

Din sökning på "*" gav 528572 sökträffar

Dumhet, opportunism, normering och revision – exemplet finansiell leasing i kommuner och regioner

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 15 december 2023 Torbjörn Tagesson är professor i redovisning vid Linköpings universitet samt kanslichef RKR. Han har också medverkat i många KEFU-sammanhang genom åren. Högst personligt: Undrar hur många av kommunernas budget- och skuldrådgivare som rekommenderar sina klienter att handla på avbetalning och dessutom bortse från de förplikte

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/dumhet-opportunism-normering-och-revision-exemplet-finansiell-leasing-i-kommuner-och-regioner - 2024-12-27

Jurist med spännande bakgrund ska bygga upp Sveriges starkaste forskningsmiljö runt offentlig upphandling

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 20 oktober 2023 Tom Madell. Foto: Mats Brangstrup Tom Madell är sedan i somras verksam vid institutionen för handelsrätt på Ekonomihögskolan i Lund. Men innan han kom hit har han en tung juridisk karriär bakom sig, bland annat som professor i rättsvetenskap vid Umeå universitet och hovrättsråd vid Hovrätten för Övre Norrland. – Ja, min bakg

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/jurist-med-spannande-bakgrund-ska-bygga-upp-sveriges-starkaste-forskningsmiljo-runt-offentlig - 2024-12-27

Triss i ackrediteringar bekräftar Ekonomihögskolans position bland världens bästa handelshögskolor

Publicerad 2 mars 2021 Ekonomihögskolan når genom sin tredje ackreditering ”Triple Crown”-status och kan räkna sig bland de handelshögskolor i världen som håller absolut toppkvalitet. Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet har ackrediterats av The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) och har därmed uppnått det som kallas ”Triple Crown”. Med trippelackrediteringen ansluter

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/triss-i-ackrediteringar-bekraftar-ekonomihogskolans-position-bland-varldens-basta-handelshogskolor - 2024-12-27

Lättare fatta beslut i kommuner med ett evidensbaserat beredningsarbete?

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 19 oktober 2023 – Jag tror att detta är något som många kommuner kan vara intresserade av, säger statsvetaren Mats Fred, som leder forskningsprojektet. I Simrishamns kommun har man påbörjat ett förändringsarbete för att göra den kommunala beredningsprocessen evidensbaserad för att politikerna ska kunna fatta så välgrundade beslut som möjlig

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/lattare-fatta-beslut-i-kommuner-med-ett-evidensbaserat-beredningsarbete - 2024-12-27

New Associate Professors in EU Law

Published 20 March 2023 Anna Tzanaki and Annegret Engel are new associate professors at the faculty. Annegret Engel and Anna Tzanaki appointed Associate Professors. The Appointments Committee has 9 March decided to appoint Annnegret Engel and Anna Tzanaki as Associate Professors in EU Law. Learn more about Annegret Engel and her research in the Lund University Research portal. Learn more about Ann

https://www.law.lu.se/article/new-associate-professors-eu-law - 2024-12-27

Alezini Loxa receives prize for thesis

Published 18 September 2024 Alezini Loxa The European Group of Public Law (EGPL), the European Scientific Council of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) has awarded Alezini Loxa the 2024 Thesis Prize for her doctoral thesis entitled “Sustainability and EU Migration Law: What Place for Migrant’s Rights?”.Since September 1994, the European Group of Public Law (EGPL), the European Scientific

https://www.law.lu.se/article/alezini-loxa-receives-prize-thesis - 2024-12-27

Martin Sunnqvist is coordinator for a new Pufendorf Advanced Study Group (ASG)

Published 27 September 2024 Photo: Alex Vasey/Unsplash. Martin Sunnqvist is coordinator for a new Pufendorf Advanced Study Group (ASG) at the Pufendorf Institute with the title Oaths and Courts – from Forum to the Future. This Advanced Study Group centres around the two keywords “Oaths” and “Courts”, and particularly the interaction between them. The independence and impartiality of judges, and th

https://www.law.lu.se/article/martin-sunnqvist-coordinator-new-pufendorf-advanced-study-group-asg-0 - 2024-12-27

Student from Lund wins first prize for her essay from the Swedish Crime Victims' Authority

Published 15 October 2024 Anders Alenskär with prize winners Sara Pedersen, Sara Strömstedt, Andreea Corbei and Serife Erdal. Jur. kand. Sara Pedersen is honoured for her essay is about involuntariness assessment in rape offences when the victim has a mental disability. Motivation: In her essay, the first prize winner has wanted to investigate what the legislative requirements regarding voluntarin

https://www.law.lu.se/article/student-lund-wins-first-prize-her-essay-swedish-crime-victims-authority - 2024-12-27

Project funded by VINNOVA

Published 18 October 2024 Lina Lanterno, Birgitta Persson (FuturebyLund), Aurelija Lukoseviciene, Ana Nordberg (Faculty of Law), Marcus Lampe (FuturebyLund), Jesper Larsson (Faculty of Fine arts). Photo: Patrik Lindskoug. Ana Nordberg and Aurelija Lukoseviciene, in cooperation with the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts at Lund University, in partnership with Future by Lund, have been awarded 1 m

https://www.law.lu.se/article/project-funded-vinnova - 2024-12-27

Student from Lund wins prize for her degree project in family law

Published 18 October 2024 Jur. Kand. Caroline Lindau, former student from the law program at the Faculty of law in Lund, received a scholarship from the law firm “Familjens jurist” on September 12 for her thesis on family law. Thesis title: Automatisk vårdnadsöverflyttning vid dödligt våld inom familjen och dess förenlighet med artikel 8 i Europakonventionen.(Automatic transfer of custody in cases

https://www.law.lu.se/article/student-lund-wins-prize-her-degree-project-family-law - 2024-12-27

