

Din sökning på "*" gav 534151 sökträffar

Meet Wallenberg Fellow Niklas Mattsson-Carlgren

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 16 October 2020 Niklas Mattsson-Carlgren – The Search for underlying causes of Alzheimer's disease Niklas Mattsson-Carlgren is searching for underlying causes for Alzheimer’s Disease. “I am motivated by the possibility that my work may make difference for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease.”

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/meet-wallenberg-fellow-niklas-mattsson-carlgren - 2025-03-11

Promotion to Senior Lecturer

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 3 September 2020 João Duarte - Congratulations to Your promotion to Senior Lecturer! Duarte´s research focus on the relation between Diabetes and Brain function, hence being in the Centre´s core focus on Regenerative- and translational medicine, but also with significant emphasis on interdisciplinary research. Tw

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/promotion-senior-lecturer - 2025-03-11

ERC grant

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 3 September 2020 Paul Bourgine, WCMM LU Fellow, has need awarded with an ERC grant! Well done and well deserved! Congratulations! https://www.medicin.lu.se/article/lundaforskare-far-dela-pa-100-miljone… 

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/erc-grant - 2025-03-11

Demonstrations of specific inflammatory pattern in juvenile arthritis

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 27 August 2020 Robin Kahn Robin Kahn, Clinical PI WCMM LU and Pediatric Rheumatologist, et al reports on skewed synovial monocyte polarization pattern with functional impairment—a distinct inflammatory pattern in juvenile arthritis. Read more here:  https://arthritis-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11 http

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/demonstrations-specific-inflammatory-pattern-juvenile-arthritis - 2025-03-11

Association found between decreased cognitive function and worsened prognosis in heart failure. 

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 20 August 2020 MD Professor Martin Magnusson Read more in the new publication from Cardiologist, Professor and WCMM PI Martin Magnusson lab. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ehf2.12909?af=R

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/association-found-between-decreased-cognitive-function-and-worsened-prognosis-heart-failure - 2025-03-11

Samband nedsatt kognitiv förmåga och försämrad prognos vid hjärtsvikt

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 20 August 2020 Här läser du mer om forskargruppens nya forskningsrön om samband mellan nedsatt kognitiv förmåga och försämrad prognos vid hjärtsvikt, och fyndens  betydelse i framtida behandling av patienter med hjärtsvikt.   https://www.lu.se/article/samband-nedsatt-kognitiv-formaga-och-forsamra… https://vard.sk

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/samband-nedsatt-kognitiv-formaga-och-forsamrad-prognos-vid-hjartsvikt - 2025-03-11

New publication in Nature Biotechnology from WCMM Fellow Agnete Kirkeby

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 27 May 2020 Agnete Kirkeby, Photo Kennet Rouna Nature Biotechnology publication from WCMM Fellow Agnete Kirkeby! Read more about a novel model for studies on human brain development – resulting from a true interdisciplinary collaboration! Read more at https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-method-provides-u

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/new-publication-nature-biotechnology-wcmm-fellow-agnete-kirkeby - 2025-03-11

RNA drugs one step closer to be being used in cancer treatment

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 20 April 2020 Chloroquine in tumour spheroids Photo: Hampus Du Rietz In recent years, RNA molecules, with the ability to affect or turn off pathogenic genes, have become promising drug candidates in several areas. However, it has been a challenge to develop techniques to deliver the RNA molecules into the cells w

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/rna-drugs-one-step-closer-be-being-used-cancer-treatment - 2025-03-11

New article - Development of Humanized Ossicles: Bridging the Hematopoietic Gap

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 16 March 2020 The Bourgine lab recently published an article describing the engineering of human bone organ in mice. These “humanized ossicle” can be used as a technological platform to model the human hematopoietic system. The approach allow gathering hematopoietic knowledge of advanced human relevance in both h

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/new-article-development-humanized-ossicles-bridging-hematopoietic-gap - 2025-03-11

Interview with WCMM Clinical Researcher and Pediatrician Kees-Jan Pronk in ”Lunds Universitets Magasin (LUM)”

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 19 February 2020 Kees-Jan Pronk about cancer in children and his research related to it. Vill driva barnonkologin framåt (Eng: Want to develop pediatric oncology forward) https://www.lu.se/article/vill-driva-barnonkologin-framat (article in Swedish only)

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/interview-wcmm-clinical-researcher-and-pediatrician-kees-jan-pronk-lunds-universitets-magasin-lum - 2025-03-11

WCMM LU Welcomes new Co-director Professor Jonas Larsson from January 2020!

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 18 February 2020 Co-director Professor Jonas Larsson From January 2020 we warmly welcome professor Jonas Larsson as new Co-director! Jonas Larsson is Professor in Hematology and also bring long-term experience to WCMM LU as Director for StemTherapy – a National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy. P

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/wcmm-lu-welcomes-new-co-director-professor-jonas-larsson-january-2020 - 2025-03-11

Celebration of the second round of WCMM LU Mentor program February 11 2020!

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 17 February 2020 At WCMM LU we believe in educating and supporting our PIs in professional development and academic leadership. All recruited PIs are welcomed to a mentor program, where they are matched with a mentor (a senior Professor at ot faculty) and invited to professional lead seminars in collaboration wit

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/celebration-second-round-wcmm-lu-mentor-program-february-11-2020 - 2025-03-11

Successful translational research between two researchers at WCMM Lund

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 2 July 2021 Excellent example on successful Translational Research at WCMM Lund between Anja Meissner and Martin Magnusson: - Phospholipid S1P suggested as a potential biomarker in cardiovascular disease Anja Meissner Martin Magnusson In 2017 both Anja Meissner and Martin Magnusson were recruited to WCMM Lund, as

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/successful-translational-research-between-two-researchers-wcmm-lund - 2025-03-11

Andreas Edsfeldt receives a translational award for studies on diabetes and the risk of cardiovascular diseases

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 22 September 2021 The Swedish Medical Society's Translational Prize 2021 is awarded to Andreas Edsfeldt, researcher and associate professor at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, and a doctor at the Heart Care Section, Skåne University Hospital Malmö. Andreas Edsfeldt is rewarded for his applica

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/andreas-edsfeldt-receives-translational-award-studies-diabetes-and-risk-cardiovascular-diseases - 2025-03-11

Kick-off for WCMM Research School 2021-2022!

By Anders [dot] Martensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Anders Mårtensson) - published 1 October 2021 WCMM Research School is one of the most important pieces of regenerative medicine training we provide here as a centre. This year we will have have 18 students, ranging from 1st year PhD students to senior post-docs from different faculties, including LTH, Biology, Clinicians and the Faculty of Med

https://www.wcmm.lu.se/article/kick-wcmm-research-school-2021-2022 - 2025-03-11