

Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar

Involvement of fear, incompleteness, and disgust during symptoms of pediatric obsessive–compulsive disorder

Published 16 May 2020 Fear has been assigned a central role in models of obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), but empirical investigations into the emotions that underpin OCD symptoms are few, especially in pediatric samples. Using validated, clinician-led structured interviews, 124 youth with OCD reported on the presence and severity of symptoms across the main symptom dimensions of OCD (aggressi

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/involvement-fear-incompleteness-and-disgust-during-symptoms-pediatric-obsessive-compulsive-disorder - 2025-03-09

The Reconstructed Cohort Design: A Method to Study Rare Neurodegenerative Diseases in Population-Based Settings

Published 17 May 2020 Rare neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by high heterogeneity and high clinical complexity, as well as low incidence and prevalence, thus making tracking small numbers of incident cases in the general population very challenging. Since it is not possible to use classical cohort studies to estimate the incidence of these rare diseases, we can “reconstruct” a theoreti

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/reconstructed-cohort-design-method-study-rare-neurodegenerative-diseases-population-based-settings - 2025-03-09

Can patch testing with methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone be optimized using a new diagnostic mix?

Published 18 May 2020 The share of contact allergy to MCI/MI 0.215% aq., MCI/MI 0.02% aq., and MI 0.2% aq. varied in the test centers between 7.9% and 25.9%, 3.2% and 10.3%, and 5.8% and 12.3%, respectively. MCI/MI 0.215% aq. detected significantly more patch‐test positive individuals than both MCI/MI 0.02% aq. (P < .001) and MI 0.2% aq. (P < .001), as well as either one of MCI/MI and MI (P < .001

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/can-patch-testing-methylchloroisothiazolinonemethylisothiazolinone-be-optimized-using-new-diagnostic - 2025-03-09

Patient experience of the informed consent process during acute myocardial infarction

Published 19 May 2020 We aimed to assess the patient experience of informed consent (IC) during acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in a sub-study of the VALIDATE-SWEDEHEART trial. The original trial compared two anticoagulant agents in patients undergoing coronary intervention. A witnessed oral IC was required prior to randomization in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, which

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/patient-experience-informed-consent-process-during-acute-myocardial-infarction - 2025-03-09

Early repolarization pattern on ECG recorded before the acute coronary event does not predict ventricular fibrillation during ST-elevation myocardial infarction.

Published 21 May 2020 For STEMI patients admitted for primary percutaneous coronary intervention from 2007-2010, the latest ECGs recorded before STEMI were exported in digital format. After excluding ECGs with paced rhythm and QRS duration ≥120 ms, the remaining ECGs were processed using the Glasgow algorithm allowing automatic ER detection. The association between ER pattern and VT/VF during the

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/early-repolarization-pattern-ecg-recorded-acute-coronary-event-does-not-predict-ventricular - 2025-03-09

National Heart Failure Registry, India: Design and methods

Published 22 May 2020 Heart failure (HF) has emerged as a global public health problem that affects both low and high-income countries. The high HF burden and the need for resource-intensive treatments often lead to health system crisis in resource-poor settings. Data on prevailing practice patterns and long-term clinical outcomes of HF are scarce from the low and middle-income countries. National

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/national-heart-failure-registry-india-design-and-methods - 2025-03-09

Vitamin D and inflammation in major depressive disorder

Published 23 May 2020 There were no significant differences in 25(OH)D levels between MDD and controls (p = 0.24) or between MDD with and without SI (p = 0.61). However, 25(OH)D was negatively correlated with all measured inflammatory markers; these correlations were stronger in MDD subjects, and particularly in those with SI. MDD status significantly moderated the relationships between 25(OH)D an

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/vitamin-d-and-inflammation-major-depressive-disorder - 2025-03-09

Establishing Patient Registries for Rare Diseases: Rationale and Challenges

Published 24 May 2020 Globally, an estimated 350 million people are affected by a rare disease diagnosis. Knowledge limitations persist for the majority of rare conditions due to systemic and structural challenges in healthcare and research. Disease-specific patient populations are often small and geographically dispersed; funding support for research is restricted; and diagnostic delays are commo

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/establishing-patient-registries-rare-diseases-rationale-and-challenges - 2025-03-09

DORIS gör det enklare att dela data via SND

Published 20 May 2020 DORIS är ett verktyg som ska gå att använda genom hela processen för att göra forskningsdata tillgängliga: från beskrivning av forskningsdata till beställning av data för återanvändning eller granskning. Utvecklingen av systemet är uppdelat i flera olika faser. Läs mer på https://snd.gu.se/sv/nyheter/doris-gor-det-enklare-att-dela-data-snd.

