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Warning_5 | Department of Biomedical Engineering Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any personally

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Warning_9 | Department of Biomedical Engineering Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any personally

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Biomarkers of Early Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Smokers and Former Smokers - A comparison of two methods K. Barbara Sahlin December, 2015 Protein Biomarkers of Early Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Smokers and Former Smokers ___________________________________ 1 Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Biomarkers_of_Early_COPD_in_Smokers_and_Former_Smokers.pdf - 2025-02-07

2013 HT_LP2 EEMF10 CEQ-kursutvärdering ver 8.5 (2010-11-20) LTH

2013 HT_LP2 EEMF10 CEQ-kursutvärdering ver 8.5 (2010-11-20) LTH Arbetsrapport CEQ, EEMF10 Basfakta Kursnamn Klinisk kemisk diagnostik Kurskod EEMF10 Högskolepoäng 5.0 hp Läsår 201314 Kursen slutade i läsperiod HT_LP2 Program samtliga (BME) Antal registrerade på kursen 37 Antal enkätsvar/svarsfrekvens 29 / 78 % Antal män som svarat 10 Antal kvinnor som svarat 18 Arbetstid enligt läro− och timplaner

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Klinisk_kemisk_diagnostik.pdf - 2025-02-07

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Report on research program (summer 2015) __________________________________________________________________________________ Research Development Project on Glioma Stem Cells by Quantitative Mass Spectrometry K. Barbara Sahlin September, 2015 Content 1. Objective of the Study……………………………………………4 2. Background………………………………………………………..4 3. Methods……………………………………………………………6 4. Results……………………………………………………….…

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Research_Development_Project_on_Glioma_Stem_Cells_by_Quantitative_Mass_Spectrometry.pdf - 2025-02-07

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Page 1 of3 Subject Manuscript AJPub-uxwv Version Attachments AJP e-editinq form.pdf 999K Version 1, A ^/ I / I / I Dear Dr. /* Thank you for submitting the above-referenced manuscript to The American Journal of Pathology for consideration. Unfortunately, the manuscript is not acceptable for publication in its present form based on the recommendations of three reviewers (comments below) and an Asso

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Courses/Advanced_Academic_Writing/AJP_2005_piyRedact_b.pdf - 2025-02-07

Advanced Academic Writing

Advanced Academic Writing Advanced Academic Writing Copyright Tord Hjalt 2019- Tord Hjalt, docent 0705-438136 tord.hjalt@bme.lth.se Welcome to the course in Advanced Academic Writing! My name is Tord, and I have a background in research, mostly the life sciences, but I have also done some computer programming. I picked up a thing or two over the years, from my supervisors and collegues, that I wan

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Courses/Advanced_Academic_Writing/Advanced_Academic_Writing_k_texted.pdf - 2025-02-07

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BME SEK number of effort 2020 2021 2022 2023 SUMS salary /mon per year w. Taxes Salaries PhD student 1 80% 462,672 471,925 481,364 490,991 1,906,953 31,500 578,340 Postdoc 1 50% 367,200 374,544 382,035 389,676 1,513,454 40,000 734,400 0 0 0 0 0 Material Chemicals 80,000 100,000 100,000 80,000 360,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 909,872 946,469 963,399 960,667 3,780,407 Lab space 15.91% 144,761 150,583 15

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Courses/Advanced_Academic_Writing/Budget_VR_2.xlsx - 2025-02-07

Microsoft Word - jypb3Letter_to_Editor_080211th_redact.doc

Microsoft Word - jypb3Letter_to_Editor_080211th_redact.doc Lund, Sweden Dear Professor ZZZ, We are very grateful that you consider a second revised edition of our manuscript 123123123 entitled “........“ for publication in Journal of Neuroscience. We are particularly grateful that you allowed us more time to perform all the experiments the reviewers suggested. Based on the helpful comments of the

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Courses/Advanced_Academic_Writing/JNS_2008_redact.pdf - 2025-02-07

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VR(NT) 2014 Appendix A 1 Development of clinical applications based on acoustofluidics. Purpose & aims This project aims to develop two new principles for blood component preparation that will fulfil unmet needs in clinical blood diagnostics. The fundamental mode of operation is to A) utilise acoustic standing wave technology in lab-on-a-chip systems to either perform rapid enrichment of bacteria

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Courses/Advanced_Academic_Writing/VR_NT_2014_Bilaga_A__.pdf - 2025-02-07


PowerPoint-presentation Visuellt feedback till sonarklickljud Semi-transparent, artificiell fisk, med en hydrofon och ett blixtljus, liknande blixtrande isbit till drinkar. Specialdesignad electronik triggar blixtljuset varje gång dydrofonen träffas av ett sonarklick. Kan användas för att illustrera sonar under en föreställning, t.ex. Genom att be delfinerna att hämta fisken. Klick- detektor m BP6

