

Din sökning på "*" gav 532303 sökträffar

Tar rymden till hjälp för att föreställa sig framtidens arbetsliv – på jorden

Av cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] pi [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - publicerad 20 februari 2023 Psykologiforskaren Robert Holmberg och sociologen Christopher Mathieu ingår i ASG:n Work on Mars på Pufendorfinstitutet. Foto: Cecilia von Arnold Att resa till Mars är en nervkittlande fantasi för många av oss. Inte minst bland tech-miljardärer, vars fascination för rymden inte tycks veta några

https://www.pi.lu.se/artikel/tar-rymden-till-hjalp-att-forestalla-sig-framtidens-arbetsliv-pa-jorden - 2025-03-01

Skulle vi kunna jobba på Mars?

Av cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] pi [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - publicerad 20 februari 2023 Work on Mars-koordinatorn Karin Broberg svarar på tre snabba frågor. Foto: Cecilia von Arnold Just nu driver NASA det så kallade Artemisprogrammet, som har som mål att skicka en bemannad rymdfarkost till månen nästa år, och i förlängningen upprätta en bemannad månbas. Programmet är även ett för

https://www.pi.lu.se/artikel/skulle-vi-kunna-jobba-pa-mars - 2025-03-01

Pufendorfinstitutet på Hållbarhetsveckan 2023

Av cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] pi [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - publicerad 4 april 2023 Hållbarhetsveckan arrangeras den 17-22 April 2023. Alla event under Hållbarhetsveckan är öppna och kostnadsfria. Vissa har begränsat antal besökare och kan kräva föranmälan. Hållbarhetsveckan är ett årligt event där Lunds universitet och Lunds kommun bjuder in till en vecka med aktiviteter kring hå

https://www.pi.lu.se/artikel/pufendorfinstitutet-pa-hallbarhetsveckan-2023 - 2025-03-01

Pufendorf-Temat banar väg för nya genombrott om perenna grödor

Av cecilia [dot] von_arnold [at] lucsus [dot] lu [dot] se (Cecilia von Arnold) - publicerad 30 mars 2023 Lennart Olssons nya EU projekt ska ska undersöka möjligheter och hinder för en framtida övergång till ett jordbruk med helt nya perenna (fleråriga) grödor. Professor Lennart Olsson har tilldelats ERC Advanced Grant på 2,5 miljoner euro för att vidareutveckla och fördjupa sin forskning om perenn

https://www.pi.lu.se/artikel/pufendorf-temat-banar-vag-nya-genombrott-om-perenna-grodor - 2025-03-01

A Beginner's Guide to Swedish Academia

Published 8 December 2022 The Young Academy of Sweden, an interdisciplinary academy for a selection of the most prominent younger researchers in Sweden, has launched "A Beginner’s Guide to Swedish Academia", a guide for international researchers, to help navigate Swedish academia and remove time-consuming obstacles. The Young Academy of Sweden (YAS) is an independent platform that provides young r

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/beginners-guide-swedish-academia - 2025-03-01

A new WCMM doctor!

Published 8 December 2022 The WCMM centre has got yet another new doctor! Roberta Battistella, PhD student in the Lundgaard lab, successfully defended her thesis this month. Roberta Battistella, PhD student in the Lundgaard lab and part of MultiPark, defended her PhD thesis entitled “Methods to study glymphatic system in rodents´ brain during physiological and pathophysiological processes” on the

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/new-wcmm-doctor-0 - 2025-03-01

Karin Tran Lundmark receives Heart-Lung Foundation grant of 2.4 million SEK

Published 8 December 2022 Karin Tran Lundmark was awarded funding from the Heart-Lung Foundation for the project "Synchrotron-based imaging to decipher cardiovascular pathobiology". The funding includes 800.000 SEK per year for 3 years. The main purpose of this project is to find novel treatments for pulmonary hypertension. To achieve this, Karins group aims to:  Use synchrotron-based imaging comb

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/karin-tran-lundmark-receives-heart-lung-foundation-grant-24-million-sek - 2025-03-01

Two WCMM ScienceBrews down, many more to come!

Published 8 December 2022 The first pair of WCMM ScienceBrew popular science talks was a success. Stay tuned for the many exciting plans we have for our popular science talks series! Thanks to all the speakers for their fantastic performance at Café Ariman! At the inaugural WCMM ScienceBrew we heard from: Luís, on turning skin into immune cells to fight disease. Zackarias, on the "sweet" science o

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/two-wcmm-sciencebrews-down-many-more-come - 2025-03-01

SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science

Published 7 February 2023 The SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is the is one of the latest research initiative funded by Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation. Lund University has successfully recruited two DDLS Fellows starting now in the beginning of 2023. The practice of life science is continuously becoming more data-dependent. The amount and complexi

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/scilifelab-wallenberg-national-program-data-driven-life-science - 2025-03-01

Filipe Pereira awarded the ERC Proof-of-Concept grant

Published 7 February 2023 Filipe Pereira was awarded the ERC Proof-of-Concept grant covering €150.000 for a period of 18 months for the idea to identify cancer neoantigens with dendritic cell reprogramming (NeoIDC). The ERC Proof-of-Concept (PoC) grant aims at facilitating the exploration of the commercial and social innovation potential of ERC-funded research. The project, for which Filipe Pereir

