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Testimonials about the field-based internship course

Testimonials about how the first year of the DRMCCA programme prepares the students for the field-based internship course and a future career. Page navigationTestimonials from:20232022202120202019201820172016Testimonials from 2023PEM consult, Copenhagen, Denmark – Franziska“The Master's programme has helped me with my internship assignments by giving me a solid understanding of climate change issu

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-takak/testimonials-about-field-based-internship-course - 2025-01-17

Voices of the industry

Pharmaceutical Technology: Discovery, Development and Production Comments from organisations supporting the Master's programme Dr. Peter Ellmark"The breakthroughs in the field of Immuno-oncology have triggered a world-wide race to cure cancer. However, many challenges remain and there is an urgent need for new talented scientists and engineers that can help solve the remaining pieces of the puzzle

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-talak/voices-industry - 2025-01-17

Voices of the industry – Photonics

SpectraCure website"SpectraCure is an innovative medical technology company in Lund that develops systems for cancer therapy based on laser technology. Since the company was founded in 2003, we have benefitted greatly from the high level of competence in optics, laser and photonics at Lund University, which is both a source of expertise and an important recruiting ground for Master's projects and

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-tafot/voices-industry-photonics - 2025-01-17

What Sergio Steven says about the Master's in Photonics

Sergio Steven Gutierrez from the USA"I will graduate from the Photonics Master’s in 2020. I’m originally from the US and I have a background in physics and electrical engineering. I’ve been very interested in communications and optics, which motivated me to look at Lund for its experience in research in photonics and telecommunications. I chose the Photonics programme for the range of possibilitie

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-tafot/what-sergio-steven-says-about-masters-photonics - 2025-01-17

What Sandhra-Mirella says about the Master's in Photonics

Sandhra-Mirella from Estonia, alumna of the programme"I graduated from the Photonics Master’s programme at Lund University in 2015. I have been intrigued by optics since middle school, because of my physics teacher who would always engage me in different physics competitions and extracurricular courses. After finishing my Bachelor's in Estonia, I was looking for a good and broad optics/photonics p

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-tafot/what-sandhra-mirella-says-about-masters-photonics - 2025-01-17

Research excellence areas

Research that meets the challenges of our time Our research increases our understanding of the world, makes complex issues comprehensible and addresses global challenges in areas such as democracy, digitalisation, health and sustainability. Better health Our research generates new knowledge for disease prevention, healthier living, improved diagnostics and innovative treatments. Better health – ne

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/research-and-innovation/research-excellence-areas - 2025-01-17

What Sandra says about the Master's in Information Systems

Sandra Engberg from Sweden"During the Master's in Information Systems, I had the opportunity to develop professional knowledge within the area of IT/IS in order to become highly qualified and attractive to future employers. The programme also provided me with knowledge about both models and data analytics platforms such as Qlik Sense. Most of the courses in the programme take the learning to a mor

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-eagif/what-sandra-says-about-masters-information-systems - 2025-01-17

What Katharina says about the Master's in Economics

Katharina Wedel from Germany"I chose to study the Master’s in Economics at Lund University School of Economics and Management because it offered a lot of different courses and specialisations, while still covering the basic courses in advanced microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics.Some of the courses are applied courses, where you have to submit a lot of assignments, often using a statis

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-eaeco/what-katharina-says-about-masters-economics - 2025-01-17

A word from the programme director

Jenny Schelin, Senior Lecturer and Programme Director“In our experience, the need for educated young professionals in the area of pharmaceuticals has never been higher. The industry expresses a growing demand for students with broad competences covering the whole development chain as well as the demands for large-scale production. We are proud to launch this new programme, tailor-made to not only

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-talak/word-programme-director - 2025-01-17

What Alexia says about the Master's in Environmental Management and Policy

Alexia from New Zealand, alumna of the programme, now working as a Sustainability Consultant at Air New ZealandWhat do you remember the most from your studies at the IIIEE?"My experience at the IIIEE was easily one of the highlights of my personal and professional life so far. Forefront in my memory is the exhilarating feeling of sharing my days with an inspiring and passionate group of staff and

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-xamis/what-alexia-says-about-masters-environmental-management-and-policy - 2025-01-17

What Mark says about the Master's in Environmental Management and Policy

Mark Thiong'o from Kenya, alumnus of the programme, now working as a Process and Transformation Manager for the Eastern Africa Cluster at MaerskWhat do you remember most from your studies at the IIIEE?"My two years at the IIIEE were incredibly memorable. The EMP Master programme was immersive, engaging and challenging. The IIIEE is a world-class institute attracting the best talent both on the fac

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-xamis/what-mark-says-about-masters-environmental-management-and-policy - 2025-01-17


Studiegång för masterutbildning i geologi Glacialt slipade hällar i Bohuslän. Foto: Helena Alexanderson Masterprogrammet i geologi har en inriktning med en rekommenderade studiegång enligt schemat nedan. Under andra terminen finns det möjlighet att välja kurser efter intresse. När du är antagen till programmet blir du automatiskt antagen till de två första kurserna inom respektive inriktning. Obse

https://www.geologi.lu.se/utbildning/grund-avancerad-utbildning/masterutbildning-i-geologi/studiegang - 2025-01-17


