

Din sökning på "*" gav 534752 sökträffar

Things are going well for Enjay

Published 19 February 2018 Enjay is a rising star among the Climate-KIC Startup Accelerator companies. Read more about the latest developments. Enjay is developing a heat pump that can reuse the heat in exhaust air from restaurant kitchens. Up until now, this heat has been wasted. Reuse has not been possible due to the large amounts of fat and soot that comes with the airflow. Regular Heat pumps q

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/things-are-going-well-enjay - 2025-03-05

The Future of Farming: Exploring Climate Smart Agriculture - Online Education

Published 23 February 2018 How can we adapt farming to an uncertain future? Could the answer be Climate Smart Agriculture? Find out with this free online course developed by University iof Reading with support from Climate-KIC. Climate-KIC supports different online education modules with content provided from the partners. In this case the University of Reading has been responsible for the content

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/future-farming-exploring-climate-smart-agriculture-online-education - 2025-03-05

Clean Energy Hack

Published 17 April 2018 During the Nordic Clean Energy Week in May, EIT Climate-KIC is inviting 60 young people to a Clean Energy Hack. Starting on 22 May, future change makers will during three days using their knowledge, insights and creativity to find solutions to climate challenges faced by international cities like Singapore and Hamilton. The best solutions will be honoured at the Sustainable

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/clean-energy-hack - 2025-03-05

Debate on Bioenergy – What are the possibilities and trade-offs?

Published 17 April 2018 Bioenergy is the largest form of renewable energy worldwide. It actually generates more energy than wind, solar and hydropower combined. In the coming decades a huge increase in demand of biomass for energy purposes is expected. Where will this biomass come from and what are the impacts of this increased usage? Is this a threat to biodiversity? Will it lead to food shortage

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/debate-bioenergy-what-are-possibilities-and-trade-offs - 2025-03-05

eCircular Flagship - Catalysing a switch to a circular economy through plastic waste prevention

Published 1 June 2018 Lund University is part of the core team for Climate-KICs latest Flagship programme, eCircular, aiming to crack down on plastic waste and radically reduce the use of plastic materials. The project aims to explore and use innovative digital tools to improve plastics waste prevention. This can, for example, include blockchain solutions for improved market transparency, data ana

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/ecircular-flagship-catalysing-switch-circular-economy-through-plastic-waste-prevention - 2025-03-05

Bioenergy – The Movie

Published 4 June 2018 In connection to the Nordic Clean Energy Week in Malmö and the International Energy Ministerial Meeting in Malmö and Copenhagen, Lund University and Climate-KIC hosted a panel discussion with leading researchers and other experts on the topic of bioenergy. The Debate was held as a Climate-KIC Sparks! Lecture. Bioenergy is the largest form of renewable energy worldwide. It act

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/bioenergy-movie - 2025-03-05

Call Open!

Published 12 September 2018 Climate-KICs Autumn call have now opened. You may apply for financing of innovation projects and education activities within the area Climate-KICs Impact Goals. The call is for different types of projects: Pathfinder                        – up to 100 000 Euro with at least 20% co-financePartner Accelerator        – up to 100 000 Euro with at least 20% co-financeDemonst

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/call-open - 2025-03-05

Lowering the climate impact of plastic materials

Published 27 September 2018 Increased plastic recycling and/or reduced usage of plastic materials is crucial to reach set environmental and climate targets. How can plastic waste better be used as a resource and can digitalisation help?Projections show a doubling of plastic usage in the coming decades. Can this development be avoided? Could we instead aim for lower consumption of plastics?What are

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/lowering-climate-impact-plastic-materials - 2025-03-05

Climathon in Lund 2018

Published 27 September 2018 It is time for a new Climathon in Lund! Climathon is a 24-hour hackathon for climate solutions that is taking place in over 100 cities all around the world on the 26-27th of October. We face a number of common serious climate challenges and we need to work together, beyond traditional boundaries, in order to find new innovative solutions. Climathon in Lund will focus on

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/climathon-lund-2018 - 2025-03-05

