

Din sökning på "*" gav 534834 sökträffar

Using lidar to measure the biodiversity of insects in the Taï rainforest

Published 25 February 2023 Insects are essential to the natural world, playing a vital role in maintaining ecosystem processes and providing valuable ecosystem services. However, studying insect biodiversity has proven challenging and labor-intensive since current methods use manually emptied traps. We recognized the need for a powerful and efficient tool to study insect abundance and richness in

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/using-lidar-measure-biodiversity-insects-tai-rainforest - 2025-03-05

Soot particles - the remnants of incomplete combustion

Published 21 March 2023 Candle light (left figure) emitting yellow light which originates from hot soot particles, such as the one shown in the right figure. Probably you have looked into a candle light and been fascinated by the high intensity of the yellow light! Have you ever been thinking about the origin of this light? This brilliant light actually comes from nano-meter sized carbonaceous par

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/soot-particles-remnants-incomplete-combustion - 2025-03-05

Use lasers to see if your lungs are working

Published 29 March 2023 Here, a wild boar lung is used as a model similar to the lungs of a human child. A diode laser is used to check if the lung is filled with air. Did you know that lung complications are the most common cause of death for preterm infants, and that problems with lungs are one of the most serious complications that can happen when children are sedated for surgery? The aim of th

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/use-lasers-see-if-your-lungs-are-working - 2025-03-05

Quantitative and qualitative measurements of aerosol soot using laser-based techniques

Published 19 April 2023 Detecting aerosol soot using Online Raman spectrosopy with a multi-pass configuration (Taken by Kim Cuong Le) Soot can be emitted from both natural and anthropogenic sources, including mineral deposits, open forest fires, savanna burnings, biomass burning, residential burning, and fossil fuel combustion. It absorbs solar radiation and contributes to atmospheric heating. Soo

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/quantitative-and-qualitative-measurements-aerosol-soot-using-laser-based-techniques - 2025-03-05

Ammonia as a fuel and hydrogen carrier

Published 20 April 2023 Turbulent ammonia flame. The contribution of carbon dioxide emissions from combustion to global warming is well known. How can this be mitigated? One way is carbon-free combustion with hydrogen. But how about challenges with hydrogen handling, storage and distribution? Combustion of hydrogen (H2) can provide energy without net carbon dioxide emissions contributing to global

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/ammonia-fuel-and-hydrogen-carrier - 2025-03-05

Hydrogen operation in Siemens industrial gas turbines

Published 20 April 2023 A gas turbine is a combustion engine that can convert fuel to mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for producing electric power and generating thrust in a jet aircraft. We are all well familiar with climate change, global warming and the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases. The use of hydrogen in the process industry, e.g., for steel production, in the pow

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/hydrogen-operation-siemens-industrial-gas-turbines - 2025-03-05

Advanced microscopy for imaging whole mouse brains in 3D

Published 20 April 2023 A 3D volume of a whole cleared mouse brain captured with a prototype SILMAS instrument at 2 µm isotropic resolution. We are working in close collaboration with neuroscientists from the B.R.A.I.N.S unit at the Biomedical Center to develop techniques for 3D imaging of cleared mouse brain tissue. These techniques will assist their research on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseas

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/advanced-microscopy-imaging-whole-mouse-brains-3d - 2025-03-05

Monitoring oxygen in lungs using light amplification (Suggested Thesis Project)

Published 28 April 2023 Our group works with medical laser diagnostics, specifically aimed at monitoring of oxygen in lungs using the GAs in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy (GASMAS) technique. This has found successful application in the monitoring of the lung function for preterm infants, where careful monitoring of spatially distributed oxygen content can lead to optimal respiratory sup

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/monitoring-oxygen-lungs-using-light-amplification-suggested-thesis-project - 2025-03-05

A method for measuring the healing after surgery

Published 21 April 2023 Esophagus cancer is treated with surgery by stitching the upper stomach together with the healthy part of the esophagus. An optical fiber can send light down the esophagus to look for problems occurring after the surgery. Imagine you had to get surgery due to esophagus cancer. Initially, you seem to recover well, but suddenly you are rushed to emergency surgery. The wound h

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/method-measuring-healing-after-surgery - 2025-03-05

Lasers will help us discover the fuels of tomorrow

Published 21 April 2023 Lasers can be used to look inside a flame and tell us what happens when things burn. How can we stop global warming? Simple: we need to stop burning fossil fuels. Unfortunately, it is difficult to replace fossil fuels in all parts of society. In this project, we develop laser techniques that can help us understand the how energy is produced when different things burn, which

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/lasers-will-help-us-discover-fuels-tomorrow - 2025-03-05

Improving food spray-drying with Tetra-Pak

Published 21 April 2023 Hollow-cone spray illuminated using a laser with a stripy structure (lines seen on the left edge). Most milk powders you buy have been produced through spray drying. This means that the milk after some preprocessing is injected under high-pressure through a small hole into a warm room. Then almost instantly, the liquid evaporates leaving the powder. The final product now ha

