

Din sökning på "*" gav 533970 sökträffar

Could spruce forests help offset climate change?

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 6 December 2018 Screenshot from the Reuters broadcast. VIDEO: Researchers from our department are measuring terpene particles emitted by spruce/fir forests, which are believed to have a cooling effect on the climate. They believe that planting more of this type of forest could help offset global warming. – Plantin

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/could-spruce-forests-help-offset-climate-change - 2025-03-03

Permafrost soils warming at a global scale

Published 24 January 2019 Researcher Margareta Johansson, Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, har been part of the global permafrost monotoring research. A pioneering permafrost study has just been released in the online journal Nature Communications, showing that in all permafrost regions, soil temperatures rose by an average of 0,3 degrees Celsius between 2007 and 2016. Margareta J

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/permafrost-soils-warming-global-scale - 2025-03-03

Reductions in anthropogenic methane emissions outweigh the most likely scenarios for Arctic methane release

Published 5 February 2019 NASA/JPL/Eric Kort, Alan Buis; NSF, NCAR, NOAA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Climate change causes an amplified warming of the Arctic, which may lead to the release of methane from previously frozen soils. Since it’s a strong greenhouse gas, arctic methane release can act as a positive feedback on climate change. However, anthropogenic efforts to reduce methane e

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/reductions-anthropogenic-methane-emissions-outweigh-most-likely-scenarios-arctic-methane-release - 2025-03-03

Hello there...

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 4 April 2019 Henrik Hagelin, award winning physical geographer. ...Henrik Hagelin, physical geographer who was awarded ’Innovationspriset 2019’, in the category for students, by Lund University and Sparbanken Skåne bank, for his wildfire spread modelling tool. Why were you awarded the Innovationspriset 2019?I am dev

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/hello-there - 2025-03-03

Professor Anders Lindroth honorary doctor at Univeristy of Helsinki

Published 29 May 2019 - The closing party with polonaise and night walks together with all promovendi who sang various songs for the statues in one of the Helsinki parks was a special experience. Our Professor emeritus Anders Lindroth, was conferred an honorary doctorate at the Univeristy of Helsinki last week. The following motivation is stated:"Honorary doctorates in science will be conferred on

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/professor-anders-lindroth-honorary-doctor-univeristy-helsinki - 2025-03-03

Warming simulation increased plant volatile defence

Published 14 June 2019 Insects attaching birch in subarctic Sweden. The attack in combination with warmer climate resulted in a much amplified release of BVOCs. A warming experiment in a subarctic birch forest resulted many times higher release of BVOCs. Not to be neglected in the climate discussions, says one of the researchers behind the study. Ecosystems and the climate change response, as well

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/warming-simulation-increased-plant-volatile-defence - 2025-03-03

Margareta Johansson interviewed in SVT Aktuellt on how climate change is affecting alpine regions in Sweden

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 11 September 2019 On August 29th, Margareta Johansson, researcher at our department, was interviewed in SVT news program Aktuellt. The topic was how ongoing climate changes are affecting alpine regions in Sweden. Climate changes are occurring with twice the speed in northern Sweden, compared with the rest of the c

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/margareta-johansson-interviewed-svt-aktuellt-how-climate-change-affecting-alpine-regions-sweden - 2025-03-03

Open house during the Lund Kulturnatten

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 24 September 2019 Treasure hunt, clouds, food and much more. The department opened its doors during the cultural night in Lund on September 21, 2019. During "Kulturnatten", a yearly cultural event taking place in Lund, our department opened its doors, inviting the public to take part in a varity of activites. The

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/open-house-during-lund-kulturnatten - 2025-03-03

Coworkers featured in media

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 3 October 2019 By Khushnood7 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons Several coworkers have been interviewed in different media outlets because of their expertise. Markku Rummukainen, professor at CEC and the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, wa

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/coworkers-featured-media - 2025-03-03

New library offers Jonas Åkerman's literature

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 21 October 2019 The local news media "Lokaltidningen" reported about a new library on Svalbard which is now hosting Jonas Åkerman's collection of books, satellite images and maps. The local newspaper reports on the opening of a library in a former radio station on Svalbard.Read the full article here (Google transl

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/new-library-offers-jonas-akermans-literature - 2025-03-03

Research seminar September 10th

Published 4 August 2014 Hedda research funds. At Eden, Department of Political Science As the locus of interdisciplinary gender scholarship, the Department attracts scholars with a wide range of backgrounds including anthropology, cultural studies, development studies, family and child studies, education, history, medicine, political science, science and technology studies, sociology as well as ar

https://www.gender.lu.se/article/research-seminar-september-10th - 2025-03-03

Book: Nostalgia and Hope: Intersections between Politics of Culture, Welfare, and Migration in Europe

