

Din sökning på "*" gav 534064 sökträffar

Koldioxidvärdering inom transportsektorn : Reflektioner ur ett statsvetenskapligt perspektiv

Samhällsekonomiska analyser är ett viktigt underlag för beslut i infrastruktur- och transportplaneringen. En av de effekter som värderas i samhällsekonomiska analyser är klimateffekter och för detta krävs att man gör en bedömning av koldioxidvärdet, det vill säga, kostnaden för koldioxidutsläpp, vilket anges i kr/kg CO2. Dock finns det olika sätt att värdera koldioxid och det finns ingen konsensus

Fouling and cleaning of membranes in biorefineries

Wood components such as cellulose, lignin and hemicelluloses all have potential to be used in biobased value-added products. Once extracted from the wood these components have to be separated and purified from co-extracted compounds. Membrane filtration can be used to achieve this separation and is believed to play an important role in biorefineries.Fouling is the single greatest obstacle to the i

Consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and management of patients with classic hairy cell leukemia

Hairy cell leukemia is an uncommon hematologic malignancy characterized by pancytopenia and marked susceptibility to infection. Tremendous progress in the management of patients with this disease has resulted in high response rates and improved survival, yet relapse and an appropriate approach to retreatment present continuing areas for research. The disease and its effective treatment are associa

Sequential intrastriatal grafting of allogeneic embryonic dopamine-rich neuronal tissue in adult rats : will the second graft be rejected?

An important issue in clinical neural grafting is whether a second instriatial allograft can survive well in a patient who has received an allograft before. In this study, the survival, immunogenicity and function of intrastriatal grafts of allogeneic or syngeneic embryonic dopamine-rich tissue in rats which had previously received either an intrastriatal allo- or syn-graft or sham injections were

Intracerebral xenografts of dopamine neurons : the role of immunosuppression and the blood-brain barrier

Fetal mesencephalic mouse tissue, rich in dopamine neurons, was xenografted as a dissociated cell suspension into the striatum of rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine induced lesions of the mesostriatal pathway. The rats were either assigned to a 10-day, 21-day or 42-day Cyclosporin A (CyA) immunosuppression scheme, or given no immunosuppression. The functional effects of the grafts were followe

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is classified as B-lineage ALL (B-ALL) and T-lineage ALL (T-ALL). The incidence of ALL is almost three times higher in white than black children. Among adults, ALL is more frequent in younger patients, with a median age of less than 30 years. The morphology-immunology-cytogenetics (MIC) subgroups are associated with nonrandom karyotypic abnormalities in a manner

Valentinianernas evangelium : Gnosticismen och den antika kristna idévärlden i ljuset av texterna från Nag Hammadi

Valentinus av Alexandria var en teolog och predikant vars verksamhet under det andra århundradet fick stort genomslag. Valentinianernas evangelium – den världsbild och teologi som kan knytas till Valentinus och hans efterföljare – var intimt förknippat med fenomenet gnosticism. Men vad är egentligen gnosticism och hur hänger den ihop med kristendom? Den här boken är en introduktion till antik gnos

The Russian daily press, 1978-2003 : political argumentation and the problematic public sphere

The language of newspapers in the public sphere has a crucial impact on how the public perceives and participates in society. It can serve to encourage or counteract active and informed citizens; in fact, it is a crucial element in democratisation processes. The purposes of the present study are to elucidate what means of persuasion are used to support theses on politics in newspaper discours