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Artikel om tävlingsserien på 2012 års Fantastisk filmfestival.
Maternal drug use during pregnancy and asthma risk among children.
Maternal use of some drugs, notably paracetamol and drugs for gastroesophageal reflux, has been associated with an increased risk of childhood asthma in the child. We wanted to analyze these associations with consideration to the confounding of maternal asthma.
Research at Zvejnieki, northern Latvia. A preliminary report
När engelskan tog kommandot i skolan
Artikeln diskuterar när, hur och varför engelska språket blev första främmande språk i den svenska realskolan på bekostnad av det tyska språket. Kulturdebatt, utredningsmaterial och riksdagstryck används för att visa på den komplexa frågans hantering.
Tracing Changes in the Microbial Community of a Hydrocarbon-Polluted Soil by Culture-Dependent Proteomics
Hydrocarbon contamination may affect the soil microbial community, in terms of both diversity and function. A laboratory experiment was set-up, with a semi-arid control soil and the same soil but artificially contaminated with diesel oil, to follow changes in the dominant species of the microbial community in the hydrocarbon-polluted soil via proteomics. Analysis of the proteins extracted from enr
Erkännande och verkställighet av med den europeiska människorättskonventionen oförenlig utländsk dom
Våldsromantik zapatisternas främsta vapen
”Vi har bestämt att han är döv!” Medicinsk diagnos eller kulturell identitet?
Recension: Malaria Urbana. Om byråflickan Anna Johannesdotter och prostitutionen i Stockholm kring 1900
Questions Concerning Contemplation and Religion in Christian and Buddhist Traditions
Extern utvärdering av Certec
Stadens stråk och territorier
Uptake by aquatic organisms of 36Cl-labeled organic compounds from pulp mill effluents
Residual force enhancement after stretch in striated muscle. A consequence of increased myofilament overlap?
When skeletal muscle is stretched above optimal sarcomere length during tetanic activity there is an increase in force that stays above the isometric force level throughout the activity period. This long-lasting increase in contractile force, generally referred to as "residual force enhancement after stretch" (Fresid), has been studied in great detail in various muscle preparations over more than
Astrid Söderbergh Widding: Stumfilm i brytningstid. Stil och berättande i Georg af Klerckers filmer (Filmvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet 1998)
Absider med mening
Apses with meaning: A reply on the criticism by Christian Lovén on my interpretation of the symbolism of the Romanesque apse at churches in Scandinavia. Lovens critism is published in the perodical Fornvännen 2009: 3. My interpretation of the apse primarily as a symbol of Heaven, but also as a symbol of the sovereignty of the bishop is published in the periodical Hikuin (Wienberg 1997).