

Din sökning på "*" gav 534793 sökträffar

The Ocean and Us - An exploratory qualitative interview study on ocean-society relationships in the Maldives

The ocean’s importance for human survival is indisputable. However, humanity's continuous impact on the ocean negatively affects its well-being. While this interrelation is acknowledged, only a few studies research the relationship between the ocean and societies. Thus, this study aimed to explore whether specific concepts and theories are necessary when analysing ocean-society relationships.

Designing a Framework for Performance Measurement Systems: Motivations, Challenges, and Guidance for Effective Performance Measurement

This master's thesis explores how organisations manage and measure performance through performance measurement systems. Though as performance management systems often relies on ad-hoc, informal methods, leading to inconsistencies and misalignment with organizational objectives. This study advocates for a systematic approach to performance management system implementation, aligning it with orga

Reviving Retro - A Qualitative Study of Retro Apparel in Football

Purpose and aim: Our study investigates the phenomenon of nostalgic football apparel consumption, emphasizing the interactive cultural processes that shape nostalgic feelings and in turn influence consumer behavior. Despite the prevalence of nostalgia marketing in various industries, the sports apparel sector, particularly football, has been slow to capitalize on this trend and simultaneously rese

Brands as Drivers of Change - Understanding the Role of Socio-Political Attitudes in the Relationship between Brand Activism and Consumer-based Brand Outcomes

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how socio-political attitudes, particularly trust in governmental institutions and attitudes towards the world’s future, influence consumer responses to Brand Activism in Germany and Austria. As public trust in government declines and expectations for corporate societal engagement rise at the same time, this research aims to examine the resulti

Humor and Celebrities. Exploring how different combinations of humor and celebrity endorser’s image in advertising influence a company’s brand image.

This thesis analyses how different combinations of humor and a celebrity endorser’s image in advertising influence a company’s brand image. The research has been extended in all four categories of products. Moreover in this paper, 4 positive and 5 negative factors affecting brand image were identified. Primary data has been collected from 10 interviews with participants who have moderate to high

Consumer Motivations in Fashion Resale - A Comparative Study of Vintage and Second-Hand Terminology

Research question: How do consumer motivations differ in response to the use of the term vintage compared to second-hand, influencing willingness to buy? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate young adults’ motivations and willingness to buy in the context of preowned fashion. Through a comparative study, from a consumer perspective, this study aims to understand how terms like seco

Jämförelse av ventilationssystem - En jämförelse av ventilationssystem ur ett miljö- och kostnadsperspektiv

I takt med att den globala energianvändningen ökar, inte minst i Sverige som är ett av de länder som använder mest energi per person, har även elpriserna ökat de senaste åren. Den största delen av energin i bostäder går åt till uppvärmningen där ventilationssystemen har inverkan. Ett typhus som vi tidigare ritat användes som referens för att undersöka om det är kostnadseffektivt att installera

Hållbar Trähantering - Strategier för Effektiv Återvinning och Återbruk inom Byggsektorn

Den påtagliga betydelsen av klimatfrågor framträder i allt högre grad. Byggsektorn har en betydande inverkan på klimatet genom sin resursanvändning och avfallsgenerering, vilket tydligt framgår då sektorn står för en tredjedel av Sveriges totala avfallsgenerering. Trä har för närvarande en låg resurseffektivitet och värdet hos materialet utnyttjas inte till sitt fullo. Den omfattande förbrukningenThe tangible significance of climate issues is increasingly evident. The construction sector significantly impacts the climate through resource utilization and waste generation, as is evidenced by the sector's contribution to one-third of Sweden's total waste generation. The current situation shows that wood exhibits low resource efficiency, with its value not fully exploited. The extensiv

A mapping study of employee-driven innovation: Suggesting future avenues of research

Eftersom innovation ger konkurrensfördelar, ökar marknadsandelar och påskyndar den övergripande institutionella tillväxten, utgör innovation en erkänd framgångsfaktor för organisationer. Under det senaste decenniet har ett paradigmskifte från traditionella innovationsstudier, med fokus på forskning och utveckling, till medarbetardriven innovation (EDI) skett. Då den senaste litteraturkartläggningeInnovation is widely recognized as a critical factor of organizational success as it cultivates competitive edge, augments market share, and accelerates overall institutional growth. During the last decade, a paradigm shift from the traditional innovation studies, focusing on research and development (R&D), toward employee-driven innovation (EDI) has been observed. However, the last literature

Sveriges lokala och regionala kollektivtrafik - en analys av trender, utmaningar och utvecklingsmöjligheter

Kollektivtrafiken skapar nytta för både privatpersoner och samhället i stort, och bidrar med bemötandet av en rad samhällsmål relaterade till miljö, transportsäkerhet och tillgängliga transportlösningar. För att tillåta fortsatt utveckling av en konkurrenskraftig kollektivtrafik i Sverige, kartläggs och analyseras trender, utmaningar och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Kollektivtrafiken utmanas av bland Public transportation systems provide accessible transport options for all citizens, reducing environmental impact by lowering emissions, improving traffic safety, and promoting social equity and public health. It plays a crucial role in achieving national goals related to sustainable development and climate change mitigation. However, in its aim to increase competitiveness to other modes of trans

A cost-perspective on redistribution of aftermarket parts at Sandvik Stationary Crushing and Screening

Manufacturing companies face mounting pressure to reduce inventory levels because of high interest rates, while simultaneously meeting an increase in customer demands for shorter lead times and customizable products, increasing strain on supply chains. The logistics department (SMCL) within Sandvik, the investigated company, operates several warehouses around the world. Their supplier network is b

From Legacy to Strategy

A Family Office (FO) is a privately held investment entity that manages the wealth for one or more families. While contemporary research on the investment sector is plentiful, the FO sector has been largely neglected. This paper examines the role of active ownership in Swedish FOs through a qualitative study. Drawing on semi-structured interviews and written responses from executives in eight Swed

Digital Transformation’s Impact on Sustainability in Global Supply Chains

The adoption of sustainable practices has increasingly become crucial for companies seeking to meet their stakeholders’ expectations. Supply chain management can play a pivotal role in driving sustainability initiatives, offering opportunities for companies to integrate digital technologies and optimize their operations for sustainable stewardship. This study investigates how the integration of di

"Today I Apologise" A Postcolonial Perspective on the Apologies Offered by the Dutch State to Their Former Caribbean Colonies

In 2022 and 2023, the prime minister and king of the Netherlands offered their official apologies on behalf of the Dutch state to the former Caribbean colonies for the injustices of slavery and colonialism. These apologies aimed to address both historical transgressions and the contemporary legacies of the injustices. This thesis studies how the apologies by the prime minister and king framed the

Understanding Civil Society-Policymaker Dynamics in Swedish Parliamentary Policy Processes: A Study in Light of a Change of Government

Sweden is experiencing a decline in governmental funding to the CSOs. This research looks deeper into that relationship and investigates the dynamics between the two actors when it comes to policy processes. The decline in funds leads to the organizations having to prioritize their work, which risks a lowered democratic participation from these civil society experts in the political sphere. To bet

Sharing is Caring: Networks for Sustainable Development

Sustainable development requires coordination among multi-level actors to achieve set targets, with networks playing a key role in sharing knowledge and fostering collective actions. These networks’ success hinges on member engagement, but since participation is voluntary, members choose their level of involvement. Despite the importance, factors influencing network engagement remain rather scarce