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ORNIS SCANDINAVICA 9: 31-29. Copenhagen 1978. The effect of observer variability on bird census results obtained by a territory mapping technique Anders Enemar Zoological Institute, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Bengt Sjostrand Institute of Marine Research, Lysekil, Sweden Soren Svensson Department of Animal Ecology, University of Lund, Sweden Enemar, A., Sjostrand, B. and Svensson, S. 1978. Th
https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/luvre-035enemarmflinventerarvariation.pdf - 2025-01-13
OIKOS 33: 176-181. Copenhagen 1979 Accuracy and efficiency of mapping territorial willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus: a case study Anders Enemar, Per Klaesson, Bengt Sjostrand Enemar, A., Klaesson, P. and Sj6strand, B. 1979. Accuracy and efficiency of mapp- ing territorial willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus: a case study. - Gikos 33: 176-181. The number and distribution of willow warbler t
https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/luvre-041enemarmflmetodtestlosan.pdf - 2025-01-13
Luvre-048a Luvre-048b
https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/luvre-048enemarmflgrasiska.pdf - 2025-01-13
Test "Title" ORNIS SCANDINAVICA 14: 48-50. Copenhagen 1983 Laying of replacement clutches in the Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus in Lapland, Sweden Lars Nilsson Nilsson, L. 1983. Laying of replacement clutches in the Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus in Lapland, Sweden. - Ornis Scand. 14: 48-50. Clutch size and the number of young, 8 d old, were determined for 23 individually ringed fema
https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/luvre-053nilssonomlaggninglosan.pdf - 2025-01-13
Test "Title" ORNIS SCANDINAVICA 15: 63-66. Copenhagen 1984 Removal experiments in a population of Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus in mountain birch forest, in Ammarnas, Swedish Lapland Bjorn Arvidsson and Per Klaesson Arvidsson, B. and Klaesson, P. 1984. Removal experiments in a population of Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus in mountain birch forest, in Ammarnis, Swedish Lapland. - Or
https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/luvre-058arvidssonmfllosanremoval.pdf - 2025-01-13
Test "Title" ORNIS SCANDINAVICA 17: 221-229. Copenhagen 1986 Number of pairs, timing of egg-laying and clutch size in a subalpine Sand Martin Riparia riparia colony, 1968-1985 Soren Svensson Svensson, S. 1986. Number of pairs, timing of egg-laying and clutch size in a subal- pine Sand Martin Riparia riparia colony, 1968-1985. - Ornis Scand. 17: 221-229. A Sand Martin colony in the subalpine (subar
https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/luvre-069svenssonbacksvala.pdf - 2025-01-13
Test "Title" ORNIS SCANDINAVICA 17: 249-252. Copenhagen 1986 Birth area fidelity and age at first breeding in a northern population of Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca N. Erik I. Nyholm Nyholm, N. E. I. 1986. Birth area fidelity and age at first breeding in a northern population of Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. - Ornis Scand. 17: 249-252. Out of 6459 ringed Pied Flycatcher nestlings that f
https://www.luvre.lu.se/sites/luvre.lu.se/files/luvre-070nyholmhemtrosf.pdf - 2025-01-13