Published 9 June 2020 Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash Editors: Ov Cristian Norocel; Anders Hellström; Martin Bak JørgensenThis open access book shows how the politics of migration affect community building in the 21st century, drawing on both retrogressive and progressive forms of mobilization. It elaborates theoretically and shows empirically how the two master frames of nostalgia and hope are

https://www.gender.lu.se/article/book-nostalgia-and-hope-intersections-between-politics-culture-welfare-and-migration-europe - 2025-03-03

Rebecca Selberg medverkar i Samtal i Lund

Publicerad 7 november 2023 Foto: Unsplash Samtal i Lund är ett forum där forskare och verksamma utanför universitetet ses för att diskutera aktuella samhällsfrågor. Universitetslektor Rebecca Selberg medverkade i det senaste samtalet om människovärde och välfärd. Samtal i Lund är en mötesplats för forskare, särskilt berörda, beslutsfattare, sakkunniga och andra intressenter. Samtalsserien sker i e

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/rebecca-selberg-medverkar-i-samtal-i-lund - 2025-03-03

Nytt nummer av Tidskrift för genusvetenskap!

Publicerad 21 december 2023 Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (TGV) har kommit ut med ett nummer på temat "Feministiska perspektiv på fred och krig", redaktörer för numret är Marta Kolankiewicz och Riya Raphael. Tidskrift för genusvetenskap:s nya nummer med temadelen ”Feministiska perspektiv på fred och krig”, med universitetslektor Marta Kolankiewicz och postdoc Riya Raphael som temaredaktörer, har ju

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/nytt-nummer-av-tidskrift-genusvetenskap-0 - 2025-03-03

Genusvetenskaplig forskning uppmärksammas i samband med internationella kvinnodagen

Publicerad 28 februari 2024 Ämnesföreningen för genusvetenskap (ÄG) initierar en genusstafett i samband med internationella kvinnodagen där genusforskningen på olika universitet uppmärksammas genom panelsamtal och workshops. Se vilka event som arrangeras på olika universitet runt om i landet. Ett trettiotal genusforskare över hela landet berättar om sin forskning, med syfte att uppmärksamma intern

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/genusvetenskaplig-forskning-uppmarksammas-i-samband-med-internationella-kvinnodagen - 2025-03-03

Mia Liinason blir Wallenberg Scholar!

Publicerad 28 mars 2024 Foto: Erik Thor/SUA Mia Liinason har utsetts till Wallenberg Scholar, ett program finansierat av Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse som stödjer excellent grundforskning. Forskningsgruppen består av en grupp forskare på institutionen, däribland docent Ov Cristian Norocel och universitetslektor Marta Kolankiewicz. Under fem år ska Mia Liinason, tillsammans med en forskargru

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/mia-liinason-blir-wallenberg-scholar - 2025-03-03

Ny antologi om antirasism

Publicerad 17 april 2024 Unsplash: Clay Banks Forskare Hansalbin Sältenberg och Diana och Mulinari är medredaktörer till ny antologi om antirasism. Flera av institutionens forskare medverkar i ett antal kapitel i boken. I antologin "Antirasismer och antirasistier: Realistiska utopier, spänningar och vardagserfarenheter" utforskar 24 forskare hur motståndet mot olika former av rasism bedrivs och fö

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/ny-antologi-om-antirasism - 2025-03-03

Organisationsförändring av Genusvetenskapliga institutionen – frågor och svar

Publicerad 15 maj 2024 Björn Badersten, prefekt. Fotograf: Johan Persson Prefekt Björn Badersten svarar på frågor kring den pågående diskussionen om omorganisering av Genusvetenskapliga institutionen och hur detta påverkar dig som student. Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten har inlett ett organisationsutvecklingsprojekt mot färre enheter. Projektet innebär att mindre institutioner kan komma att slås

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/organisationsforandring-av-genusvetenskapliga-institutionen-fragor-och-svar - 2025-03-03

Möt vår nydisputerade doktorand Jamie Woodworth!

Publicerad 12 juni 2024 Foto: Sarah Hirani Onsdagen den 5/6-2024 disputerade vår doktorand Jamie Woodworth med avhandlingen Our Deaths, Ourselves - An exploaration of care, community, and dying in the Swedish welfare state. Här berättar Jamie mer sitt forskningsprojekt. Can you shortly describe what your research is about?My research is about how we relate to one another and ourselves in the end-o

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/mot-var-nydisputerade-doktorand-jamie-woodworth - 2025-03-03

Välkommen till våra nya lokaler!

Publicerad 8 juli 2024 Norra entrén till Gamla lungkliniken Från och med 19 augusti finns Genusvetenskapliga institutionen i nyrenoverade Gamla lungkliniken på Sandgatan 11 i Lund. Huset kommer öppna för studenter den 26 augusti. Under sommaren 2024 flyttar Genusvetenskapliga institutionen till nya lokaler. Från och med den 19 augusti kommer Genusvetenskapliga institutionen dela byggnad med Sociol

https://www.genus.lu.se/artikel/valkommen-till-vara-nya-lokaler - 2025-03-03