

Din sökning på "*" gav 533622 sökträffar

US Ambassador visits

US Ambassador visits US Ambassador visits Published 4 October 2016 In the LARM-studio Last week we had a visit from Azita Raji, US Ambassador! The ambassador visited Lund University last Tuesday together with  Public Affairs Counselor Mark Cameron and Information Assistant Frida Johansson , and included in her program was a visit to the Humansities lab. We were of course happy to have her and had

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/us-ambassador-visits/ - 2025-02-22

"Våga vara nybörjare"

"Våga vara nybörjare" "Våga vara nybörjare" Published 7 September 2022 Foto: Alice Lööf Johan Mårtensson i programmet "Kropp och själ", Sveriges Radio P1 I radioprogrammet "Kropp och själ" (SR P1) pratar Johan Mårtensson om hur det kan ta emot att lära sig något helt nytt, att släppa det bekväma lunket och kasta sig ut i det okända. Att vara nybörjare kan komma med en rädsla för att göra bort sig.

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/vaaga-vara-nyboerjare/ - 2025-02-22

Välkommen till Nationella språkbankens höstworkshop!

Välkommen till Nationella språkbankens höstworkshop! Välkommen till Nationella språkbankens höstworkshop! Published 30 September 2020 Fredagen den 16 oktober arrangerar Nationella språkbanken en digital höstworkshop om språkteknologi och språkvetenskap och om hur Nationella språkbanken kan stödja dessa ämnesområden. Fredagen den 16 oktober arrangerar Nationella språkbanken en digital höstworkshop

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/vaelkommen-till-nationella-spraakbankens-hoestworkshop/ - 2025-02-22

Visit by Wallenberg Advanced Teachers Program

Visit by Wallenberg Advanced Teachers Program Visit by Wallenberg Advanced Teachers Program Published 26 March 2018 The Lab hosted a visit by the Wallenberg Advanced Teachers Program and demoed some of the facilities. Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=672 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingualism Research 2024-12-19 Season's g

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/visit-by-wallenberg-advanced-teachers-program/ - 2025-02-22

Visst kan orden fånga doften!

Visst kan orden fånga doften! Visst kan orden fånga doften! Published 18 June 2014 Bosättning. Jahaibostäder vid Temengorsjön i norra Malaysia. Bild: Svenskan har få specifika ord för lukter. Länge har man trott att detta har biologiska orsaker. Men jahaifolket i Malaysia ger bevis på att antalet luktord i ett språk har med kulturen att göra. Läs om Niclas Burenhults nya forskningsrön! Share http:

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/visst-kan-orden-faanga-doften/ - 2025-02-22

Visual language - e-book launch

Visual language - e-book launch Visual language - e-book launch Published 4 December 2019 Image by Shai Davidi, Sign Language Research Lab, University of Haifa. Marianne Gullberg and co-editors Wendy Sandler (University of Haifa) and Carol Padden (University of California, San Diego) have just published an e-book entitled  Visual Language .   Traditionally, research on human language has taken spe

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/visual-language-e-book-launch/ - 2025-02-22

We're on BBC Radio 4! The Neglected Sense

We're on BBC Radio 4! The Neglected Sense We're on BBC Radio 4! The Neglected Sense Published 13 April 2016 Radio 4 announcer Kathy Clugston is anosmic. She cannot smell - and wants to know why. We may fear going blind, deaf or dumb, but few of us worry about losing our olfactory senses. And yet more than 200,000 people in the UK are anosmic - they cannot smell. Humlab researcher Niclas Burenhult'

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/were-on-bbc-radio-4-the-neglected-sense/ - 2025-02-22

Lab project quick look: Creating datasets for developing positioning algorithms in the Mocap studio

Lab project quick look: Creating datasets for developing positioning algorithms in the Mocap studio Lab project quick look: Creating datasets for developing positioning algorithms in the Mocap studio Publicerad den 1 juni 2022 Humanities Lab research engineer Henrik Garde at hard work in the motion capture studio. Since its full reopening, the Humanities Lab is once again brewing with activity. In

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/experiment-ongoing/ - 2025-02-22

Lots of media coverage on gesture article!