Titti Mattsson named Pufendorf Endowed Chair

Published 6 November 2024 Titti Mattson professor of public law. The Vice-Chancellor has appointed Professor Titti Mattsson as the new holder of the Torsten and Ragnar Söderberg Foundation Professorship in Memory of Samuel Pufendorf for the period 2025-2028. The professorship is appointed for four years by the Vice-Chancellor to a professor at Lund University in the subjects of economics, politica

https://www.law.lu.se/article/titti-mattsson-named-pufendorf-endowed-chair - 2024-12-27

Elin Thunell and Jon Eriksen are the Faculty of Law’s data stewards

Published 4 December 2024 With the Research Data Office, the University is working to improve support for researchers in the management of research data. Each faculty now has a data steward to assist researchers in their work with research data.The new Research Data Office will better support researchers in managing their research data according to legal requirements and security standards. This i

https://www.law.lu.se/article/elin-thunell-and-jon-eriksen-are-faculty-laws-data-stewards - 2024-12-27

New historiographer of the Royal Orders of Knighthood

Published 10 December 2024 Martin Sunnqvist, professor of legal history at the faculty, has been appointed by Svante Lindqvist, chancellor of the Royal Orders of Knighthood, to be the historiographer of the orders from 1 October 2024. As historiographer, he assists the Royal Orders of Knighthood with legal and historical expertise. The Royal Orders of Knighthood is the organization that manages th

https://www.law.lu.se/article/new-historiographer-royal-orders-knighthood-0 - 2024-12-27

New expert in the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics

Published 10 December 2024 Lena Wahlberg, Associate Professor of Jurisprudence at the Faculty of Law, has been appointed as an expert in the Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics (Smer). The appointment is valid from 1 January 2025, until further notice, but not beyond January 31, 2028. The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics is a body appointed by the Swedish government to deal with m

https://www.law.lu.se/article/new-expert-swedish-national-council-medical-ethics - 2024-12-27

A student from Lund is awarded the Swedish Competition Authority's essay competition 2024

Published 12 December 2024 Hannes Hultman is awarded first prize in the law class for his essay in the degree Swedish Competition Authority's essay competition 2024. The title of the essay is “Processramen i upphandlingsmål – En analys av domstolens hantering av invändningar om kravbrister”.The prize money is SEK 20,000 and was awarded during a ceremony in Stockholm on December 10. The supervisor

https://www.law.lu.se/article/student-lund-awarded-swedish-competition-authoritys-essay-competition-2024 - 2024-12-27

Ulf Linderfalk awarded funding by the Spanish government

Published 13 December 2024 Ulf Linderfalk has in a highly competetive field been awarded a research grant of 1 million euros by the Spanish government. The grant is part of the framework of a special investment ("Programa ATRAE"). The program aims to "ensure academic excellence and the presence of cutting-edge research" in Spain. It gives Spanish universities and research institutions the opportun

https://www.law.lu.se/article/ulf-linderfalk-awarded-funding-spanish-government - 2024-12-27

Nicole Citeroni awarded the Pescatore Prize 2023

Published 17 December 2024 On 12 December 2024, Nicole Citeroni was awarded the Pescatore Prize 2023 by the Doctoral School of Law of the University of Luxembourg. The Pescatore Prize is named in honour of Luxembourg legal scholar and judge at the European Court of Justice, Pierre Pescatore. It is awarded once per year to one Doctoral School of Law graduate for the best doctoral thesis. Nicole’s d

https://www.law.lu.se/article/nicole-citeroni-awarded-pescatore-prize-2023 - 2024-12-27

Nytt vetenskapligt ombud

Publicerad 4 januari 2024 Anna Meeuwisse har utsetts till nytt vetenskapligt ombud vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten för perioden 1 januari 2024 till 30 juni 2025. Du som är forskare vid fakulteten kan vända dig till Anna för råd eller stöd i frågor som rör god vetenskaplig sed, till exempel frågor som rör publicering, författaransvar eller forskningssamarbeten.Varje fakultet ansvarar för att u

https://www.sam.lu.se/internt/artikel/nytt-vetenskapligt-ombud - 2024-12-27

Lär känna vår nya fakultetsledning

Av helena [dot] lind [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Helena Lind) - publicerad 18 december 2023 Ny fakultetsledning redo att ta vid! Från vänster: Åsa Lundqvist, Charlotte Simonsson, Björn Badersten och Agnes Andersson. Den 1 januari tillträder fakultetens nya dekaner. Vilka är de och vilka ansvarsområden kommer de att ha? Agnes Andersson, dekanVilka områden kommer du att ansvara för i fakultetslednin

https://www.sam.lu.se/internt/artikel/lar-kanna-var-nya-fakultetsledning - 2024-12-27

Nominera ledamöter till universitetskollegiet

Publicerad 11 december 2023 Nu är det dags att nominera ledamöter till universitetskollegiet inför kommande mandatperiod 2024-03-01 – 2027-02-28. Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten ska utse:3 representanter i kategorin vetenskapligt kompetenta lärare1 representant i kategorin övriga anställda. Nomineringar skickas till valberedning [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (valberedning[at]sam[dot]lu[dot]se) märkt

https://www.sam.lu.se/internt/artikel/nominera-ledamoter-till-universitetskollegiet - 2024-12-27