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Miljoner till SWEAH-alumners projekt

Av lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - publicerad 23 oktober 2024 Anna Marseglia kommer att leda en multidisciplinär forskargrupp, med expertis inom geriatrisk epidemiologi, psykologi, medicinsk sociologi, neurovetenskap och ingenjörsvetenskap. Foto: Jesse Orrico/Unsplash SWEAH-alumnen Wossenseged Jemberie, Umeå universitet, får Fortes etableringsbidrag och alumnerna A

https://sweah.lu.se/artikel/miljoner-till-sweah-alumners-projekt - 2025-01-29

Ovanligt många över 65, men ingen hemtjänst

Av lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - publicerad 26 november 2024 Pernilla tillsammans med arbetsgruppen EpiDoc, som gör datainsamling i klinisk vård runt om i Portugal. Foto: Privat Distriktssköterskan och SWEAH-doktoranden Pernilla Alencar Siljehag, vid Stiftelsen Stockholms läns Äldrecentrum, beviljades tidigare i år SWEAH:s resebidrag på 20 000 kronor för att besö

https://sweah.lu.se/artikel/ovanligt-manga-over-65-men-ingen-hemtjanst - 2025-01-29

Forskare vill utvärdera kommunsatsning på äldre

Av lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - publicerad 15 januari 2025 Foto: Andrea Piacquadio Härnösands kommun kommer som en del av ett stort hållbarhetsprojekt att fokusera på de äldres hälsa och livskvalitet framöver. Forskare från Lunds universitet och Umeå universitet, under ledning av SWEAH:s koordinator, professor Susanne Iwarsson, följer upp satsningen. SWEAH:s nya

https://sweah.lu.se/artikel/forskare-vill-utvardera-kommunsatsning-pa-aldre - 2025-01-29

Nytt engagemang på det nya året

Av lill [dot] eriksson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Lill Eriksson) - publicerad 23 januari 2025 Foto: Headway/Unsplash Arbetet i SWEAH:s ledning fortsätter med hög energi. Vid årsskiftet trädde några nya personer in som ledamöter i forskarskolans styrelse. Dessutom är det klart vilka alumner som har beviljats uppdrag i sin postdoktorala karriärutveckling. Forskarskolan SWEAH leds av en styrelse som

https://sweah.lu.se/artikel/nytt-engagemang-pa-det-nya-aret - 2025-01-29

Astronomdagarna 2024

Published 7 October 2024 Astronomdagarna is a conference that gathers astronomers from across Sweden. It was held in Lund during October 2-4, 2024, with over 120 people attending.  The national conference Astronomdagarna is held every other year, with different universities taking turns on hosting the conference.  Back in 2022 the Astronomdagarna conference was held in Gothenburg.  Last time the c

https://www.lundobservatory.lu.se/article/astronomdagarna-2024 - 2025-01-29

Terbium among the heavy elements discovered in the atmosphere of the exoplanet KELT-9b

By Anna [dot] Arnadottir [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna S. Arnadottir) - published 3 May 2023 In a recent paper, Nicholas Borsato, along with collaborators Jens Hoeijmakers, Bibiana Prinoth, Brian Thorsbro, and Rebecca Forsberg, provides insightful research on the complex atmospheric composition of the exoplanet KELT-9b. The team captured the exoplanet's spectra during transit, revealing numer

https://www.lundobservatory.lu.se/article/terbium-among-heavy-elements-discovered-atmosphere-exoplanet-kelt-9b - 2025-01-29

Meet-and-greet at ESA BIC

By anna [dot] arnadottir [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna S. Arnadottir) - published 26 April 2023 The European Space Agency Buissness Incubator Center (ESA BIC) hosted a meet-and-greet event at Ideon on April 25th.  Local professionals got to know more about ESA BIC and about a few of the ongoing space projects in Lund. This was well received by the people attending the event, and rumor has it

https://www.lundobservatory.lu.se/article/meet-and-greet-esa-bic - 2025-01-29


By anna [dot] arnadottir [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se (Anna S. Arnadottir) - published 27 April 2023 Image credit: Bibiana Prinoth Astronomers invited members of the public to look at the spring skies through the teaching telescopes. There are a number of both historical and modern telescopes at Lund Observatory.  Usually these are used for teaching purposes but every now and then the astronomers

