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Outforskat DNA förklarar skillnaden mellan människa och schimpans

By paulina [dot] pettersson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Paulina Pettersson) - published 14 October 2021 Läs här om vår forskning om en tidigare förbisedd del i vårt DNA, så kallat icke-kodat DNA. Vårt DNA är mycket likt schimpansens, som evolutionärt är vår närmaste levande släkting. Nu har stamcellsforskare i Lund hittat en tidigare förbisedd del i vårt DNA, så kallat icke-kodat DNA, som tycks bi

https://www.molecular-neurogenetics.lu.se/article/outforskat-dna-forklarar-skillnaden-mellan-manniska-och-schimpans - 2025-03-09

A short film about MAD for Cancer

Published 30 March 2015 Prof. Thoas Fioretos What is MAD for Cancer? In this 3-minute film you will understand more about the research focus in this multidisciplinary cancer program. Prof. Thoas Fioretos, Prof. Carl Borrebaeck and Prof. Kristian Pietras touches upon different research focus that is part of the program as well as share their vision of the program in this film.More information about

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/short-film-about-mad-cancer - 2025-03-09

MAD for Cancer recently recieved $2 million

Published 12 April 2015 Micrograph of a carotid body in paraganglioma (Credits: Nephron, Wikimedia Commons) Sven Påhlman and MAD for Cancer recently recieved $2 million aiming to support Sven´s research for improving outcome for neuroendocrine cancers. A paraganglioma is a neuroendocrine type of tumor. It can develop at various body sites (including the head, neck, thorax and abdomen). The funding

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/mad-cancer-recently-recieved-2-million - 2025-03-09

MAD for Cancer at Nordea Masters 4-7 June

Published 12 May 2015 Nordea Masters is part of the prestigious PGA European Golf Tour. Last year, this event attracted 80.000 people at PGA Sweden National in Bara, outside of Malmö. This is one of the most anticipated golf competitions in Europe and will this June return to the PGA Sweden National in Bara. During Nordea Master 2014, MAD for Cancer at Lund University was the focus of a donation c

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/mad-cancer-nordea-masters-4-7-june - 2025-03-09

New results for galiellalactone and its effect on prostate cancer

Published 19 August 2015 STAT-3 structure (Credits: Wikimedia Commons) Researchers within MAD for Cancer recently published new results for the promising STAT3 inhibitor galiellalactone and its effect on prostate cancer This study shows that the STAT3 inhibitor galiellalactone reduces tumor growth and metastatic spread in an animal model of prostate cancer. The article “The STAT3 Inhibitor Galiell

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/new-results-galiellalactone-and-its-effect-prostate-cancer - 2025-03-09

US Rogosin Institute invests in MAD for Cancer

Published 9 October 2015 The US research institute, Rogosin Institute, invests in the Lund-based research program MAD for Cancer. The agreement gives the cancer research at Lund University new funds. Rogosin Institute has developed a general method to stop tumor growth, and the approach is to contain the tumor cells in particles of sugar and thereby produce proteins that stops the growth of tumor

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/us-rogosin-institute-invests-mad-cancer - 2025-03-09

Minority of cancer cells can contribute to entire tumor growth in pancreatic cancer

Published 8 February 2016 Pancreatic cancer cell Credit: STEVE GSCHMEISSNER / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images Group Professor Kristian Pietras´ research group together with researchers at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm recently showed that it is only a small minority of tumor cells in neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas that contribute to the entire tumor grow and spread. This findin

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/minority-cancer-cells-can-contribute-entire-tumor-growth-pancreatic-cancer - 2025-03-09

US-based Starr Companies made a donation to MAD for Cancer

Published 16 February 2016 Recently, the Lund University alumni Bertil P. Lundqvist, made a donation to the MAD for Cancer program, his American employer Starr Companies matched the amount. This procedure is called "Employee Matching Gift" and is a common form of philanthropic giving in the United States. This is the first time, Starr Companies give a donation to cancer research outside the US. Be

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/us-based-starr-companies-made-donation-mad-cancer - 2025-03-09

Donation ger skjuts åt forskning som tar helhetsgrepp på tumörer

Published 23 March 2016 Forskare från fyra fakulteter vid Lunds universitet samlar sin expertkunskap för att studera cancer ur flera perspektiv. Målet är bättre och tidigare metoder för diagnos och behandling, och att patienter snabbt ska gynnas av resultaten. Det så kallade MAD for Cancer-programmet får 2 miljoner kronor från Mats Paulssons stiftelse för forskning, innovation och samhällsbyggande

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/donation-ger-skjuts-forskning-som-tar-helhetsgrepp-pa-tumorer - 2025-03-09

Improved gene analysis of kidney cancer defines kidney cancer subtypes

Published 29 August 2017 Professor Håkan Axelsson and his team have identified a series of gene expression programs that are characteristic for specific cell types of the nephron. This can be used to define the histological origin of kidney cancer which is significant for diagnostics and, in the long term, also for the choice of treatment. To the full article

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/improved-gene-analysis-kidney-cancer-defines-kidney-cancer-subtypes - 2025-03-09

Lunds Fernströmpris till forskning om cancercellers samspel med omgivningen

Published 18 September 2017 Kristian Pietras, professor i molekylär medicin, har utsetts till Lunds universitets egen Fernströmpristagare. Han får priset för sin banbrytande forskning om samspelet mellan tumörceller och deras omgivning, vilket kan leda till nya behandlingar vid cancer.  En tumör består av cancerceller som förökar sig på ett okontrollerat sätt. Den här processen drivs av genetiska

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/lunds-fernstrompris-till-forskning-om-cancercellers-samspel-med-omgivningen - 2025-03-09

Professor Kristian Pietras publish new study in Nature Medicine.

Published 1 October 2020 New treatment for aggressive breast cancer The researcher team lead by Professor Kristian Pietras has developed a new drug that transforms aggressive breast cancer so that it becomes responsive to standard hormone therapy. Approximately 10–15 per cent of breast cancer cases do not respond to treatment with hormone therapy, which means that they are more aggressive and ofte

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/professor-kristian-pietras-publish-new-study-nature-medicine - 2025-03-09

Professor Thoas Fioretos - Wallenberg Clinical Fellow

Published 2 October 2020 Professor Thoas Fioretos, one of CREATE healths principal investigators is one of 4 active chief physicians who was awarded this years Wallenbergs Clinical fellow grant. As a Wallenberg Clinical Scholar, he will develop new methods to improve diagnostics, treatment selection, and follow-up of patients diagnosed with leukemia. The project will also provide important insight

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/professor-thoas-fioretos-wallenberg-clinical-fellow - 2025-03-09

Multifocal strategy to fight cancer

Published 2 October 2020 Within Mad for Cancer we use a multidisciplinary approach to defeat cancer. We utilize knowledge from research areas such as cancer stem cells, immuno-oncology, tumor micro-environment, and the psychological effect on cancer. This approach has been very rewarding, and the outcome was presented in DN today. We know today that knowledge from several different therapy areas i

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/multifocal-strategy-fight-cancer - 2025-03-09

TEDx Lund

Published 6 October 2020 Professor Carl Borrebaeck, held an inspiring talk at TEDxLund, www.tedxlund.se, hosted by Medicon Village and MAX IV. The theme of TEDxLund "Prima Materia." The event featured speakers, presenting in front of an audience, and was recorded in its entirety and then streamed to another 100 audience members at Medicon Village (Auditorium). In the spirit of ideas worth spreadin

https://www.madforcancer.lu.se/article/tedx-lund - 2025-03-09