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/improving-food-spray-drying-tetra-pak - 2025-03-05

Backward lasing – a breakthrough for remote sensing

Published 24 April 2023 This video shows backward and forward lasing signals from oxygen atoms in a flame recorded in real time. The forward lasing signal is stronger, but of limited diagnostic value. Ever since it was invented in the 1960s, the laser has found new areas of use, and is today very useful in research, industry and society. In most laser applications, for example material processing,

https://www.combustionphysics.lu.se/article/backward-lasing-breakthrough-remote-sensing - 2025-03-05

Välkommen hem till Ellen

Publicerad 9 juni 2023 Det är alltid spännande att komma in i en ny studentlägenhet. Kanske tänker du att alla studentlägenheter ser ungefär likadana ut, både i planlösning och inredning, men det är långt ifrån sanningen. På Furutorpsgatans studentboende bor Ellen Tössberg i en etta på tjugo kvadrat. Lägenheten må vara liten, men den har stor personlighet. När jag kliver in i Ellens lägenhet är de

https://www.ch.lu.se/artikel/valkommen-hem-till-ellen - 2025-03-05

Studentprestationer ska hyllas under gala i höst

Publicerad 14 juni 2023 Elin, Elsa, Ayan och Jennifer, styrelsen för MiH Student 22/23. Marknadsföreningen i Helsingborg (MiH) startar ett nytt pris för att uppmärksamma studenter på Campus Helsingborg och deras examensarbeten. Priset till de vinnande studenterna delas ut på deras årliga Näringslivsgala MiH Guld, som i år äger rum 26 oktober. - Det känns väldigt roligt att vi kommer belysa en vikt

https://www.ch.lu.se/artikel/studentprestationer-ska-hyllas-under-gala-i-host - 2025-03-05

Kläderna får en egen identitet

Publicerad 26 maj 2023 Harini Wijerathne och Dimitra Logotheti. Foto: Future by Lund. I framtiden kommer våra kläder att innehålla en tagg som vi kan skanna för att få information. På så vis kan vi få se hur plaggen är producerade, var vi kan få dem lagade och hur de kan återvinnas. Kanske kan vi till och med se vem som tidigare har burit plagget eller ges möjlighet att hyra ut det. Under våren st

https://www.ch.lu.se/artikel/kladerna-far-en-egen-identitet - 2025-03-05

Premiär för CLOO-podden

Publicerad 11 maj 2023 Nu finns en ny podd som lyfter frågor om hur offentlig sektor leds, organiseras och styrs. Bakom CLOO-podden är forskare vid Lunds universitet, knutna till nätverket Centrum för ledning av offentliga organisationer vid Lunds universitet. Första avsnittet är ute och handlar om expanderande administration. Med i första poddavsnittet är Robert Holmberg, lektor i psykologi som s

https://www.ch.lu.se/artikel/premiar-cloo-podden - 2025-03-05

Fler skolelever kan besöka Vattenhallen vid Campus Helsingborg

Publicerad 10 maj 2023 Elin Olsson från Swedbank och Joakim Svensson från Sparbanksstiftelsen Skåne delade ut en check på 40 000 kr till Camilla Nothaft på Vattenhallen Science center vid Campus Helsingborg. Vattenhallen Science Center vid Campus Helsingborg har fått bidrag på 40 000 kr från Sparbanksstiftelsen Skåne. Anslaget ska användas för att möjliggöra att 500 skolelever från Helsingborg kan

https://www.ch.lu.se/artikel/fler-skolelever-kan-besoka-vattenhallen-vid-campus-helsingborg - 2025-03-05

Forskningsprojekt om minnen bidrar till utformning av ny mötesplats i Helsingborg

Publicerad 28 april 2023 Skiss på mötesplatsen från hplus.helsingborg.se. Mötesplatsen, en landgång över vattnet, ligger i Oceanhamnen som genom Helsingborgs historia varit en viktig arbetsplats för många av stadens invånare. Det är just hamnarbetarnas minnen och berättelser som inspirerat utformningen av mötesplatsen. Under 2018 pågick ett samarbete mellan Helsingborgs stad och Institutionen för

https://www.ch.lu.se/artikel/forskningsprojekt-om-minnen-bidrar-till-utformning-av-ny-motesplats-i-helsingborg - 2025-03-05

Nära 8000 personer har sökt till program på Campus Helsingborg

Publicerad 20 april 2023 Intresset för att börja studera ligger på en jämn nivå i Sverige, så även på Lunds universitet i Helsingborg. Antalet sökande till något av programmen på Campus Helsingborg med start hösten 2023 har ökat med 1,3 % från förra året. När möjligheten att söka till en universitetsutbildning stängde den 17 april hade 7952 personer sökt till någon av programmen på Campus Helsingb

https://www.ch.lu.se/artikel/nara-8000-personer-har-sokt-till-program-pa-campus-helsingborg - 2025-03-05