

Din sökning på "*" gav 529584 sökträffar

Svante Björck has been elected as a Fellow of The American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS).

Published 27 November 2017 Svante Björck has been elected as a Fellow of The American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS).“For distinguished contributions reconstructing Quaternary environments in the northern and southern hemispheres, and for leadership in the international community of Quaternary geoscientists.”AAAS: https://www.aaas.org/List of elected Fellows 2017: https://www.a

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/svante-bjorck-has-been-elected-fellow-american-association-advancement-sciences-aaas - 2025-01-03

Oxygen in the World’s Oceans is Declining, Scientists Reveal Dangers and Solutions

Published 4 January 2018 In the past 50 years, the amount of water in the open ocean without oxygen has gone up more than four-fold. In coastal water bodies, including estuaries and seas, low-oxygen sites have increased more than 10-fold since 1950. Protecting sensitive species, controlling eutrophication and climate change and improving monitoring are some solutions to the problem, according to r

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/oxygen-worlds-oceans-declining-scientists-reveal-dangers-and-solutions - 2025-01-03

Prof. Anna Godhe awarded Hedda Andersson guest professor

Published 15 March 2018 Exciting news - Hedda Andersson guest professorshipWe are very pleased to announce that Prof Anna Godhe from the University of Gothenburg has been awarded a Hedda Andersson guest professorship at our department. Godhe is a biologist by training but has a very broad background. Her main research interests include the role of phytoplankton life-cycle stages (diatoms and dinof

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/prof-anna-godhe-awarded-hedda-andersson-guest-professor - 2025-01-03

Svante Björck and Sherilyn Fritz have been awarded the International Paleolimnology Association (IPA) Lifetime Achievement Award.

Published 16 March 2018 Svante Björck and Sherilyn Fritz have been awarded the International Paleolimnology Association (IPA) Lifetime Achievement Award.These awards will be presented at the International Paleolimnology Symposium (IPS) which will be held in Stockholm this June 18-21 (this will be a joint meeting with the International Association of Limnogeology (IAL).https://ipa-ial.geo.su.se/

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/svante-bjorck-and-sherilyn-fritz-have-been-awarded-international-paleolimnology-association-ipa - 2025-01-03

New position and collaboration with the University of Tromsö

Published 10 September 2018 Since Sept. 1, Helena Alexanderson is also employed by the Department of Geosciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsö, Norway. The 20% position as professor II includes both research and teaching. Please contact Helena if you’re interested in collaboration with the University of Tromsö, which has a strong Arctic profile in e.g. Quaternary sciences and mari

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/new-position-and-collaboration-university-tromso - 2025-01-03

Daniel Conley has been awarded nearly EUR 3.3 million for a five-year project on the global silicon cycle.

Published 2 October 2018 Photo: Lena Björk Blixt Silicon has a crucial effect on the planet’s climate A comprehensive research project on the mineral silicon and the anonymous climate heroes in the oceans, diatoms, is now starting. Every day, the tiny diatoms, which are a type of phytoplankton, absorb enormous amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. And when they die, they take the carbon with the

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/daniel-conley-has-been-awarded-nearly-eur-33-million-five-year-project-global-silicon-cycle - 2025-01-03

Johan Lindgren publishes article in Nature about the soft tissues of a Jurassic ichthyosaur.

Published 6 December 2018 Fossilized skin forming the trailing edge of the right pelvic fin (Image: Johan Lindgren) More information here: https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/remarkably-preserved-fossil-sea-reptile-reveals-skin-that-is-still-soft Article in Nature: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0775-x

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/johan-lindgren-publishes-article-nature-about-soft-tissues-jurassic-ichthyosaur - 2025-01-03

Dating of ancient peat in northern Sweden contribute to new insight into global carbon cycle

