

Din sökning på "*" gav 534677 sökträffar

Phylogenetic analysis of lichen-forming fungi of the family Teloschistaceae (Ascomycota) after nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences.

Results of molecular phylogenetic analysis after nuclear (18S LSU, ITS1/ITS2), mitochondrial (12S and 23S SSU) and chloroplast DNA of lichen-forming fungi, symbiotic and terrestrial algae as well as microscopic filamentous fungi obtained for the first time in Ukraine are compared with recent data on morphology, anatomy and biochemical characters. Taxonomical treatment of several groups of lichen-f

MHC and Transgenic Mice. A study into polymorphism and function of class I and class II molecules

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi är under ständig attack från mikroorganismer som vill leva på oss och i oss. Vissa av dessa är vanligtvis nyttiga medan andra är sjukdomsframkallande. Kroppens försvar mot invaderande organismer består av många delar. Ytterst sitter huden som en mekanisk barriär, vi har slem och epitelceller i luftvägar och magtarmkanal samt skyddande ämnen i exempelvis tårvätska. I Transplantation antigens encoded in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) bind peptides and present them to T cells. We showed that mouse T cells expressing transgenic human CD8 can recognise human MHC class I. Expression on mature T cells is sufficient for activation in a mixed lymphocyte culture but expression both on thymocytes and mature T cells is necessary for peptide specific MHC restr

On information rates for faster than Nyquist signaling

In this paper we consider the information rates of faster than Nyquist (FTN) signaling schemes. We consider binary, quaternary and octal schemes that use root raised cosine pulses. Lower and upper bounds to the information rates are given. The main result is that the lower bounds are often above the information rates for standard Nyquist signaling schemes. This implies that FTN must be superior to

Familial and Hereditary Prostate Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Introduktion: 1) Prostatacancer Prostatakörteln Prostatan, eller blåshalskörteln, är belägen strax nedanför urinblåsan hos män, där den omsluter urinrörets översta del. Denna, i normala fall valnötsstora körtel, producerar ett sekret som utgör en del av sädesvätskan. Hos yngre män uppstår ibland infektioner i prostatakörteln. Många äldre män får en godartad prostatafThis thesis is based on research concerning epidemiological, clinical, and psychological aspects of familial and hereditary prostate cancer. Epidemiology: Male first-degree relatives of prostate cancer patients had a three-fold increased prostate cancer risk. The risk was higher for relatives of younger patients than for relatives of older patients, most likely due to the effect of the higher pre

An Approximate Auction

This paper presents an auction procedure which is of particular interest when short execution times are of importance. It is based on a method for approximating the bidders' preferences over two types of items when complementarity between the two may exist. In particular, linear approximations of the bidders' indifference curves are made. The resulting approximated preference relation is shown to