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/doris-gor-det-enklare-att-dela-data-snd - 2025-03-09

Svenska Intensivvårdsregistret, SIR, har anslutits till metadataverktyget RUT

Published 22 May 2020 Ett särskilt aktuellt register dessa dagar är Svenska Intensivvårdsregistret, SIR, som dagligen rapporterar om antalet inlagda patienter med covid-19 på svenska intensivvårdsavdelningar. Representanter från SIR har arbetat intensivt tillsammans med Vetenskapsrådet för att dokumentera registrets innehåll i RUT och på så sätt göra det mer tillgängligt för forskning. Läs mer här

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/svenska-intensivvardsregistret-sir-har-anslutits-till-metadataverktyget-rut - 2025-03-09

Poddcast: Att förstå corona och dess konsekvenser

Published 23 May 2020 Nu finns möjlighet att lyssna på en initierad podd i två delar där forskare samtalar om virusets spridning, lärdomar från spanska sjukan samt ekonomiska konsekvenser av den nedstängning av världen som vi nu upplever. Poddcasten är framtagen som samarbete mellan Centrum för ekonomisk demografi (CED) vid Ekonomihögskolan i Lund och LU Futura - Lunds universitets tankesmedja för

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/poddcast-att-forsta-corona-och-dess-konsekvenser - 2025-03-09

Diabetes Registry of Pakistan

Published 25 May 2020 Diabetes registries can be used to monitor the prevalence and incidence of diabetes. Diabetes registries are used in many countries for population management of diabetes, outcomes management, and development of Clinician finding Support Structure, for example, National Diabetes Registry (NDR) in Sweden and Singapore diabetes registry. New publication in Pakistan Journal of Me

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/diabetes-registry-pakistan - 2025-03-09

Advances in mapping population and demographic characteristics at small-area levels

Published 26 May 2020 Temporally and spatially highly resolved information on population characteristics, including demographic profile (e.g. age and sex), ethnicity and socio-economic status (e.g. income, occupation, education), are essential for observational health studies at the small-area level. Time-relevant population data are critical as denominators for health statistics, analytics and ep

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/advances-mapping-population-and-demographic-characteristics-small-area-levels - 2025-03-09

Infant Health and Later-Life Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the Introduction of Sulpha Antibiotics in Sweden

Published 26 May 2020 This paper studies the effects of improvements in infant health produced by the introduction of sulphapyridine in the late-1930s as treatment against pneumonia on outcomes in adulthood. Based on longitudinal individual data for the whole population of Sweden 1968–2012 and archival data on the availability of sulphapyridine and applying a difference-in-differences approach, it

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/infant-health-and-later-life-labor-market-outcomes-evidence-introduction-sulpha-antibiotics-sweden - 2025-03-09

Data Management Planning: How Requirements and Solutions are Beginning to Converge Show all authors

Published 27 May 2020 Effective stewardship of data is a critical precursor to making data FAIR. The goal of this paper is to bring an overview of current state of the art of data management and data stewardship planning solutions (DMP). We begin by arguing why data management is an important vehicle supporting adoption and implementation of the FAIR principles, we describe the background, context

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/data-management-planning-how-requirements-and-solutions-are-beginning-converge-show-all-authors - 2025-03-09

Call for proposals

Published 8 February 2018 PhD-courses of relevance for population research The strategic research area EpiHealth - Epidemiology for Health - together with LUPOP - Lund University Population Research Platform - now opens a call for proposals for new PhD - courses of relevance for population research. We will fund 3 - 5 courses during 2018 related to e.g. epidemiological data analysis, medical stati

https://www.lupop.lu.se/article/call-proposals - 2025-03-09