Published 26 February 2019 50000-year-old peat is seen as a dark layer buried under 2 m of sediment deposited by the Scandinavian ice sheet. Thorbjörg Sigfúsdóttir investigates the sediments at Rauvospakka in Norrbotten, N Sweden. Photo: H Alexanderson, Lund University. Scientists have unearthed and pieced together evidence on more than 1,000 ancient wetland sites from across the globe, that are p

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/dating-ancient-peat-northern-sweden-contribute-new-insight-global-carbon-cycle - 2025-01-03

Researchers uncover additional evidence for massive solar storms

Published 12 March 2019 Solar storms can be far more powerful than previously thought. A new study with researchers from the dept. of Geology, has found evidence for the third known case of a massive solar storm in historical times. The researchers believe that society might not be sufficiently prepared if a similar event were to happen now. More reading: https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/r

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/researchers-uncover-additional-evidence-massive-solar-storms - 2025-01-03

Daniel Conley has been awarded EUR 2.5 million for a five-year project on the impact of the evolution of diatoms on the oceans.

Published 28 March 2019 Daniel Conley, professor of biogeochemistry at the Department of Geology, Lund University, has received EUR 2.5 million (just over SEK 26 million) for a five-year project on the impact of the evolution of diatoms on the oceans. Diatoms have a significant impact on the global biogeochemical cycle of carbon, silica and other nutrients that regulate ocean productivity and ulti

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/daniel-conley-has-been-awarded-eur-25-million-five-year-project-impact-evolution-diatoms-oceans - 2025-01-03

Prof. Mary H. Schweitzer nominated as an honorary doctor at Lund University

Published 14 January 2020 Prof. Mary Higby Schweitzer is without doubt the foremost scientist in the field of molecular palaeobiology. Over the last two decades, she has developed detailed protocols to extract, recover and characterize ancient proteinaceous matter. Additionally, she has been able to demonstrate that collagenous sequences obtained from Late Cretaceous dinosaurs closely match those

https://www.geology.lu.se/article/prof-mary-h-schweitzer-nominated-honorary-doctor-lund-university - 2025-01-03

Ny policy brief om Svenskt grundvatten

Publicerad 10 januari 2023 Ny policy brief om Svenskt grundvatten publicerad av SIWI - Stockholm International Water Institute visar på: att vår grundvattenresurs "är sårbar för förändrade klimatförhållanden, överutnyttjande och föroreningar. Mer underlag och kunskap behöver samlas in och spridas för att skydda grundvattnet i samhället och för ekosystemen. Grundvattenhanteringen i Sverige är spli

https://www.geologi.lu.se/artikel/ny-policy-brief-om-svenskt-grundvatten - 2025-01-03

Barnbok om grundvatten

Publicerad 10 januari 2023 Nu finns barnboken Valle och Dianas Grundvattenäventyr till den mättade zonen även på svenska (Wally and Deanna’s groundwater adventure to the Saturated zone) att ladda ner gratis från the Groundwater Project https://gw-project.org/books/wally-and-deannas-groundwater-adventure-to-the-saturated-zone/. En rolig saga om grundvatten för barn, men även vuxna kan lära något ny

https://www.geologi.lu.se/artikel/barnbok-om-grundvatten - 2025-01-03

Ny doktorandkurs: NGE006F, "Konceptuella hydrogeologiska modeller för tillämpningar inom och skydd av grundvatten. Karakteriseringsmetoder med hänsyn till olika skalor", 4,5 högskolepoäng

Publicerad 19 januari 2023 Ny doktorandkurs: NGE006F, "Konceptuella hydrogeologiska modeller för tillämpningar inom och skydd av grundvatten. Karakteriseringsmetoder med hänsyn till olika skalor", 4,5 högskolepoäng Kursen hålls på Geologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet 15-31 Mars 2023   Mer information...

https://www.geologi.lu.se/artikel/ny-doktorandkurs-nge006f-konceptuella-hydrogeologiska-modeller-tillampningar-inom-och-skydd-av - 2025-01-03