Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar
Decentralization and Agrarian Development, The case of agricultural extension in Indonesia
Estimation and Model Validation of Diffusion Processes
Estimation and Model Validation of Diffusion Processes Abstract The main motivation for this thesis is the need for estimation and model validation of diffusion processes, i.e. stochastic processes satisfying a stochastic differential equation driven by Brownian motion. This class of stochastic processes is a natural extension of ordinary differential equations to dynamic, stochastic systems
Next Generation of Grid Services for The NorduGrid
A Brief Overview of Some Methods and Approaches for Investigating Interdependencies in Critical Infrastructures
This chapter presents methods for analysing interdependencies in critical infrastructures. In general, there are three groups of methods for analysing interdependencies; (1) conceptual, (2) model and simulation and (3) empirical and knowledge-based approaches. Examples of methods belonging to these groups are presented. The latter part of the chapter discusses challenges related to modelling, focu
Decay processes in rooms with non-diffuse sound fields Part I: Ceiling treatment with absorbing material
The decay process in rooms with non-diffuse sound fields was the subject of this investigation. A rectangular room with high absorption at the ceiling and low absorption at the walls and floor constituted the basic configuration for the study. Several alterations of the room were carried out, including changes of room dimensions and the type of ceiling absorber, also additional treatment with abso
De som tjänar mest betalar minst
Krönikeartikeln behandlar ur olika synvinklar de stora och växande skillnaderna mellan medlemsavgifterna till olika a-kassor. Akademikerkassan AEA tillhör kassorna med lägst avgift (oktober 2009) medan LO-kassorna i allmänhet har högst avgifter.
Attending to different types of visuals in massmedia: Eye tracking studies on newspaper reading, netpaper reading and online advertising
Collaborative Research and the Trade Unions: The Challenge of Entering Social Partnership
Luminosity evaluation and fragmentation studies for the DELPHI experiment at LEP
The first subject addressed in this thesis is the contribution of the VSAT luminosity to the lineshape analysis, i.e. to the extraction of the mass and width of the Z0 boson from LEP1 DELPHI data. The VSAT detector has contributed to the lineshape parameter determination by providing a relative luminosity measurement of high accuracy. The second subject of the thesis is the extraction of the helic
Chaos in Hydrology : Bridging Determinism and Stochasticity
Classes of DNA associated with telomeres in the chironomids C. pallidivittatus and C. tentans
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur slutar det? Är inte detta en fråga vi ofta vill ha besvarad? Så är åtminstone fallet i min avhandling, närmre bestämt gäller det här slutet på kromosomerna, de så kallade telomererna. Telomerer definieras som den DNA/proteinstruktur som avslutar linjära kromosomer. Gener återfinns ej i denna region vilken dock har andra viktiga funktioner. Kromosomer utan telomerer Telomeres in Chironomus consist of long complex tandem DNA repeats, which in C. pallidivittatus have been shown to extend to the extreme end of chromosomes. In C. pallidivittatus the telomeric repeats are present in large blocks, 50-200kb in size, most of them belonging to four major subfamilies. The main issue of this thesis has been to elucidate possible functional roles for these different subf
"I wrote this chapter as a rondo" - om att använda musikalisk kunskap till handledning
The different roles of crayfish in benthic food webs
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vad pysslar kräftorna med? Kräftor äter allt! Jag har visat att kräftor äter gamla blad från träd, alger, vattenväxter och även smådjur som till exempel sländlarver, iglar och sövattensgråsuggor. Dessa olika typer av mat har olika näringsvärde. Om vi jämför med vad vi äter så är det ju uppenbart att t.ex. västerbottenpaj och kokta kräftor har olika näringsvärde. Pajen I show that crayfish consume detritus, algae, macrophytes, and an array of invertebrates. Crayfish were found to reduce invertebrate densities. However, prey mobility seemed to be a key factor regulating the strength of interactions between crayfish and prey. Since crayfish seek to maximize growth, they benefit from feeding on invertebrates, shown to promote high growth rates. I found crayfish to
BiB 2010: Bedömningsinstrument inom behandling och forskning för missbruks- och beroendevård
BiB 2010 är en sammanställning av information om bedömningsinstrument med relevans för behandling och forskning inom missbruks- och beroendevården. Gemensamt för alla instrument i boken är att de är översata till eller utvecklade på svenska. Redan 1998 publicerades en första sammanställning, BIB 1998, som svar på ett uttryckt behov av en översikt över användbara mätmetoder och bedömningsinstrument
Evaluation of in-car speed limiters – Field study
MASTER (MAnaging Speeds of Traffic on European Roads) aims to provide recommendations for speed management strategies and policies and to elaborate guidelines for the development of innovative speed management tools. Within the framework of the project, field trials with a car equipped with a speed limiter were carried out in three “regional typical” European countries: Sweden, the Netherlands, an