

Din sökning på "*" gav 530145 sökträffar

Tree planting is no panacea for the climate

Published 26 September 2019 Tree plantations. Mostphotos. Wim Carton discusses why tree planting is not a panacea for the climate. According to him, too many studies and stakeholders fail to see that the method is inherently fraught and can take away focus from the need to drastically reduce emissions to meet our climate targets. "Tree planting is seen as an easy method that can be scaled up. But

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/tree-planting-no-panacea-climate - 2025-03-22

LUMES students take on real world sustainability problems

Published 26 September 2019 Students from LUMES Batch 22 showcasing their Knowledge-to-Action projects. In LUMES, LUCSUS international master programme in environmental studies and sustainability science, students take on real world sustainability problems in their course module, Knowledge-to-Action. This year, students tackled overconsumption through setting up a centre for borrowing household it

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/lumes-students-take-real-world-sustainability-problems - 2025-03-22

Research interview: Darin Wahl is excited about the idea of cultural narratives in connection with sustainability

Published 8 October 2019 Darin Wahl. Photo: Martin Sharman. "My research interests spiral around ideas of change in core beliefs, and in embedded behavior patterns and practices." What do you do at LUCSUS? My PhD is part of a project called GLOCULL - exploring innovation experiments in Urban Living Labs in the Food, Water, and Energy nexus. LUCSUS is one of seven partner organisations in cities ar

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/research-interview-darin-wahl-excited-about-idea-cultural-narratives-connection-sustainability - 2025-03-22

Programme for the Conference on Loss and Damage 2019

Published 21 October 2019 More than 100 researchers from all over the world will gather at LUCSUS for the very first international conference on loss and damage from climate-related events. The extensive conference programme explores loss and damage from mutiple perspectives:Defining L&D from a climate change perspective – what do we know?Defining L&D from an ecological perspective – what do we kn

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/programme-conference-loss-and-damage-2019 - 2025-03-22

Sustainable transitions in focus during Lund University Future week

Published 25 October 2019 Throughout Future Week at Lund University, we got a chance to look into the Future. During a range of events, researchers and students across Lund University discussed different issues on the theme 'Transitions'. What are the transitions we have to make? What are the ones we want to make? And which transitions do we preferably want to avoid? Several LUCSUS researchers par

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/sustainable-transitions-focus-during-lund-university-future-week - 2025-03-22

Impact story: Building capacity and improving everyday life in sub-Saharan Africa

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 4 November 2019 Michaelin Sibanda explores how agroecology has become a social agency and formed a space for women to organize themselves It is not easy to make ends meet for many smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. Everyday life is a complex management of many activities, especially for women, such a

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/impact-story-building-capacity-and-improving-everyday-life-sub-saharan-africa - 2025-03-22

Clear goals but murky path to ecosystem sustainability: Key knowledge gaps identified

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 29 October 2019 International sustainability policies set out clear goals for protecting ecosystems and biodiversity, but how to actually achieve these goals remains elusive in practice, as biodiversity loss continues at an alarming rate. A new study published in the journal Nature Sustainability by an inter

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/clear-goals-murky-path-ecosystem-sustainability-key-knowledge-gaps-identified - 2025-03-22

Science has much to offer social movements in the face of planetary emergencies

Published 6 November 2019 Four LUCSUS researchers argue in an article in the journal Nature, Ecology & Evolution that the most important, powerful and unique contribution science can make to social movements is to share arduously accumulated knowledge about processes of social and political change.  – We wrote this article because we saw a debate emerge around how researchers can and should contri

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/science-has-much-offer-social-movements-face-planetary-emergencies - 2025-03-22

Impact story: Increasing understanding and awareness of how individuals can make the most effective choices for the climate

Published 22 November 2019 Infographic illustrating effective individual lifestyle choices. Made by Catrin Jakobsson Few research publications reach outside the realm of academia and even fewer make an impact on sustainability debates and societal issues. Kimberly Nicholas’ research on lifestyle choices to reduce your carbon footprint is unique in its reach and impact on society. Her research star

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/impact-story-increasing-understanding-and-awareness-how-individuals-can-make-most-effective-choices - 2025-03-22

The new science on climate extremes that can help refuel the climate movement. A COP25 side event

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 26 November 2019 Students at the climate strike in Lund, 2019 On the 2nd of December, on the grand opening of the COP25, LUCSUS will organise an event on whether attribution science and new legal frameworks can refuel the climate movement in the context of climate emergency. The event is part of the Nordic C

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/new-science-climate-extremes-can-help-refuel-climate-movement-cop25-side-event - 2025-03-22

LUCSUS researcher co-chairs session on local values and interests in relation to the global goals at the Tokyo Forum 

