

Din sökning på "*" gav 527900 sökträffar

The European Union Development Policy between Intention and Public Perception: ​Analysing the Role of Feedback from Project Beneficiaries

The European Union’s development policy has the primary goal to eradicate poverty at the global level and to promote sustainable development. But is the EU doing enough effort to engage the voices and the needs of the poor in order to deliver locally informed aid projects? Emerging from these complex questions, the following research explores the importance and resourcefulness of an institutionali

A Relation Between Anderson Acceleration and GMRES

A very common type of problem within mathematics and numerical analysis are fixed-point problems, which can arise as sub-problems of optimization methods, differential equations solvers and much more. The most basic iterative approach for fixed-point problems is fixed-point iteration, special cases of which actually date back as far as the Babylonians, where it was used to to find the square roots

Local energy system - Comparing direct current (LVDC) and alternating current (LVAC)

This thesis uses a case study to compare the viability of using direct current instead of alternating current to supply power to 5 buildings in a local energy system (LES). The case study sought to show how using LVDC instead of LVAC could increase the effectiveness of solar panels (PV), batteries and interconnecting buildings into a local energy system (LES). The system studied in this thesis was

Catalysts for transformation : a systematic literature review exploring the interlinkages and potential role of classic psychedelics to social-ecological sustainability

Most of classic psychedelic literature indicate its potential benefit to society and the environment during a time of rapid environmental degradation and climate change– hinting its potential role to sustainability and socio-ecological transformation. There is virtually no study drawing the explicit interlinkages of classic psychedelic research to sustainability science but it is observed that the

Branding Helsingborg City for Domestic and International Students

The student group is an emerging target with high potential for both the service industry and municipalities. However, previous studies scrutinizing this segment have been limited despite its significance. The aim of this study is to provide a deeper understanding of how domestic and international students perceive Helsingborg city and to offer insight into the key factors influencing students’ pe

Global goals on local level: How do civil society organizations in Indonesia working with gender equality, female empowerment and female entrepreneurs frame the Sustainable Development Goals and local challenges?

The SDGs provide a global policy framework for regulatory actions at national, regional and international levels. However, when it comes to how to locally implement these goals it is important to understand the context of the local reality. This paper has two objectives. It seeks to critically analyse how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) goals are framed by civil society organizations (CSO

Black phosphorous sample preparation for ultrafast electron diffraction studies

Since 2004 when mechanical exfoliation was first utilised to produce single layered samples of graphite, 2D materials have gained interest in the scientific community. With the prerequisite that the initial bulk material has a layered structure, these 2D materials have created an opportunity to examine materials on a very small scale as well as opening the possibility of creating smaller electrica

Machine learning based call drop healing in 5G

Self-Organizing Network (SON) functions include self-configuration, dynamic optimization and self-healing of networks. In the era of 5G, mobile operators are increasingly exploring areas of SON through Machine Learning (ML) techniques. It is seen that 5G packet switched networks are often hit with radio link failures, an important Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Reasons for a dropped call ranges

Att bedöma egenvårdsförmågan hos patienter med sår -erfarenheter hos distriktssköterskor verksamma på vårdcentral

Bakgrund Enligt svensk lagstiftning är egenvård när legitimerad hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal gjort bedömningen att en patient kan genomföra en hälso- och sjukvårdsåtgärd självständigt. Bedömningen ska göras tillsammans med patienten med hänsyn till hens autonomi och integritet. Sjuksköterskor ansåg att de hade en avgörande roll för egenvård, deras ansvar var att informera patienten och skapa medve

“I don’t feel like a refugee. I’m here as a student”: Exploring Syrian Displaced-Background Students' Transitional Process in Private Mexican Higher Education

Humanitarian crises caused by natural disasters or human reasons have hampered the access of generations of young adults to higher education. The aftermath of the Syrian conflict in 2011 led to the emergence of various initiatives, mostly set in neighboring countries and the global north, for refugees and displaced populations to pursue higher education studies. Policymakers and academics have foc

The nub of the household indebtedness, and its association to the housing market, from a Swedish point of view

The debt to disposable income ratio of Swedish households has the past thirty years increased radically and mortgages cover eighty percent of household’s financial liabilities. According to the Life-cycle hypothesis, households maintain a steady consumption throughout their lifetime by accumulating mortgages in early ages with the aim to repay their debts when their economy becomes stronger as the

Ledarskap idag, under pandemin och i framtiden - En fenomenografisk studie om ledarskapet i en vald organisation

Ledarskap påverkar organisationer i stor grad. Därför avser denna uppsats att undersöka ledarskapet på E.ON som vald organisation. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka ledares uppfattningar om hur ledarskapet ser ut idag, hur det påverkats av pandemin samt hur ledarskap i framtiden kan komma att se ut. Undersökningen tar avstamp i en fenomenografisk metodansats. Datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av

Borders, visions and regions. The cross-border governance capacity of the Øresund Region. How to improve influence of cross-border regions

In recent years, cross-border regions have been challenged by multiple levels governance creating barriers rather than solutions to support cross-border spaces. This study aims at inquiring how the role of cross-border regions is changing in relation to their governance capacity. Governance capacity relates to actions, practices and visions of such regions. Through investigating a case study in th

Psykisk ohälsa i pandemins spår: en kvantitativ studie om riskfaktorer för psykisk ohälsa under Covid-19

Utbrottet av coronaviruset Covid-19 har påverkat världen drastiskt på mycket kort tid. Syftet med studien var att studera upplevelsen av vilken påverkan pandemin har på den mentala hälsan, samt vilka grupper som är mer sårbara för psykisk ohälsa och vilka faktorer som är predicerande för att drabbas. Studien genomfördes i en tvärsnittsdesign med en webbenkät till svensktalande personer (n = 360) öThe outbreak of the corona virus Covid-19 has changed the world in a very short time. This study aimed to understand the effects of the pandemic on mental health, and to find groups at risk for mental illness as well as associated factors. The study was conducted as an online cross-sectional survey (n = 360), to Swedish speaking people 18 years or older. More than 55% reported that their mental he

Far right country

Why have the Sweden Democrats been so electorally successful in Scania? In order to answer this broad question, will this paper explore the potential effects of demand- and supply-oriented explanations on the Sweden Democrats’ electoral success by comparing two Swedish counties in the 2010 municipal elections. The counties selected for the comparative analysis are Scania and Västra Götaland. The r

Partikonkurrens i en tid av förändring- En förklarande fallstudie om Socialdemokraternas migrationspolitik

As the Sweden Democrats established its position in the Swedish party system by gaining 5,7 percent of the public vote in 2010, the other parties in the system were required to react. Along with the fact that the public interest in migration grew immensely during the refugee wave in 2015, this study’s aim is to investigate how the Social Democrats as the largest party in Sweden reacted to this cha