Lots of media coverage on gesture article! Lots of media coverage on gesture article! Publicerad den 9 april 2024 The study "Providing evidence for a well-worn stereotype: Italians and Swedes do gesture differently", published in Frontiers, has generated a lot of media attention. Maria Graziano and Marianne Gullberg’s research on the difference between Italian and Swedish gestures has received muc

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/lots-of-media-coverage-on-gesture-article/ - 2025-02-22

Marianne Gullberg i Sydsvenskan om blickbeteende

Marianne Gullberg i Sydsvenskan om blickbeteende Marianne Gullberg i Sydsvenskan om blickbeteende Publicerad den 7 februari 2024 "Det kan vara stor skillnad på vad som uppfattas som lämpligt och artigt." Marianne Gullberg intervjuades i dagstidningen Sydsvenskan 6 februari 2024 om blickbeteende, och om hur det uppfattas som lämpligt och artigt att etablera ögonkontakt beroende på vilka kulturella

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/marianne-gullberg-i-sydsvenskan-om-blickbeteende/ - 2025-02-22

New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems!

New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems! New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems! Publicerad den 23 september 2024 A groundbreaking study by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi in the American Journal of Archaeology leverages virtual reality eye-tracking and GIS to explore h

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/new-publication-on-merging-virtual-reality-based-eye-tracking-with-geographic-information-systems/ - 2025-02-22

New publication on understanding how we speak!

New publication on understanding how we speak! New publication on understanding how we speak! Publicerad den 14 mars 2024 The Role of Jaw, Tongue tip, and Lips. New publication out by lab user Malin Svensson Lundmark  using articulography to look at how jaw, tongue tip and lips work together when we speak. " One particularly intriguing aspect of this article is how we were able to showcase the use

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/new-publication-on-understanding-how-we-speak/ - 2025-02-22

New theme at Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies!

New theme at Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies! New theme at Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies! Publicerad den 20 maj 2024 [Translate to English:] Photo: Å. Thormählen Lab member Giacomo Landeschi and Wally V Cirafesi (the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology) will start a new theme at The Pufendorf IAS_LU in September 2024! Ancient Synagogues and the Human Sensorium: How Digit

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/new-theme-at-pufendorf-institute-for-advanced-studies/ - 2025-02-22

Sverige fullvärdig nationell medlem i DARIAH

Sverige fullvärdig nationell medlem i DARIAH Sverige fullvärdig nationell medlem i DARIAH Av Anna Blåder - Publicerad den 26 augusti 2024 Generalförsamlingen i det europeiska konsortiet DARIAH ERIC godkände nyligen Sveriges ansökan om att bli fullvärdig nationell medlem i the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. Detta är ett betydande steg framåt i Sveriges åtagande att frä

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/sweden-joins-dariah-as-full-national-member/ - 2025-02-22

The Lab at HiC 2024!

The Lab at HiC 2024! The Lab at HiC 2024! Publicerad den 12 januari 2024 This week the lab participated in Huminfra's first national conference, HiC 2024 This happy bunch is representing Lund University at the Huminfra conference HiC 2024 at the University of Gothenburg. Presentations and demos of infrastructural methods, tools, and materials were interspersed with coffee drinking and happy meetin

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/the-lab-at-hic-2024/ - 2025-02-22

Two new publications!

Two new publications! Two new publications! Publicerad den 26 mars 2024 Two different publications out, on two exciting topics! First one asks: does it matter to our recall of what is said when a gesture occurs? (Yes, it does.) And the second: Italians and Swedes gesture differently. Why? (No, it’s not what you think! It’s not about the frequency! It’s the way they think about stories.) Early or s

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/two-new-publications/ - 2025-02-22