Published 11 December 2019 Tokyo City. “The Tokyo Forum was a great opportunity to discuss the opportunities and challenges of sustainable social change, especially processes that involve local actors, into a high-level arena." LUCSUS researcher, Barry Ness participated in the Tokyo Forum held at the University of Tokyo place December 6-8, 2019.The forum was a joint initiative between the Universi

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/lucsus-researcher-co-chairs-session-local-values-and-interests-relation-global-goals-tokyo-forum - 2025-03-22

New study: Motivations and Limitations for Small-Scale Farmers to Implement Agroforestry Systems in North-Eastern Brazil

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 19 December 2019 Agroforestry. Photo by Torsten Krause Agroforestry combines agricultural and silvicultural practices to produce food, wood, and other products. Agroforestry systems have been increasingly promoted as land-use systems that can support nature conservation, especially in the tropics, where it h

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/new-study-motivations-and-limitations-small-scale-farmers-implement-agroforestry-systems-north - 2025-03-22

New report: Developing a national strategy for disaster risk reduction and resilience in Sweden

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - published 19 December 2019 Photo: Unslplash, Joanne Francis Increasing impacts from hazards worldwide, including Sweden, have prompted international efforts to promote the development of national strategies for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and resilience to reduce associated impacts and support sustainable developmen

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/new-report-developing-national-strategy-disaster-risk-reduction-and-resilience-sweden - 2025-03-22

New funding: LUCSUS will develop the first ever Africa network on loss and damage from climate change

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 13 January 2020 Photo: Pixabay. LUCSUS has been awarded funding to develop the first ever Africa network on loss and damage from climate change. Such a network is urgently needed as many African nations will or are already experiencing negative impacts from climate change which will exacerbate existing sustainable development

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/new-funding-lucsus-will-develop-first-ever-africa-network-loss-and-damage-climate-change - 2025-03-22

Wine regions could shrink dramatically with climate change unless growers swap varieties

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia von Arnold) - published 29 January 2020 Wine grapes are extremely sensitive to the changes in temperature and season that come with climate change Just as climate change threatens homes, food and livelihoods, so does it threaten the world's supply of wine. If temperatures rise by 2 degrees Celsius, the regions of the world that are

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/wine-regions-could-shrink-dramatically-climate-change-unless-growers-swap-varieties - 2025-03-22

Targeted strategies for overcoming barriers to nature-based solutions and climate action

By cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (cecilia von Arnold) - published 29 January 2020 New study explores the integration of nature-based approaches for climate change adaptation into municipalities’ daily planning practices and associated governance in Sweden. In a new article in the Cleaner Production Journal, LUCSUS researcher professor Christine Wamsler (et al) explores the

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/targeted-strategies-overcoming-barriers-nature-based-solutions-and-climate-action - 2025-03-22

Impact story: Sustainable climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction at local, national and international level

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 3 February 2020 Illustrator: Catrin Jakobsson. Adapting cities is key for increasing the resilience of citizens, communities, organisations and wider systems to deal with the effects of climate change. For more than 20 years Professor Christine Wamsler has collaborated with national authorities, municipalities and citizens to

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/impact-story-sustainable-climate-change-adaptation-and-disaster-risk-reduction-local-national-and - 2025-03-22

Research interview: "We aim to make major advances in the methodology of measuring loss and damage in a way that builds on yet goes beyond current best-practice in disaster accounting and assessment"

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 17 February 2020 Chad Boda presenting at the Conference on Loss and Damage 2019. Photo: Ann Åkerman. Chad Boda is a post-doctoral researcher at LUCSUS. He has a passion for researching and teaching on issues of environmental conservation and sustainable development. In this interivew, he explains what he is working on in the p

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/research-interview-we-aim-make-major-advances-methodology-measuring-loss-and-damage-way-builds-yet - 2025-03-22

Impact Story: connecting theory and practice to overcome barriers to adaptation 

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 17 February 2020 Flagler Beach. Photo: Chad Boda. Around the world, coastal communities are exposed to the impacts of climate change, for example sea level rise and coastal erosion. But local governments are often politically and economically constrained in their abilities to implement timely and needed adaptation measures. Th

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/impact-story-connecting-theory-and-practice-overcome-barriers-adaptation - 2025-03-22

Research interview: "My work focuses on issues of disproportionality and inequalities in relation to loss and damage from climate change and the linkages with sustainable development"

By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 2 March 2020 Kelly Dorkenoo, PhD student at Lund University Centre for Sustainablity Studies. Kelly Dorkenoo is a PhD student in the project DICE, Recasting the Disproportionate Impacts of Climate Change Extremes. In this interview, she talk about her interest in the field of loss and damage, and her views on sustainability re

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/article/research-interview-my-work-focuses-issues-disproportionality-and-inequalities-relation-loss-and - 2025-03-22