

Din sökning på "*" gav 532376 sökträffar

Alumni - Max Ockborn

Published 5 September 2017 MAX OCKBORN" Möte med gruppen vid ett bord och kött som står på kött;en flygande eld och sten i ljus håller sällskap"Målningar, skulpturer och objektVälkommen till vernissage LÖRDAG 9/9 mellan kl. 13-16Utställningen pågår t.o.m. 3/10www.galerie-leger.se

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-max-ockborn - 2025-03-01

Alumni - On the Thresholds of Knowledge

Published 5 September 2017 September 6 17.00 - 21.00 September 6 – 24 2017 Skissernas Museum – Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art – and Inter Arts Center present a site specific art exhibition in Kungshuset. For the first time in centuries this remarkable building will be open to the public. The exhibition explores the concept of knowledge with both local and international artists.The point

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-thresholds-knowledge - 2025-03-01

Alumni - Hans Carlsson - Claudia del Fierro

Published 13 September 2017 Book release and film screening: Contested Histories from El ComplejoLunds konsthall Thursday September 14 at 6–8.30 pm Free entranceThe artists Hans Carlsson and Claudia del Fierro and the doctoral student Julia Willén release the book "Contested Histories From El Complejo: An Anthology". The release is accompanied by a presentation of the project, talks by Hans Carlss

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-hans-carlsson-claudia-del-fierro - 2025-03-01

Alumni - Mako Ishizuka

Published 20 October 2017 Separatutställning"Tracking the Small World"30 September - 22 October 2017Design and Creative Center Kobe (KIITO), Japanhttp://kiito.jp/schedule/exhibition/article/24026/Grupputställning"MOT Satellite Autumn 2017: Connecting Scapes"7 October - 12 November 2017Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Japanhttp://www.mot-art-museum.jp/eng/exhibition/mot_satellite_2017_fall.html

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-mako-ishizuka - 2025-03-01

Alumni - Samaneh Reyhani

Published 2 November 2017 SAMANEH REYHANI - SÂQI-NÂMA 3/11 - 19/11 Opening 3/11 5pm - 9pm Galleri Skomakeriet Högbergsgatan 24 11620 Stockholm Saki! Come. That wine, that rapture, bringeth; Blessing, increaseth; perfection; bringeth,Give me. For I, much heart-bereft, have fallen; From these both (blessing and perfection), without profit, I have fallen.Saki! Come. That alchemy of openings, That, wi

https://www.khm.lu.se/en/article/alumni-samaneh-reyhani - 2025-03-01