https://www.lundobservatory.lu.se/article/stargazing - 2025-01-29

The future of the Space Industry

Published 4 May 2023   There is so much more to space than just rocket science. So said Deborah Lygonis, CEO Friendbase AB and Investor Relations, Innovatum, at a national hybrid lunch meeting titled ”The Future of the Space Industry”, which was jointly organised by ESA BIC and Women In Space Sweden (WISS) on May the fourth. She went on to explain how the space industry loosly divides into ’Upstre

https://www.lundobservatory.lu.se/article/future-space-industry - 2025-01-29

Swedish engagement in ELT instrumentation development

Published 30 May 2023  Several members of the Lund Observatory network gathered in Lundmarkssalen today to listen to Göran Östlins from Stockholm University give a seminar titled: "SELTIC, Swedish engagement in ELT instrumentation".SELTIC is a consortium developing instruments, such as MOSAIC and ANDES, for ESOs ELT - which is currently under construction and scheduled for first light in 2028.This

https://www.lundobservatory.lu.se/article/swedish-engagement-elt-instrumentation-development - 2025-01-29

RFS 2023

Published 11 August 2023 The annual Space Research School was organized here in late August by Astronomic Youth (Astronomisk Ungdom) in collaboration with Lund Observatory. Attending this year's Space Research School were twenty intelligent, motivated and space-interested high school students from across Sweden.   During their 10 days in Lund the group of high school students attended several lect

https://www.lundobservatory.lu.se/article/rfs-2023 - 2025-01-29

Galactic chemical evolution expressed in rocky exoplanet geodynamics

Published 9 November 2023 Prof. Stephen Mojzsis from the Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences (CSFK) in Budapest, Hungary, visited the Lund Observatory Network and gave a talk titled "Galactic chemical evolution expressed in rocky exoplanet geodynamics" This seminar is a part of the Lund Observatory Seminar series.  

https://www.lundobservatory.lu.se/article/galactic-chemical-evolution-expressed-rocky-exoplanet-geodynamics - 2025-01-29

Melting Arctic sea ice accelerates methane emissions

Published 17 September 2015 Photo: Frans-Jan Parmentier Methane emissions from Arctic tundra increase when sea ice melts, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden. This connection has been suspected before, but has lacked strong evidence until now. “Changes in the Arctic Ocean can affect ecosystems located far away on land, ” says Dr. Frans-Jan Parmentier, the study’s lead author an

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/melting-arctic-sea-ice-accelerates-methane-emissions - 2025-01-29

Increased chances for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

Published 22 September 2015 Oskar Hansson and Sebastian Palmqvist (Photo: Björn Hansson) A method for detecting early signs of Alzheimer’s disease using amyloid PET imaging works as well as the previously used cerebrospinal fluid sample method. This is the conclusion of a new Lund University study - the most thorough and extensive undertaken in the field so far. The most commonly used tools for in

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/increased-chances-early-detection-alzheimers-disease - 2025-01-29

Lower sperm motility in men exposed to common chemical

Published 24 September 2015 Men with higher exposure to the substance DEHP, a so-called phthalate, have lower sperm motility and may therefore experience more difficulties conceiving children, according to a Lund University study. Phthalates is an umbrella term for a group of substances based on phthalic acid, some of which are suspected to be endocrine disruptors. Many phthalates are found in sof

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lower-sperm-motility-men-exposed-common-chemical - 2025-01-29

Shortcut for academics with an international degree

Published 28 September 2015 There are currently a large number of newcomers in Sweden from countries such as Syria, Iraq and the Ukraine that hold highly interesting academic degrees. To benefit from their expertise, Lund University in cooperation with Folkuniversitetet are offering the programme Korta vägen (“The shortcut”) – a project funded by the Swedish Public Employment Service. On 8 Septemb

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/shortcut-academics-international-degree - 2025-01-29

Scholarship winner graduates and closes circle

Published 29 September 2015 Steven at the IIIEE graduation ceremony on 25 September 2015 together with Jonas Hafström, Chairman of Lund University and Håkan Rodhe, professor at IIIEE Three years ago Steven Curtis won the first prize in Lund University’s ” Challenge Your Perspectives” scholarship competition for American students. Sweden’s ambassador to the USA, Jonas Hafström, handed him the diplo

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/scholarship-winner-graduates-and-closes-circle - 2025-01-29