

Din sökning på "*" gav 535040 sökträffar

Lost genes make fungi dependent on trees

Published 27 February 2015 Mycorrhiza fungi and tree roots. Photo: LU, Gunnar Menander A new research study has shed light on the underground interaction between tree roots and fungi. In order to understand how this important symbiosis came about, an international team of researchers have sequenced the genomes of different fungi that live underground. The study shows that in the course of evolutio

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/lost-genes-make-fungi-dependent-trees - 2025-03-11

Hidden greenhouse gas emissions made visible in new report

Published 5 March 2015 Photo: Karin Hjerpe, Jordbruksverket A new report shows that restored wetlands can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. BECC researchers Åsa Kasimir and Leif Klemedtsson at the University of Gothenburg are two of the authors. Drained peatland is a major source of greenhouse gases. The Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket), The Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen) and the Swed

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/hidden-greenhouse-gas-emissions-made-visible-new-report - 2025-03-11

Nomination open to IPBES

Published 6 March 2015 The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES) invites interested researchers to nominate experts to be involved in the work of IPBES. Currently there is a call out for nominations of experts to 3 of the IPBES deliverables:1) A set of regional and sub-regional assessments of biodiversity and ecosystem services implementing work programme delivera

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/nomination-open-ipbes - 2025-03-11

30 years of environmental monitoring shows air pollution effects on forests

Published 10 March 2015 One of the plots (obsytorna) in Arkelstorp, in northern Skåne. 30 years of study of several hundred plots (obsytor) in Swedish forests have followed the developments of forest damage. The result is a unique material about the effects of air pollution on the forest and its ecosystems up to 2013. BECC researcher Cecilia Akselsson, Lund University, has led the evaluation and P

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/30-years-environmental-monitoring-shows-air-pollution-effects-forests - 2025-03-11

Apply to ClimBEco Graduate Research School 2015-2017

Published 9 March 2015 ClimBEco is a two-year graduate research school that promotes young scientists to engage in interdisciplinary research on climate, earth system and society in a changing world. Application to ClimBEco is open right now until the 14th of April. The Research School is open to students who are already enrolled as PhD students. Priority will be given to PhD students enrolled at

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/apply-climbeco-graduate-research-school-2015-2017 - 2025-03-11

Cluster meeting at MAX IV

Published 8 March 2015 Visit at the MAX IV Laboratory. Photo: Anna Boo On March 4, the BECC cluster “Climate, land use and biogeochemical cycles” visited the synchrotron source MAX IV. MAX IV Laboratory is a national laboratory hosted by Lund University. It operates accelerators producing x-rays of very high intensity and quality which are used for scientific research making the invisible visible.

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/cluster-meeting-max-iv - 2025-03-11

DataGURU – a new tool for disseminating and finding spatial temporal data

Published 13 March 2015 DataGURU is a tool for researchers to disseminate and find climate, land use, biodiversity and related data. The tool can also be of value as open data strategy in future applications for research funding. This work has been commissioned by the strategic research areas BECC and MERGE. The team, led by researcher Veiko Lehsten, developed a tool for the dissemination of the r

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/dataguru-new-tool-disseminating-and-finding-spatial-temporal-data - 2025-03-11

New BECC newsletter

Published 16 March 2015 Read about new BECC related reports and articles, the webtool DataGURU and the many events that BECC is organising this spring. Some examples from the content:Hidden greenhouse gas emissions made visible in new reportNew article about climate change effects on soil nitrogen dynamics Lost genes make fungi dependent on trees30 years of environmental monitoring shows air pollu

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/new-becc-newsletter - 2025-03-11

Nature Climate Change paper: Optimal stomatal behavior around the world

Published 22 April 2015 BECC researchers are co-authors of a paper in Nature Climate Change: Optimal stomatal behavior around the world. Plants trade water for carbon. Every litre of water they extract from the soil allows them to take up a few more grams of carbon from the atmosphere in order to grow. A new global study published 2 March in Nature Climate Change shows that plants use their water

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/nature-climate-change-paper-optimal-stomatal-behavior-around-world - 2025-03-11

Wild bees are harmed by pesticide - BECC researchers involved in unique field study

Published 22 April 2015 Bumble bee (Bombus terrestris) queen flying in one of the oilseed rape fields. Photo: Maj Rundlöf A research project has, for the first time, investigated how a neonicotinoid pesticide, clothianidin, affects both honeybees and wild bees under field conditions in agricultural landscapes. The study shows that honeybees can cope with exposure to the pesticide, but that it has

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/wild-bees-are-harmed-pesticide-becc-researchers-involved-unique-field-study - 2025-03-11

