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Triss i ackrediteringar bekräftar Ekonomihögskolans position bland världens bästa handelshögskolor

Publicerad 2 mars 2021 Ekonomihögskolan når genom sin tredje ackreditering ”Triple Crown”-status och kan räkna sig bland de handelshögskolor i världen som håller absolut toppkvalitet. Ekonomihögskolan vid Lunds universitet har ackrediterats av The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) och har därmed uppnått det som kallas ”Triple Crown”. Med trippelackrediteringen ansluter

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/triss-i-ackrediteringar-bekraftar-ekonomihogskolans-position-bland-varldens-basta-handelshogskolor - 2025-03-09

Lättare fatta beslut i kommuner med ett evidensbaserat beredningsarbete?

Av kefu [at] kefu [dot] se (Mats Brangstrup) - publicerad 19 oktober 2023 – Jag tror att detta är något som många kommuner kan vara intresserade av, säger statsvetaren Mats Fred, som leder forskningsprojektet. I Simrishamns kommun har man påbörjat ett förändringsarbete för att göra den kommunala beredningsprocessen evidensbaserad för att politikerna ska kunna fatta så välgrundade beslut som möjlig

https://www.ehl.lu.se/artikel/lattare-fatta-beslut-i-kommuner-med-ett-evidensbaserat-beredningsarbete - 2025-03-09

EU lifts polar research in the Arctic and Antarctica

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 15 March 2024 Over five years, the EU invests SEK 163 million in the POLARIN research project. The aim is to promote interdisciplinary research in both polar regions. Physical geographer Dr Margareta Johansson is one of the researchers who will work in the project. Why is this polar research project needed?- The ong

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/eu-lifts-polar-research-arctic-and-antarctica - 2025-03-09

Open position: Postdoctoral fellow in carbon cycle modelling

Published 28 March 2024 The Inverse Modelling group at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES), Lund University, seeks to appoint a post-doctoral fellows to work on the quantification of biogenic and anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions based on assimilating relevant observational data. The main duties involved in a post-doctoral posistion is to conduct research.

https://www.nateko.lu.se/pdf_ccmodelling - 2025-03-09

Open position: Postdoctoral fellow in Earth Observation

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 30 July 2024 Postdoctoral fellow in Earth Observation of land cover and vegetation dynamics in the Middle East. The Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science and the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) announce one vacant position as a 2-year postdoctoral fellow with an orientation towards

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/open-position-postdoctoral-fellow-earth-observation - 2025-03-09

The bigger role of trees in global carbon cycling

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 7 August 2024 Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash. Researcher Patrik Vestin writes in a " news and views " article in Nature that the woody surfaces of trees may take up methane on a scale of global importance. This is a missing piece in the estimation of global methane budgets, and hence in climate models. Future resear

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/bigger-role-trees-global-carbon-cycling - 2025-03-09

Reduced carbon sink power in the Sahel

Published 16 October 2024 Photo by E. Diop, Unsplash. Africa, despite its large area and thus large impact on the global carbon cycle, is relatively unexplored with respect to ecosystem functions and impact on climate change. Now one of few in situ studies over a long period of time, 2010-2022, shows that the Sahel area has lost a lot of its power as a carbon sink during the time period examined.

https://www.nateko.lu.se/article/reduced-carbon-sink-power-sahel - 2025-03-09

Women and men show more similarities when choosing a foreign partner

By theo [dot] hagman-rogowski [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] com (Theo Hagman-Rogowski) - published 25 September 2023 Increasing globalisation and international mobility have changed couple formations around the world. More people have a partner from abroad and, although it is often a migrant from a neighbouring country, cohabitation and marriage with migrants from distant countries have become more c

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/women-and-men-show-more-similarities-when-choosing-foreign-partner - 2025-03-09

Sustainable tourism part of film cavalcade

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 16 October 2023 Bild: Mats Hagwall/Unsplash How can tourism organisations approach the question of appropriate quantity of tourists? Mikael Klintman, sociology professor is one of the speakers in a row of short talks presenting research on sustainable consumption. Mikael Klintman and other researchers from Lund Universit

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/sustainable-tourism-part-film-cavalcade - 2025-03-09

Professor Christofer Edling member of the new government advisory committee

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 24 October 2023 Photo: Unsplash/Sadia Afreen Christofer Edling, professor of Sociology and dean at the Faculty of Social Science at Lund University, has been appointed as a member of the government’s new advisory committee on research. He expects interesting discussions and to highlight social science research. Christofe