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/filipe-pereira-awarded-erc-proof-concept-grant - 2025-03-01

Gesine Paul-Visse receives 3 million SEK from Cancerfonden

Published 7 February 2023 Gesine Paul-Visse and consultant neurologist and clinical fellow Robert Carlsson received 3 million SEK of funding by Cancerfonden covering 3 years for their project. The already ongoing project entitled “Modulating key targets in pericytes: impact on tumor infiltration and immune evasion in glioblastoma” will investigate if and how modulation of previously selected targe

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/gesine-paul-visse-receives-3-million-sek-cancerfonden - 2025-03-01

SciLifeLab - a national resource of unique technologies and expertise

Published 7 February 2023 Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Barg SciLifeLab, Science for Life Laboratory, is a joint organisation for the advancement of molecular biosciences in Sweden. What started off as a joint effort between Stockholm-based universities is now a national collaboration with operations at 11 universities. In 2022, SciLifeLab site Lund was started. SciLifeLab, Science for Life Laboratory

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/scilifelab-national-resource-unique-technologies-and-expertise - 2025-03-01

A new WCMM doctor!

Published 6 March 2023 Cecilia Skoug, PhD graduate in Joao Duartes group The WCMM centre has got yet another new doctor! Cecilia Skoug, PhD graduate from Joao Duartes group, defended her thesis “Bioactive lipids as neuroprotective targets in type 2 diabetes” on the 1st of March in Belfragesalen at BMC. In her thesis, Cecilia has explored the change in the lipidome and the consequences for brain fu

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/new-wcmm-doctor-1 - 2025-03-01

First patient receives milestone stem cell-based transplant for Parkinson’s Disease

Published 7 March 2023 On 13th of February, a transplant of stem cell-derived nerve cells was administered to a person with Parkinson’s at Skåne University Hospital, Sweden. The product has been developed by Lund University and it is now being tested in patients for the first time. The transplantation product is generated from embryonic stem cells and functions to replace the dopamine nerve cells

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/first-patient-receives-milestone-stem-cell-based-transplant-parkinsons-disease - 2025-03-01

WCMM Fellows Receive VR Grant

Published 7 March 2023 Martin Magnusson, clinical WCMM fellow and adjunct professor in cardiovascular research Martin Magnusson received a 4.8 million VR project grant 2023-2026 for the project "Incretin system´s impact on cardiovascular disease and cancer" together with Joao Duarte and Anja Meissner. The aim of this study is to assess the long-term effects of incretin hormones GIP and GLP-1 on th

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/wcmm-fellows-receive-vr-grant-2 - 2025-03-01

A new WCMM doctor

Published 7 March 2023 Cecilia Skoug, PhD graduate in Joao Duartes group Cecilia Skoug, PhD graduate from Joao Duartes group, defended her thesis “Bioactive lipids as neuroprotective targets in type 2 diabetes” on the 1st of March in Belfragesalen at BMC. Cecilia explored the change in the lipidome and the consequences for brain function in type 2 diabetes (T2D). In metabolic diseases, such as obe

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/new-wcmm-doctor-2 - 2025-03-01

Johan Korduner is a new WCMM doctor!

Published 2 April 2023 Johan Korduner, PhD graduate from Martin Magnusson’s group, defended his thesis “The heterogeneity of obesity for risk of cardiometabolic disease. Epidemiology and clinical aspects” on the 24th of March at the Department of Clinical Sciences in Malmö. Johan was interested in exploring variants of obesity with lower risks of cardiometabolic disease and exploring the pathways

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/johan-korduner-new-wcmm-doctor - 2025-03-01

The story of Oksana Tymoshchuk and the mysterious glymphatic system

Published 4 April 2023 Oksana Tymoshchuk, professor from Ukraine, came to Sweden in April 2022 when a full-scale war broke out in her country. A grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation brought Oksana and Iben Lundgaard together and today Oksana is working in the Lundgaard lab trying to find out more about the mysterious glymphatic system. We are all well aware of the situation in Ukrai

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/story-oksana-tymoshchuk-and-mysterious-glymphatic-system - 2025-03-01

WCMM Research Day 2023 - Artificial intelligence in Regenerative Medicine

Published 14 April 2023 Never before so much data has been produced within life sciences. At the same time, computing power, artificial intelligence and other technology necessary to handle data have been greatly improved. The theme of this year’s WCMM Research Day held on April 12th in Lund, was artificial intelligence (AI) in medical research. A widely discussed topic that has opened up endless

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/wcmm-research-day-2023 - 2025-03-01

NMMP Annual Scientific Conference 2023

Published 3 May 2023 Photo: Mikael Stiernstedt The National Molecular Medicine Fellows Program - NMMP - is a collaborative program between the four Wallenberg centres and SciLifeLab that was established in 2017. The aims of the program is to improve scientific networks and collaborations across Sweden, as well as to increase the awareness and accessibility of the cutting-edge infrastructure at Sci

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/nmmp-annual-scientific-conference-2023 - 2025-03-01