På den här sidan redovisar vi sammanställningar över de enkäter som har gjorts bland personalen:Jämställdhetsenkät 2007 Geologi (pdf, ny flik)Jämställdhetsenkät 2009 Geologi (pdf, ny flik)Jämställdhetsenkät 2009 ENES (pdf, ny flik)Jämförelse enkäter för Geologi mellan 2007 och 2009 (pdf, ny flik)Jämförelse enkäter för 2009 mellan Geologi och ENES (pdf, ny flik)Sammanfattning av jämställdhetsenkäte

https://www.geologi.lu.se/om-oss/ledningsstruktur/jolk-jamstalldhets-och-likabehandlingskommitten/jamstalldhetsenkater - 2025-01-17

Nationella laboratoriet för vedanatomi och dendrokronologi

Laboratoriet för vedanatomi och dendrokronologi har varit verksamt vid Lunds universitets geologiska institution sedan 1973. Verksamheten består främst av dendrokronologisk åldersbestämning av vedmaterial från arkeologiska utgrävningar, historiska byggnader, skeppsvrak, konstföremål etc. Allt analyserat material arkiveras och katalogiseras, och här finns landets i särklass mest omfattande och uppd

https://www.geologi.lu.se/forskning/laboratorier-utrustning/nationella-laboratoriet-vedanatomi-och-dendrokronologi - 2025-01-17

Dendrokronologisk datering

Hur fungerar dendrokronologisk datering? Träd som växer i områden med tydliga årstidsvariationer anlägger nya årsringar bestående av sommarved och höstved under varje växtsäsong. Enkelt uttryckt bildas bredare årsringar under år med varma och fuktiga somrar än om det är kallt eller torrt, men även en mängd andra klimat- och miljöfaktorer har betydelse, t.ex. ljusförhållanden, vindexponering och sn

https://www.geologi.lu.se/forskning/laboratorier-utrustning/nationella-laboratoriet-vedanatomi-och-dendrokronologi/dendrokronologisk-datering - 2025-01-17

Utrustning och provhantering

Vid laboratoriet registreras samtliga inlämnade prover, följt av preparation av bästa möjliga snittytor genom en eller flera av trädets tillväxtradier. Därefter mäts och registreras årsringsserierna med hjälp av specialanpassade mikroskop och mätinstrument (Lintab och Aniol) som är kopplade till datorer, bildskärmar och skrivare. De programvaror som används för lagring av data, korrelation och sta

https://www.geologi.lu.se/forskning/laboratorier-utrustning/nationella-laboratoriet-vedanatomi-och-dendrokronologi/utrustning-och-provhantering - 2025-01-17

Instruktioner för provtagning

Såga ut en skiva ur veden där du tror att det finns flest årsringar men utan störningar av grenar eller andra oregelbundenheter. Är stocken skadad kan det vara värdefullt att ta ytterligare ett eller flera prover för att få med fler årsringar eller övergången till bark. Sågskivans tjocklek bör vara 1-5 cm eller så att provet håller ihop. Paketera provet så att det behåller ungefär samma fuktighet

https://www.geologi.lu.se/forskning/laboratorier-utrustning/nationella-laboratoriet-vedanatomi-och-dendrokronologi/instruktioner-provtagning - 2025-01-17


Prover för vedanatomisk analys (artbestämning): Objektsavgift (startavgift för objekt/projekt) 2500 kr Provmängd från enskilt objekt (antal kol- eller vedfragment): 1-2 st 500 kr 3-10 st 800 kr >10 st 1200 kr Prover för dendrokronologisk analys (åldersbestämning): Objektsavgift (startavgift för objekt/projekt) 6000 kr Stående konstruktioner 600 kr per prov Arkeologiska fynd 900 kr per prov I vissa

https://www.geologi.lu.se/forskning/laboratorier-utrustning/nationella-laboratoriet-vedanatomi-och-dendrokronologi/priser - 2025-01-17


Från vänster: Johannes Edvardsson, Hans Linderson, Dan Hammarlund och Anton Hansson. Hans Linderson (föreståndare) Anton Hansson (laboratorieassistent) Johannes Edvardsson (forskare) Dan Hammarlund (infrastrukturansvarig) Kontakt Hans LindersonGeologiska institutionenLunds universitetSölvegatan 12223 62 Lund046-222 7891hans [dot] linderson [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (hans[dot]linderson[at]geol[do

https://www.geologi.lu.se/forskning/laboratorier-utrustning/nationella-laboratoriet-vedanatomi-och-dendrokronologi/personal - 2025-01-17

The Laboratory for Ceramic Research

The Laboratory for Ceramic Research is mainly involved in ceramic/archaeological research. This activity serves the archaeological science by providing laboratory investigations of ceramic artifacts.Fundamental to the work at KFL is the description of production and use of the objects analysed, from the viewpoint of producer and consumer.For the study of ceramic objects we offer a variety of labor

https://www.geologi.lu.se/service/laboratory-ceramic-research - 2025-01-17