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/professor-christofer-edling-member-new-government-advisory-committee - 2025-03-09

Three researchers awarded funding from foundation

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 27 October 2023 Image: Steve Buissinne/Pixabay Three projects with researchers from the Department of Sociology have received research grants from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ). The researchers who will receive funding are Dalia Abdelhady, Nina Gren and David Sausdal. Dalia Abdelhady, Nina Gren and David Sausdal Read ab

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/three-researchers-awarded-funding-foundation - 2025-03-09

Nothing to lose - Hopelessness may increase violence in Palestine

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 22 November 2023 Image: Yousef Masoud/Pixabay Palestinians in the occupied territories experience great despair and resignation. Social anthropologist Nina Gren's research in the area and contact with residents over 20 years has consistently revealed frustration and feelings of hopelessness. Nina Gren, Senior Lecturer in

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/nothing-lose-hopelessness-may-increase-violence-palestine - 2025-03-09

Several projects get funding from the Swedish Research Council

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 12 December 2023 Image: Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash No less than four Department of Sociology projects have recently received funding from the Swedish Research Council. The researchers behind the projects are Jan Mewes, Christopher Swader, Lisa Flower, Shai Mulinari, Sébastien Tutenges, Susanne Boethius and David Wästerfo

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/several-projects-get-funding-swedish-research-council - 2025-03-09

Marie Larsson has defended her thesis on contraceptive work and is now a doctor of sociology

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 19 December 2023 On Tuesday 19 December, Marie Larsson successfully defended her thesis "The Work of Contracepting: Young people's experiences and practices with contraceptives in Sweden" and is now a doctor of sociology. Petra Nordqvist from the University of Manchester presented the thesis. Marie Larsson's thesis highl

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/marie-larsson-has-defended-her-thesis-contraceptive-work-and-now-doctor-sociology - 2025-03-09

Lila Lee-Morrison awarded the Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 23 January 2024 Lila Lee-Morrison, researcher at the Department of Sociology, was recently awarded the prestigious Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant 2023 in the books category. The grant supports writing about contemporary art and aims to ensure that critical writing remains a valued way to engage with the visual

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/lila-lee-morrison-awarded-andy-warhol-foundation-arts-writers-grant - 2025-03-09

Oriana Quaglietta Bernal awarded honourable teacher prize

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 29 January 2024 The Prize was handed out by Rebecka Brorsson, president of The Social Sciences Student Union. At Lund University's grand annual ceremony, the Student Award for Excellence in Teaching was presented to Oriana Quaglietta Bernal, Department of Sociology. Oriana Quaglietta Bernal completed her PhD last year an

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/oriana-quaglietta-bernal-awarded-honourable-teacher-prize - 2025-03-09

To share the unshareable - Strong equality ideal in young people's contraceptive work

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 13 February 2024 Photo: Sinitta Leunen/Unsplash Making independent decisions about your body and your life is a big part of being a human being in Sweden today. Part of this is taking care of your sexual health and choosing whether and when to have children. In heterosexual relationships, this is a task that often falls

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/share-unshareable-strong-equality-ideal-young-peoples-contraceptive-work - 2025-03-09

The Vietnam War: Cultural Trauma and Collective Memory

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 7 May 2024 Vietnam War memorial in Westminster, California, home to one of the largest Vietnamese communities outside of Vietnam. Photo: InSapphoWeTrust/CC BY-SA 2.0/Wikimedia Commons. In the new book "Vietnam, a War, Not a Country," sociologists Magnus Ring, Ron Eyerman, and Todd Madigan delve into the multifaceted land

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/vietnam-war-cultural-trauma-and-collective-memory - 2025-03-09

Exploring the Future of Criminal Justice

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 13 June 2024 Participants at the Virtual Criminal Justice Conference 2024. Insights from the Virtual Criminal Justice Network Conference In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the integration of communication technology and digital tools in criminal courtrooms worldwide has surged. Technologies such as video-links, AI, e-

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/exploring-future-criminal-justice - 2025-03-09

We're moving in!

By moa [dot] bejersten [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se (Moa Bejersten) - published 15 August 2024 The Department of Sociology is moving back home after a year of renovation. The building has been given a boost with new ventilation and general refurbishment. The premises will be shared with the Department of Gender Studies. The Department of Sociology's building Gamla lungkliniken on Sandgatan 11 has be

https://www.soc.lu.se/en/article/were-moving - 2025-03-09