sweden, where the term “ethnic profiling” is fairly new to the population. However, in 2013, it was revealed that a district of the Swedish law enforcement had processed pers

När våldsmonopolet knackar på dörren - en undersökning av reell husrannsakans konstitutionella förutsättningar

Reglerna kring husrannsakan har sett i stort sett likadana ut sen tidigt 1900-tal. Vissa menar att detta gör att regelverket är hopplöst utdaterat och inte klarar av att möta nya problem som utvecklingen för med sig. Från vissa politiska håll har uttryckts vilja om att utvidga möjligheterna att företa husrannsakan. Denna uppsats undersöker de konstitutionella förutsättningarna för att införa regelThe legislation surrounding searches of locations have remained roughly the same since the early 20th century. Some say this makes the code desperately outdated and unable to face new problems arising. Some political actors have expressed a wish to extend the possibilities of conducting searches. This article examines the constitutional conditions, in view of the protected right to privacy, for le

To consume or not to consume?

This thesis seeks to investigate the connection between consumption and anticipated subjective wellbeing using the framework of Human Scale Development developed by Max Neef and colleagues (1991). The work intends to contribute to a wider discussion concerning the effects of a retracting economy on subjective wellbeing. The material was gathered by using deliberative forums, a method that is due l

The National Implementation of EU Cohesion Policy: A Policy Instrument Approach

The EU cohesion policy is a key policy area of the Union which aims for sustainable development and socioeconomic growth in the regions of the Member States. However, in the current structure of the multi-level governance system, the EU is much reliant on the capacity of the national public administrations to execute and implement the cohesion policy and thereby achieve the intended EU policy obje

Konsten att gestalta kriminalitet - En diskursanalys av svensk medias gestaltning av organiserad brottslighet i Malmö

On the 26th of August 2019 Karolin Hakim was executed. Newspapers quickly established that she fell victim to the organized crime in Malmö. Later the same year, a fifteen-year-old boy died in a shooting outside a restaurant in the same city. These events contributed to the launching of multiple operations within the Swedish police department. The situation in Malmö led to significant news coverage

Euroskepticism och högerextremism

This study is about the causal-relationship between the rise of far-right political parties and their effect on the public perception or opinion of the EU, based on a case study of empirical analysis of public opinion surveys. The focus of the study is to identify the causal-relationship between the rise and growth of far-right political parties in EU member states and their effect on the public’s

Can administrative autonomy be enough? Experiences of administrative autonomy as a political and administrative asset in a Swedish municipality

The struggle of power between politicians and civil servants in relation to introduction of different administrative reforms have always been a hot topic, specifically in issues to do with delegation of administrative autonomy from a political to administrative level. Advocates of administrative autonomy argue that administrative autonomy is a good administrative reform that spikes performance, tr

Inte rasist, men... En kvalitativ diskursanalytisk studie av högerpopulistiska retoriska strategier och skapandet av ett positivt vi och ett negativt dem

Trots att Sverigedemokraterna anklagas från flera håll för att driva en diskriminerande politik har väljarstödet fortsatt öka sen de kom in i riksdagen 2010. En diskursanalytisk teori påvisar hur högerpopulistiska partier använder sig av en kalkylerad ambivalens för att kommunicera dubbla budskap till sina åhörare. De dubbla budskapen kan bidra till att stärka en positiv bild av en grupp som vi oc

United in Diversity? An inquiry into European trade unions' views on the European Commission's minimum wage initiative

The idea for a European minimum wage has a long history, but the initiative launched by the von der Leyen Commission is the first time the Commission is considering taking legislative action. The initiative has divided the European trade union movement. The purpose of this thesis is to explore why a European minimum wage policy is such a contentious issue in the European trade union movement and t

Gringos and Caimitos : a political ecology of coloniality in a marginalized farming community

This study examines articulations between place, power, and difference between social groups in a farming community of afro-descendance and foreigners appropriating land in Ecuador. It is an iterative-inductive ethnography that combines the extended case study with autoethnography to move between layers of systemic structures, intersubjectivity and subjectivity. Socio-ecological space is understoo

European Parliament Elections in the Post-Brexit-Referendum EU — The Case of Sweden

The 2019 European Parliament election in Sweden was full of surprises and paradoxes. For the first time since Sweden joined the European Union (EU), there were no major parties contesting the election which advocated the Swedish exit from the EU. This U-turn by two staunch EU opponents — Sweden Democrats and the Left Party — was even more unexpected given the backdrop, namely the impending British

Skriet från Hongkong. En visuell analys av hur protestaffischer skapar och representerar kollektiv identitet i Hongkongprotesterna 2019

The extensive use of protest art has come to characterize the 2019 protests in Hong Kong. Furthermore, due to its unique history, the region has long been characterized by its search for a collective identity. This thesis examines how protest posters are used to create and represent a collective identity in the 2019 Hong Kong protests. The thesis combines the art historical method ”iconography” wi

One island, two worlds: A comparative political ecology of deforestation disparity causes in Haiti and the Dominican Republic

On the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, two countries share the same environmental and climatic pre-conditions, but show monumental differences in current forest-cover. While tropical forests are covering almost half of the Dominican Republic, Haiti is down to just a few percent. In this thesis, political ecology and earlier research is combined to formulate four hypotheses: colonial history, human

Den gröna jakten - En kvalitativ fallstudie om policyprocessen bakom Sveriges val att införa certifikathandel med kvotplikt för främjandet av förnybar elproduktion framför andra policyalternativ.

The development of policy instruments with the aim to support production of electricity from renewable sources is, and has been for the last decades,an important factor when working with global environmental challenges. Compared with other countries in the EU, Sweden ranks very high when referring to the development of renewable energy production. This thesis aims to examine the policy processes t

Art as resistance : artists' reflections on environmentally engaged art and their roles as civil actors in society

As climate change intensifies, more voices are being raised in favor of re-conceptualization and transformative systems change, where actions are taken on a social, political and economic level. Environmentally engaged art and its artists are brought forward as potential instigators of change, as both researchers and as civil actors in society. Through semi-structured interviews and discourse an

The co-operative housing 'fix' : a case study on an emerging co-operative housing sector in Helsinki, Finland

This thesis contributes to growing critical scholarship investigating co-operative housing projects in relation to their wider socio-political and institutional contexts. It goes beyond normative questions of whether co-operative housing projects are sustainable, or not. Instead, it proposes to utilize an empirical case study on an emerging co-operative housing sector in Finland, as a tool to prob