

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

Integration och rätt

Projektet rör nyanlända personers rättsliga och ekonomiska status från uppehållstillstånd till medborgarskap. Ett exempel är en undersökning av hur försörjningskravet vid anhöriginvandring tillämpas vid svenska migrationsdomstolar. I domstolarna diskvalificeras vissa beteende vid tillämpning av försörjningskravet. Vidare har gruppers erläggande av skatter och mottagande av bidrag studerats för attThe project follows the legal and economic status of newly arrived persons from residence permit to citizenship. One example is an investigation of how the finance requirement for family reunification is applied at Swedish migration courts. In the courts, certain behavior is disqualified when applying the requirement. Furthermore, different groups' payment of taxes and receipt of grants have been

Enheten för psykiatrisk neuromodulering (PNU)

Vår forskargrupp studerar orsaker till samt behandling av depression. Den mest effektiva behandlingen vid djup depression kallas elektrokonvulsiv terapi (ECT). Tillsammans med danska forskare var vi först med att visa att ECT stimulerar nybildning av blodkärl och nerveller i hjärnan. Andra forskare har senare visat att detta sker vid all antidepressiv behandling, och man anser numera att plasticiOur research group investigates underlying mechanisms and treatments for depression. The most efficient treatment for severe depression is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). In collaboration with Danish researchers, we were the first to demonstrate that the generation of new blood vessels and nerve cells in the brain increase after ECT. Others have subsequently shown that all antidepressant (AD) tre

Stroke policy och kvalitetsregisterforskning

The Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke) was founded in 1994. Riksstroke includes registration of acute stroke, with a follow up after 3 months and 1 year. The Stroke policy and quality register research group has several ongoing projects based on data from Riksstroke, and in many studies also using data record linkage to other national registers and data bases. The thesis of Teresa Ullberg explThe Swedish Stroke Register (Riksstroke) was founded in 1994. Riksstroke includes registration of acute stroke, with a follow up after 3 months and 1 year. The Stroke policy and quality register research group has several ongoing projects based on data from Riksstroke, and in many studies also using data record linkage to other national registers and data bases. The thesis of Teresa Ullberg expl

Handkirurgi, Malmö

Lars Dahlin är forskargruppsledare för den här forskargruppenHand Surgery includes surgical and non-surgical treatment of conditions and injuries in the hand and the upper extremity. Hand Surgery is recognized as a clinical speciality in its own right in Sweden and units are located at the university hospitals. Our research covers a spectrum of conditions and injuries, extending from basic science up to clinical research with health science and health econo

Partikel- och kärnfysik

Avdelningen för partikel- och kärnfysik spänner brett över subatomär fysik och agerar till stor del inom internationella forskningsmiljöer. Vi bedriver experimentell och teoretisk forskning med kolliderexperiment. Vi sysslar med sökningar av mörk materia, grundläggande fysik med neutroner, kärnstruktur och kärnreaktioner på gränsen för kärnstabilitet, samt studerar konstgjord radioaktivitet i miljThe Division of Particle and Nuclear Physics spans broad across subatomic physics and acts largely within international research environments. We conduct experimental and theoretical research with collider experiments. We are engaged in dark-matter searches, fundamental physics with neutrons, nuclear structure and nuclear reactions at the limits of nuclear stability, as well as studying man-made r


Värd-patogen-interaktioner inom infektionsforskning Mina forskningsinsatser inriktar sig på att förstå värd-patogeninteraktioner och hur patogener påverkar immunsvaret för att undkomma värdförsvar. Detta inkluderar att studera förändringar i koagulations- och inflammatoriska mekanismer som bidrar till systemiska infektioner. Genom att identifiera viktiga virulensfaktorer och immunmodulatorer utvecHost-Pathogen Interactions in Infectious Disease Research My research activities center on unraveling host-pathogen interactions and how pathogens manipulate immune responses to evade host defenses. This includes investigating alterations in coagulation and inflammatory pathways that contribute to systemic infections. By identifying critical virulence factors and immune modulators, we develop stra

Kardiovaskulär forskning - epidemiologi

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution of diseases and disease promoting factors in the population. The cardiovascular epidemiology research group focuses on studies of cerebrovascular diseases (stroke) and heart diseases, such as myocardial infarction, heart failure or atrial fibrillation. The research is performed in well characterized population-based cohorts, with extensive information