

Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar

New VR-guidelines for publishing with open access

Published 31 October 2022 As from October, new guidelines for publishing with open access apply for all who are receiving a grant from the Swedish Research Council. New features include a requirement for you to publish with immediate open access, and that all forms of publication are covered by the requirement. Read more at https://www.vr.se/english/just-now/news/news-archive/2022-10-24-new-gui…

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/new-vr-guidelines-publishing-open-access - 2025-01-14

Senior Lecturer in epidemiology with focus on aging and demography (KI)

Published 2 November 2022 The employment has a focus on research. We are looking for a Senior Lecturer with a strong commitment to develop the research within the subject area and combine methodologies from both epidemiology and demography, and in an innovative way utilize our unique resources in the form of national and Nordic population- and health data registers, quality registers, and detailed

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/senior-lecturer-epidemiology-focus-aging-and-demography-ki - 2025-01-14

Lund Papers in Economic Demography: Unpaid Care for Elderly Parents and Labor Supply Among Older Working-Age Men and Women Across Europe

Published 2 November 2022 The latest issue of the Lund Papers in Economic Demography is now posted! This time, the authors are Elisa Labbas and Maria Stanfors with a paper that is titled “Unpaid Care for Elderly Parents and Labor Supply Among Older Working-Age Men and Women Across Europe https://ed.lu.se/media/ed/papers/working_papers/LPED%202022%205.pdf

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/lund-papers-economic-demography-unpaid-care-elderly-parents-and-labor-supply-among-older-working-age - 2025-01-14

New medical decision support tool for use in the emergency care

Published 5 June 2018 LUPOP-researchers receive grant from VINNOVA LUPOP-researchers receive grant from VINNOVA in order to use artificial intelligence and deep learning methods together with data from registers and medical records to develop a new medical decision support tool. The overarching aim is to improve efficiency and increase equity in the treatment of among patients seeking emergency ca

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/new-medical-decision-support-tool-use-emergency-care - 2025-01-14

CED research funding

Published 5 December 2022 The Centre for Economic Demography now welcomes short applications for funds for research related costs that will be incurred during 2023! In this new round of CED research funding, we welcome you to e-mail Madeleine Jarl (madeleine [dot] jarl [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se) a short application no later than 31 January 2023, with description of the purpose and implementation

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/ced-research-funding - 2025-01-14

Postdoctoral position in register-based cardiovascular research (Umeå)

Published 10 January 2023 Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in Sweden and worldwide today. Our research group investigates various risk factors for cardiovascular disease. By linking national registers and databases with Västerbotten's unique population surveys, we can follow risk factor patterns within individuals for more than half a century. We can thus study temporal rel

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/postdoctoral-position-register-based-cardiovascular-research-umea - 2025-01-14

Ny studie: Samband mellan yrke och Covid-19 i Skåne

Published 13 January 2023 Vid Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin, Lunds universitet, bedrivs forskning kring hur bland annat miljöfaktorer och levnadsvillkor påverkar hälsa och sjukdom. Kunskapen används sedan för att identifiera hälsorisker i arbets- och omgivningsmiljön och syftar till att eliminera dessa risker och förebygga ohälsa. Covid-19-pandemin har utgjort en sådan hälsorisk med påv

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/ny-studie-samband-mellan-yrke-och-covid-19-i-skane - 2025-01-14

Save the date 17 October for ”Registerforskning 2018”

Published 11 June 2018 Registerforskning 2018 is a conference for those who are performing register-based research at universities, authorities or companies in Sweden. This year the conference will be organised by the Swedish Research Council (VR) together with Statistics Sweden (SCB) and the National Board of Health and Welfare (SoS) among others. Participants will meet representatives from regis

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/save-date-17-october-registerforskning-2018 - 2025-01-14

Ny studie: Tidstrender inom diagnostik av prostatacancer

Published 20 January 2023 Hur prostatacancer diagnostiseras har utvecklats över tid. Med PSA-blodprovets intåg under 1980-talet ökade antalet diagnostiserade fall. Vidare har magnetresonanstomografin (MRT) utvecklats för bättre diagnostik av prostatacancer. Vår studie syftar till att studera hur diagnostiken av prostatacancer har utvecklats över tid, om detta lett till förändringar i vilken typ av

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/ny-studie-tidstrender-inom-diagnostik-av-prostatacancer - 2025-01-14

Postdoctoral Opportunity IARC (Lyon)

Published 2 February 2023 GENOMIC EPIDEMIOLOGY BRANCH / INTEGRATIVE EPIDEMIOLOGY TEAM We are looking for two enthusiastic and motivated postdocs to join the Integrative Epidemiology Team (IET) at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, France. Ideal candidates will have training in biostatistics, epidemiology, and/or genomics and applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. T

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/postdoctoral-opportunity-iarc-lyon - 2025-01-14

Early life programming of adult health and disease

Published 11 June 2018 Research seminar on August 22, 2018. The PhD student Dr. Shantanu Sharma, will present himself and his research project. This will include data both from the Malmö Birth Data Cohort and from the planned register linkage between the LifeGene cohort (www.lifegene.se) and the Medical Birth Register, where ethical permission from EPN in Lund has been obtained. see attachments. S

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/early-life-programming-adult-health-and-disease - 2025-01-14

Statistician - Centre for Pharmacoepidemiology (KI)

Published 23 February 2023 You will be the statistical expert outlining and performing data management and statistical programming in commission projects, mainly Post Authorization Safety Studies (PASS), in close collaboration with other project team members, including epidemiologists, medical experts and project leaders, in which you will contribute with your statistical knowledge in the planning

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/statistician-centre-pharmacoepidemiology-ki - 2025-01-14