

Din sökning på "*" gav 535384 sökträffar

The bigger role of trees in global carbon cycling

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 7 August 2024 Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash. Researcher Patrik Vestin writes in a " news and views " article in Nature that the woody surfaces of trees may take up methane on a scale of global importance. This is a missing piece in the estimation of global methane budgets, and hence in climate models. Future resear

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/bigger-role-trees-global-carbon-cycling - 2025-03-13

Reduced carbon sink power in the Sahel

Published 16 October 2024 Photo by E. Diop, Unsplash. Africa, despite its large area and thus large impact on the global carbon cycle, is relatively unexplored with respect to ecosystem functions and impact on climate change. Now one of few in situ studies over a long period of time, 2010-2022, shows that the Sahel area has lost a lot of its power as a carbon sink during the time period examined.

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/reduced-carbon-sink-power-sahel - 2025-03-13

Improved model for monitoring CO2 emissions

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 6 December 2021 Photo credit: Thomas Millot, Unsplash Researchers have investigated the possibilities of independent, global monitoring of fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions globally based on satellite observations. This would improve the quality of the monitoring compared to today, which is built on individual re

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/improved-model-monitoring-co2-emissions - 2025-03-13

Award-winning thesis combines remote sensing and botany

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 9 December 2021 Dr. Oskar Löfgren, who works interdisciplinary between remote sensing and botany to understand plant communities and their ecology, has been awarded for his thesis. "Plants can provide an overall picture of the habitat's characteristics that physically measured environmental variables cannot. Analyzi

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/award-winning-thesis-combines-remote-sensing-and-botany - 2025-03-13

Awarded for popular science article

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 17 December 2021 Frans-Jan Parmentier setting up monitoring equipment in the valley of Adventdalen on the Svalbard archipelago (photo: Carline Tromp). Associate Professor Frans-Jan Parmentier has been awarded in Norway for his article about climate and permafrost. Our researchers continue to recieve awards (see prev

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/awarded-popular-science-article - 2025-03-13

Congratulations Margareta Johansson...

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 11 February 2022 Margareta Johansson, here doing field work on a mire in northern Sweden ...who has been nominated by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) to be the Swedish representative in the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Cryosphere working group. The scientific core elements of IASC are

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/congratulations-margareta-johansson - 2025-03-13

Agricultural hotspots may move in a future climate

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 23 February 2022 High-yield food production is concentrated today in certain geographical areas, so-called "breadbaskets". But what will happen to these areas in a warmer climate? To secure food production during climate change, adapted strategies may be needed. If global warming continues, food producers may need t

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/agricultural-hotspots-may-move-future-climate - 2025-03-13

Digital maps of tomorrow improve how we find our way

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 4 April 2022 Finding your way and navigating around cities is not always easy. New digital maps that have a better overview can help you move more smoothly from point A to point B. Many of us have digital maps at our fingertips in our smartphones, but these maps are not adapted to guide us when walking or finding our way

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/digital-maps-tomorrow-improve-how-we-find-our-way - 2025-03-13

The war has put a stop to climate projects in the Arctic

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 11 April 2022 Researcher Margareta Johansson, Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, har been part of the global permafrost monotoring research. Margareta Johansson, researcher at our department, was interviewed about climate projects that have been put on hold after collaborations with state institutio

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/war-has-put-stop-climate-projects-arctic - 2025-03-13

Increased carbon dioxide release from ecosystems despite of negative temperature trends

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 12 April 2022 Despite cooling, net autumn release of carbon dioxide from ecosystems have increased, according to research from an international research group. The results come from a large study of ecosystems in North America and Eurasia, which since 2004 have had a decreasing temperature trend in the autumn, despi

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/increased-carbon-dioxide-release-ecosystems-despite-negative-temperature-trends - 2025-03-13

Investigating drought and other mechanisms behind migration and conflict in Syria

