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Associate Professor Luis Mundaca in high-level meetings during Climate Action Week 2016

Published 13 May 2016 Associate Professor Luis Mundaca shaking hands with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon during the Climate Action Week 2016 in Washington DC. Photo: Luis Cifuentes Associate Professor and IPCC Lead Author Luis Mundaca participated in high-level meetings during Climate Action Week 2016 in the United States, May 2-6. He first participated in the Universitas 21 Workshop ‘Informing

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/associate-professor-luis-mundaca-high-level-meetings-during-climate-action-week-2016 - 2025-03-16

Oksana Mont in NyTeknik

Published 17 May 2016 Professor Oksana Mont Photo: Kennet Ruona In the article "Uber lägger ner Pop i Sverige" published by NyTeknik, Oksana Mont, Professor in Sustainable Consumption and Production at the IIIEE, is commenting on the problems that may arise when the sharing economy is unregulated.

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/oksana-mont-nyteknik - 2025-03-16

New Book on Sustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare

Published 18 May 2016 Prof. Oksana Mont at the IIIEE is co-editor of a new edited book on welfare and its relationship to sustainability. Welfare is commonly conceptualized in socio-economic terms of equity, highlighting distributive issues within growing economies. While GDP, income growth and rising material standards of living are normally not questioned as priorities in welfare theories and po

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/new-book-sustainability-and-political-economy-welfare - 2025-03-16

Meet IIIEE researcher Åke Thidell

Published 20 May 2016 IIIEE researcher Åke Thidell Photo: Sara Bernstrup Nilsson Swedish wood: Innovative products for a circular economy Can Swedish wood be the answer to our future needs, from T-shirts to 10-storey apartment buildings? The challenge is not the technology, but how society can support the development of this market. It has the potential for creating both a sustainable and circular

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/meet-iiiee-researcher-ake-thidell - 2025-03-16

University of Virginia visit

Published 24 May 2016 Visiting systems engineering students from University of Virginia engaged in problem-solving for organisations around Lund. University of Virginia visits IIIEE with a Study Abroad programme for the third time. Sixteen University of Virginia students came to Lund to engage in a three week sustainability consulting projects. IIIEE is hosting the group for the third time while t

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/university-virginia-visit - 2025-03-16

The Romanian Ambassador to Sweden visits the IIIEE

Published 26 May 2016 From the left: Tiberiu Kadar, Sustainability Strategist, Mikael Backman, Director of the Swedish-Polish Sustainable Energy Platform, H.E. Mr Iulian Buga, the Romanian Ambassador to Sweden, Lena Neij, Director of the IIIEE, Vasile Gămălan, Honorary consul On 26 May, the Romanian Ambassador to Sweden, H.E. Mr Iulian Buga and his delegation, are visiting the IIIEE to learn more

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/romanian-ambassador-sweden-visits-iiiee - 2025-03-16

The Experimental City – A New Book

Published 27 May 2016 Assoc. Prof. Kes McCormick is a co-author on two chapters in a new book on urban experimentation. This new book explores how the concept or urban experimentation is being used to reshape practices of knowledge production in urban debates about resilience, climate change governance, and socio-technical transitions. With contributions from leading scholars, and case studies fro

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/experimental-city-new-book - 2025-03-16

Reducing energy imports is not sufficient to tackle climate change according to a new study published in Nature Energy and co-authored by an IIIEE alumnus and professor

Published 7 June 2016 While climate policies would have a beneficial effect for energy security in most countries, energy independence policies would not bring significant climate benefits.Ambitious policies to reduce energy imports would have little impact on climate change, and could be achieved much more cheaply than the climate mitigation measures needed to limit climate change to no more than

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/reducing-energy-imports-not-sufficient-tackle-climate-change-according-new-study-published-nature - 2025-03-16

MISTRA is visiting the IIIEE

Published 14 June 2016 Oksana Mont is presenting the research project REES Photo: Marianne Sandberg On 14 June, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra) is visiting the IIIEE. Mistra's executive Director Åke Iverfeldt is introducing Mistra and Lena Neij, Director of the IIIEE is presenting the IIIEE and ongoing activities.During the morning, IIIEE researchers are presen

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/mistra-visiting-iiiee - 2025-03-16

Winners of the Universitas 21 Global Ingenuity Challenge 2016

Published 14 June 2016 Team Global Lund Photo: Marianne Sandberg The winners of the Universitas 21 Global Ingenuity Challenge 2016 have been elected. Lund university was represented by Team Global Lund and won the category "Peer's Choice Award" together with Korea University, and received a special award for their contribution "Host-a-Home". The theme of this year's challenge was "Sustainable Hous

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/winners-universitas-21-global-ingenuity-challenge-2016 - 2025-03-16

MESPOM graduation 2016

Published 28 June 2016 MESPOM graduation 2016 on the Danube in Budapest On the Danube in Budapest. On 23 June master's students of the MESPOM programme graduated in Budapest. Celebrations took place on the Danube, the traditional way to close the MESPOM programme. Graduates, families and staff enjoyed the sunset while looking back at two intense and highly rewarding years, and looking ahead to the

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/mespom-graduation-2016 - 2025-03-16

IIIEE participates in the Almedalen Week 2016

Published 28 June 2016 On 3-10 July the Almedalen Week in Gotland takes place. The IIIEE takes part in two activities on 6 July:1. "Från förvaltare till klimathjälte" - a seminar arranged by Dagens Industri and Caverion. Prof. Lena Neij, Director of the IIIEE is participating in this seminar.2. "Still a future: Syria moving forward despite uncertainty" - a seminar arranged by the Center for Middle

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-participates-almedalen-week-2016 - 2025-03-16

First wake-up seminar about smart sustainable cities

Published 28 June 2016 From the left: Lena Neij, Roland Zinkernagel, Sofie Sandin, Erik Johansson & Marie-Claude Dubois Urban Arena is a network for sustainable urban development research at Lund University and is gathering almost 200 researchers. On June 15th, an Urban Arena wake-up seminar focusing on the theme “Smart Sustainable Cities” was held.Last year the Strategic Innovation Agenda “Smart

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/first-wake-seminar-about-smart-sustainable-cities - 2025-03-16

Meet IIIEE researcher Philip Peck

Published 29 June 2016 IIIEE researcher Philip Peck Photo: Sara Bernstrup Nilsson Aiming for blue Beijing skies An increasingly ambitious environmental legislation has not reduced economic growth in the EU – indicating it will not do so in China either. This is good news for Chinese environmentalists, who have asked IIIEE researchers for evidence that supports their work for a greener China under

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/meet-iiiee-researcher-philip-peck - 2025-03-16

Welcome batch 22 of the EMP programme!

Published 15 August 2016 Batch 22 having their introduction meeting in the IIIEE Aula. Today on 15 August 2016, batch 22 of the Master’s programme in Environmental Management and Policy (the EMP programme), begin their on-site part of the programme. They are about 27 students from various parts of the world including Canada, USA, Turkey, Romania, Denmark, Ireland, Colombia, the Russian Federation,

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/welcome-batch-22-emp-programme - 2025-03-16

IIIEE joins as partner in the Mistra Future Fashion programme on policies and guidelines

Published 22 August 2016 The IIIEE is now a new research partner on policy and guidelines for a sustainable fashion industry through the Mistra Future Fashion programme."For many years, we have been looking into various product-oriented environmental law and policies, and their influence on business practices. Textile is definitely among the "hottest" product groups for which varieties of interven

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/article/iiiee-joins-partner-mistra-future-fashion-programme-policies-and-guidelines - 2025-03-16