Climathon ska minska plastproblem

By lina [dot] grip [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Grip) - published 25 October 2018 26-27 oktober arrangeras Climathon i Lund, en global 24-timmars klimatförändrings-hackathon som sker samtidigt i över 100 städer runt om i världen. Lösningarna som arbetas fram fokuserar på att minska plastens klimatpåverkan. Studenter, forskare, entreprenörer och andra intresserade kommer att ägna ett helt dygn

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/climathon-ska-minska-plastproblem - 2025-03-05

Climathon in Lund 2018

Published 1 November 2018 “Solutions to limit the climate impact of plastics” was the topic of this years Climathon in Lund. The 24 hour hackathon gathered 54 participants and was thereby one of the larger among the 113 Climathons held simultaneous all around the world. Climathon in Lund was organised by a consortia of five very different organisations, Lunds Universitet, Lunds Kommun, Sysav, Ideo

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/climathon-lund-2018-0 - 2025-03-05

Apply for the Journey

Published 28 January 2019 The Journey is the world's largest climate innovation summer school. If you are a masters student you can apply for the Journey. Apply at Climate-KICs web before the deadline 18th of February. The picture is from the Journey in Lund 2018. You can read more about this 3 or 5 week program at Climate-KICs web or watch the video to get inspiration:

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/apply-journey - 2025-03-05

The Journey in Lund 2019

Published 29 August 2019 The Journey Summer School visited Lund University for ten days this August. We first meet the group of 40 students in Älmhult (coming with boat/buss from Tallin). The students represented 23 different nationalities from several continents. In Älmhult we treated them with a rainy (vegan) barbeque and a nice sleepover at Sjöstugans Camping. The next day we had a full day at

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/journey-lund-2019 - 2025-03-05

Fantastic Fossil Free Futures

Published 10 September 2019 What will everyday life in a fossil free society be like? Let´s find out together! By the year 2050 the world must have reached net zero Co2 emissions in order to reach the climate goal of 1,5 degrees global warming. Today 80% of all energy generation consists of fossil fuels (coal oil and gas). What will the fossil free society of 2050 look like, in Sweden and in the r

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/fantastic-fossil-free-futures - 2025-03-05

the Journey summer school 2020

Published 20 January 2020 Applications for Climate-KICs Climate innovation summerschool "the Journey 2020" has now opened! Applications for Climate-KICs Climate innovation summerschool "the Journey 2020" has now opened and will be open until 17/2. PROLONGED TO 1/3 The Jouney is four weeks long and courses will be held in a early period in July as well as in a later period in August. In each period

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/journey-summer-school-2020 - 2025-03-05

Swedish Algae Factory secures funding

Published 7 April 2020 It is going well for many of the companies in Climate-KICs Nordic Accelerator. One of the success stories is Swedish Algae Factory that has just secured 53 MSEK in funding. Swedish Algae Factory extracts a unique nanoporous silica material from algae. The material has exceptional properties when it comes to light as well as the ability to absorb or release particles dependin

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/swedish-algae-factory-secures-funding - 2025-03-05

Spring arrivals of the Nordic Accelerator

Published 7 April 2020 The biannual Nordic Accelerator intake boot camp was hosted on the 5-6 of March this year. Twenty founders gathered in Malmö to take part in a series of thought-provoking workshops and finally pitched to qualify into the first stage of our Accelerator programme. Five workshops and twenty pitches later, the panel and the Nordic Accelerator team reached the final decision. The

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/spring-arrivals-nordic-accelerator - 2025-03-05

Climathon in Skåne 2020

Published 7 October 2020 Climathon is a global hackathon for climate solutions that is run in over 100 locations globaly each autumn. In 2020 we will host a Climathon multiple locations around Skåne. The theme of this years Climathon is Food and Climate. Due to the Covid-19 situation we have made a lot of changes to this years format. Climathon will not be 24 hours as we have done previous years b

https://www.climate-kic.lu.se/article/climathon-skane-2020 - 2025-03-05