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 29 April 2022 Are weather events such as drought and agricultural productions shocks the main reason for violent conflicts, or are there other mechanisms that should be more considered? A recent study highlights the importance of including land-use dynamics and climate change for understanding linkages between meteo

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/investigating-drought-and-other-mechanisms-behind-migration-and-conflict-syria - 2025-03-13

Arctic temperature analysis over a thousand years

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 9 May 2022 A research team has created a picture of historical temperatures in the Arctic, spanning over a thousand years. A new technique and a recently published database of proxy data have been used in the research, and the results are an important contribution to understanding temperature changes now and in the

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/arctic-temperature-analysis-over-thousand-years - 2025-03-13

Thomas Holst awarded LUNA´s pedagogical prize

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 6 July 2022 Thimas Holst, researcher and teacher at out department, have been awarded the pedagogical prize 2022 by the science student union LUNA. The pedagogical prize is awarded to an outstanding teacher. On the LUNA website one can read the nominating students' motivation: "From the students who nominated Thomas

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/thomas-holst-awarded-lunas-pedagogical-prize - 2025-03-13

Killer heat may make the Middle East uninhabitable within a century

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 30 August 2022 The summer 2022 brought extreme heatwaves in many places globally, and the debate has a included the term "killer heat". In moist areas the high temperatures will be even harder to the human body, and the rising temperatures may make certain areas very hard to live in by the end of this century. High

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/killer-heat-may-make-middle-east-uninhabitable-within-century - 2025-03-13

FLUXES - the European Greenhouse Gas Bulletin now released by ICOS

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 6 September 2022 A brand new publication on climate issues is released by ICOS. The leaflet FLUXES - the European Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, aims at highlighting climate issues to an audience of policymakers, policy advisors, and climate journalists. The very first volume of FLUXES focuses on regional and year-over-ye

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/fluxes-european-greenhouse-gas-bulletin-now-released-icos - 2025-03-13

Studying old forests and carbon uptake

Published 26 September 2022 Photo: Johanna Asch och Ulrika Ervander Looking at old forests, in the small areas of forest lands where they are left untouched, and looking among other things at carbon dynamics. For the team this was a unique experience, and two field assistants have now published a film showing some of the environment and work deep in the forests far from common roads. Pristine or v

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/studying-old-forests-and-carbon-uptake - 2025-03-13

Mapping lacustrine algal blooms globally

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 20 October 2022 Satellite photo showing the eutrophication of lake Chahu, Anhui Province, China, and the source of this photo is Landsat 8, provided by Assoc. Prof. Feng, from Southern University of Science and Technology. In May and June 2020, more that 300 dead elephants were found in Botswana´s Okavango Delta. In

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/mapping-lacustrine-algal-blooms-globally - 2025-03-13

INES staff featured in the media

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 2 November 2022 Lina Eklundh, Tomas Pugh, Anders Ahlström and Markku Rummukainen have been interviewed in different media outlets as experts in their corresponding fields.   Lina Eklund Lina Eklund, associate senior lecturer, was recently interviewed in Göteborgs-Posten about a new report which warns that extreme

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/ines-staff-featured-media - 2025-03-13

Academics in debate article: "Young people are right to sue the state"

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 20 December 2022 The Aurora group are young people who recently initiated a process against the state of Sweden for not taking action and treating the climnate crisis as a crisis. More than 1600 researchers and teachers including researchers from our department, agreeing with the Aurora, have signed a debate article

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/academics-debate-article-young-people-are-right-sue-state - 2025-03-13

Risk of failure protecting old forests

Published 15 May 2023 Photo by Ulrika Ervander Old- growth forests are to a large extent unprotected to logging, and the rate of cutting them down is high, not least in Sweden. Even protected forests are at risk, and the EU is on the way to failure, writes researches from Europe and USA in a debate article in Science. The pressure on Europe´s biomass rich old-growth forests have increased with the

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/risk-failure-protecting-old-forests - 2025-03-13