Successful evaluation of BECC

Published 30 April 2015 2010-2014 43 Swedish strategic research areas (SRA’s) was funded by the Swedish government, BECC is one of the SRA’s. During 2014 the SRA’s was evaluated. Today the evaluation, together with recommendations for the future, was announced and the BECC environment can be proud to achieve a positive and successful evaluation statement. BECC is also one of four highlighted SRAs

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/successful-evaluation-becc - 2025-03-11

Henrik Smith appointed member of the government's new research committee

Published 9 April 2015 The government has appointed a new research committee that will be providing the knowledge base for the work with the Research Policy Bill 2016. Henrik Smith, coordinator of BECC, is one of the persons appointed to the committee. The research committee will be a forum for Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Minister for Higher Education and Research, to discuss the research policy pri

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/henrik-smith-appointed-member-governments-new-research-committee - 2025-03-11

New article in Science shows that savannahs slows climate change

Published 28 May 2015 Tropical rainforests have long been considered the Earth’s lungs, sequestering large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thereby slowing down the increasing greenhouse effect and associated human-made climate change. Scientists in a global research project now show that the vast extensions of semi-arid landscapes occupying the transition zone between rainforest

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/new-article-science-shows-savannahs-slows-climate-change - 2025-03-11

Tropical montane rain forests sensitive to temperature increase

Published 9 June 2015 Photo: Göran Wallin, University of Gothenburg The photosynthesis of tropical species in montane rain forest is very sensitive to high temperature which means high-altitude rain forests are particularly under threat by global warming. This has been shown by researchers from the University of Gothenburg in a study published in the journal New Phytologist. An increase in tempera

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/tropical-montane-rain-forests-sensitive-temperature-increase - 2025-03-11

What is SSEESS?

Published 8 June 2015 Read more about the visit of SSEESS, The Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences, on May 7th. On Thursday May 7th Lund was visited by SSEESS’s Director Magnus Tannerfeldt, Senior Research Officer’s Neda Farahbakhshazad and Dan Wilhelmsson as well as Anna Metzger Communication officer.Magnus, Neda, Dan and Anna  presented what SSEESS is and the role of SSEE

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/what-sseess - 2025-03-11

Report from the workshop "Dynamic global vegetation modelling: towards a third generation"

Published 11 June 2015 BECC was one of the supporting organizations behind the workshop "Dynamic global vegetation modelling: towards a third generation" that was held in Landskrona, 11-13 May. Read the report from the meeting here. On May 11-13 a LPJ-GUESS workshop was held at Hotel Öresund in Landskrona, bringing together around 60 leading researchers within the dynamic global vegetation modelli

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/report-workshop-dynamic-global-vegetation-modelling-towards-third-generation - 2025-03-11

Increased carbon dioxide levels in air restrict plants ability to absorb nutrients

Published 11 June 2015 Rice in Japan. Photo: Kazuhiko Kobayashi The rapidly rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affect plants’ absorption of nitrogen, which is the nutrient that restricts crop growth in most terrestrial ecosystems. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have now revealed that the concentration of nitrogen in plants’ tissue is lower in air with high levels of car

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/increased-carbon-dioxide-levels-air-restrict-plants-ability-absorb-nutrients - 2025-03-11

Report from "Carbon footprints for effective climate policy on international trade"

Published 22 June 2015 Tobias Nielsen, Karin Bäckstrand and Helene Axelsson. Photo by IISD/ENB On Thursday, 11 June 2015, Lund University arranged a side-event at the Bonn Climate Change Conference. Tobias Nielsen, BECC PhD student, was one of the speakers. The Bonn Climate Change Conference side-event "Carbon footprints for effective climate policy on international trade" was arranged by Lund Uni

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/report-carbon-footprints-effective-climate-policy-international-trade - 2025-03-11

Putting a price on nature is difficult - new study in Nature Communications

Published 26 June 2015 Photo: Maj Rundlöf Can the loss of biodiversity slow down if one exposes its economic value? In a study recently published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, the scientists show that among the many thousands of species of bees in the world, only a few species are of economic importance for agriculture. The most common pollinators of crops can be promoted by rel

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/putting-price-nature-difficult-new-study-nature-communications - 2025-03-11

Thomas Sterner new member of Scientific Council for Sustainable Development

Published 13 August 2015 Professor Thomas Sterner, Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg and BECC researcher, is now a member of the newly established Scientific Council for Sustainable Development. During the Almedalen Week 2015, the Swedish Government decided to establish a new council for sustainable development: the Scientific Council for Sustainable Development. The council

https://www.becc.lu.se/article/thomas-sterner-new-member-scientific-council-sustainable-development - 2025-03-11