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Alumni - Hanna Sjöstrand

Publicerad 21 februari 2018 Hanna Sjöstrand - The FieldPreview Thursday 22/2 from 4-8 pmShowdates 22/2 - 24/3Hanna Sjöstrand is a painter! She explores the way the medium can depict our everyday lives and lived experiences. She does it out of an interest in various subject matters and motifs whether it be a dog’s anus, bruises inflicted on her own skin by fellow artists/painters. Or, as the new wo

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumni-hanna-sjostrand - 2025-02-27

KHM x MMM Föreläsningsserie

Publicerad 7 mars 2018 Tori Wrånes, 2018 © The artist The lecture comittee of Malmö Art Academy and Moderna Museet Malmö invite you to a series of lectures and artist talks created in collaboration.We will present a broad programme of internationally based artists in a seletion based on our shared interests and separate points of departure.We hope to contribute to the art-scene in Öresund with new

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/khm-x-mmm-forelasningsserie - 2025-02-27

Alumni Mads Juel - Showpiece pro temp.

Publicerad 14 mars 2018 Among others Mads Kristian Frøslev and alumni Mads Juel from Malmö Art Academy will participate in this exhibition at Gallery Nicolai Wallner at March 22nd. Showpiece is an exhibition in motion presenting the artworks within the structural framework of a somewhat performative presentation. pro temp. is interested in exploring how it becomes increasingly more difficult to di

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumni-mads-juel-showpiece-pro-temp - 2025-02-27

Alumni - Marcus Matt och Nicklas Randau på Konstakademien

Publicerad 16 mars 2018 Vernissage för Marcus Matts utställning "Days Full of Days" och Nicklas Randaus utställning "Student of Gusts" i Salarna, Konstakademien i Stockholm. Lördagen den 24 mars kl. 12.00-16.00. Utställningarna invigs kl. 13.00 av Isabella Nilsson, ständig sekreterare vid Konstakademien. Utställningen pågår t.om. 29/4. Läs mer här.  

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumni-marcus-matt-och-nicklas-randau-pa-konstakademien - 2025-02-27

Alumni - Thale Vangen

Publicerad 16 mars 2018 "Participation mystique" 24 mars – 22 april Vernissage: 24 mars kl. 13:00 – 17:00 Krognoshuset Lund Mårtenstorget 3, 223 51 Lund Krognoshuset är mycket glada över att ställa ut den Malmöbaserade konstnären Thale Vangen 24/3 - 22/4 som visar "Participation mystique" med helt nya verk!I Thale Vangens arbete med skulptur skänks noggrann uppmärksamhet till materialens särdrag o

https://www.khm.lu.se/artikel/alumni-thale-vangen - 2025-02-27

Successful research funded by the European Research Council

Published 21 April 2017 Six researchers from Lund University Diabetes Centre have recieved prestigous grants from the European Research Council (ERC). In order to celebrate the success we invited the public to an open seminar. Some of the talks can be reviewed here (in Swedish). Forskning för bättre folkhälsa:Framsteg inom typ 2-diabetes, fetma och hjärtsjukdomar   Föredrag av professor Olle Melan

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/successful-research-funded-european-research-council - 2025-02-27

From injections to pills - the research on neonatal diabetes

Published 24 May 2017 They govern everything we think and do, they give us the ability to feel pain and to secrete insulin: they are the ion channels that are present in every one of our cells and that control the electrical impulses in our nerve and muscle cells. “For me, they are the very spark of life”, says Dame Frances Ashcroft, professor at the University of Oxford, who is also now to be an

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/injections-pills-research-neonatal-diabetes - 2025-02-27

200.000 euro to diabetes research

Published 29 May 2017 Four researchers have been awarded grants from The Bo and Kerstin Hjelt Diabetes Foundation. The grant consists of Euro 50 000 each and are aiming towards better treatments and prevention of type 2-diabetes. Improved life expectancy and quality of people with diabetesDiabetes affects millions of patients around the world. The two main types of the disease, type 1 and type 2,

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/200000-euro-diabetes-research - 2025-02-27

The role of vitamin A in diabetes

Published 15 June 2017 There has been no known link between diabetes and vitamin A -- until now. A new study suggests that the vitamin improves the insulin producing β-cell´s function.The researchers initially discovered that insulin-producing beta-cells contain a large quantity of a cell surface receptor for vitamin A. "There are no unnecessary surface receptors in human cells. They all serve a p

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/role-vitamin-diabetes - 2025-02-27

New research describes the differences between mice and humans

Published 3 July 2017 Research from King’s College in London, UK, and Lund University in Sweden could explain why diabetes drugs which have worked in animal experiments are not equally successful in humans. The researchers discovered differences – but also unknown similarities – in the function of insulin-producing beta cells. The team have mapped a category of receptors, known as G protein-couple

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/new-research-describes-differences-between-mice-and-humans - 2025-02-27

LUDC-IRC ready for take off

By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 14 September 2017 Taking advantage of a novel sub-classification of diabetes LUDC-IRC, a newly launched collaboration between academia, the health care system and industry, aims at delivering precision medicine in diabetes. LUDC-IRC consolidation meeting  - We have set the bar high. We very specifically aim at making a d

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/ludc-irc-ready-take - 2025-02-27

Newborn babies to be screened for studies on type 1 diabetes and celiac disease (gluten intolerance)

Published 17 November 2017 Can insulin taken as an infant in small doses together with food render the immune system used to insulin and thus prevent type 1 diabetes? Can a gluten-free diet and probiotics prevent celiac disease (so called gluten intolerance)? These questions will be asked by two separate studies that are being planned at Lund University in Sweden. A new comprehensive screening of

https://www.ludc.lu.se/article/newborn-babies-be-screened-studies-type-1-diabetes-and-celiac-disease-gluten-intolerance - 2025-02-27