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Examensarbeten/utlysta_exjobb/Blinkande_fisk.pdf - 2025-02-07

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List of publications ISI Citation report (2019-02-07) Results found: 24 Times Cited: 999 Citing Articles: 541 h-index: 16 Google scholar Citation report (2019-02-07) Times Cited: 1582 h-index: 19 i10-index: 23 1. Peer-reviewed original research articles 1. Qiu, W.; Karlsen, J.T.; Bruus, H.; Augustsson, P.; Experimental Characterization of Acoustic Streaming in Gradients of Density and Compressibil

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Personal_folders/Per_Augustsson/List_of_publications_Augustsson_20190207.pdf - 2025-02-07

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PLASMA GENERATION AND LABEL-FREE MONONUCLEAR CELL SEPARATION FROM WHOLE BLOOD BY ONE-STEP ACOUSTIC FOCUSING Julia Alsved1*, Anke Urbansky2, Pelle Ohlsson1, Klara Petersson1, Erling Nielsen1, Agnes Michanek1 and Per Augustsson2 1AcouSort AB, Lund, Sweden and 2Lund University, Sweden ABSTRACT We present the first one-step acoustic separation of high quality plasma and mononuclear cells (MNCs) from u

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Personal_folders/Per_Augustsson/Papers/Alsved_Extended_Abstract_uTAS_final.pdf - 2025-02-07

Acoustic Streaming and Its Suppression in Inhomogeneous Fluids

Acoustic Streaming and Its Suppression in Inhomogeneous Fluids Acoustic Streaming and Its Suppression in Inhomogeneous Fluids Jonas T. Karlsen,1,* Wei Qiu,1 Per Augustsson,2 and Henrik Bruus1,† 1Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Physics Building 309, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, Lund University, Ole Römers väg 3, 22363 Lund, Swede

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Personal_folders/Per_Augustsson/Papers/Karlsen_inhomogeneous_streaming_PRL_120_054501_2018.pdf - 2025-02-07

Experimental Characterization of Acoustic Streaming in Gradients of Density and Compressibility

Experimental Characterization of Acoustic Streaming in Gradients of Density and Compressibility PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 11, 024018 (2019) Experimental Characterization of Acoustic Streaming in Gradients of Density and Compressibility Wei Qiu,1,* Jonas T. Karlsen,1,† Henrik Bruus,1,‡ and Per Augustsson2,§ 1 Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Physics Building 309, DK-2800 Ko

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Personal_folders/Per_Augustsson/Papers/PhysRevApplied.11.024018.pdf - 2025-02-07

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Exempel på pandemianpassade laborationer vid LTH under höstterminen 2020 Per Augustsson, Ingrid Svensson, Johan Gran, Magnus Cinthio, Andreas Ehn och Pelle Ohlsson 1 INTRODUKTION En djupinriktad lärstrategi är en förutsättning för gott lärande (Elmgren & Henriksson 2010). Studenter som har stort intresse, inre motivation och goda förkunskaper väljer ofta ett djupinriktat lärande medan studenter so

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Personal_folders/Per_Augustsson/Teaching/Pandemianpassade_laborationer.pdf - 2025-02-07

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Transkription: Mikrochip blir forskarnas fönster till underjorden Edith Hammer: ”Ah, det är en liten lund här framför Ekologihuset. Här har vi grävt ner våra chip för tre månader sedan. ” Under våra fötter, i varje matsked jord, finns ett komplext ekosystem med bakterier, svampar, encelliga djur och växter. Och hur de lever kan ha betydelse för livet över hela jorden och för oss. Men vilka egenska

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Research/Acoustofluidics/Ecology-on-chip/Transcription_vetandets_varld.pdf - 2025-02-07


untitled Chip integrated strategies for acoustic separation and manipulation of cells and particles Thomas Laurell,* Filip Petersson and Andreas Nilsson Received 29th September 2006 First published as an Advance Article on the web 7th December 2006 DOI: 10.1039/b601326k Acoustic standing wave technology combined with microtechnology opens up new areas for the development of advanced particle and c

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Research/Acoustofluidics/Papers/2007ChemSocRevLaurell.pdf - 2025-02-07

b915999c 1203..1217

b915999c 1203..1217 This article was published as part of the From microfluidic application to nanofluidic phenomena issue Reviewing the latest advances in microfluidic and nanofluidic research Guest Editors Professors Albert van den Berg, Harold Craighead and Peidong Yang Please take a look at the issue 3 table of contents to access other reviews in this themed issue Pu bl is he d on 0 4 Fe br ua

https://bme.lth.se/fileadmin/biomedicalengineering/Research/Acoustofluidics/Papers/b915999c.pdf - 2025-02-07


Events | Avdelningen för biomedicinsk teknik Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Den här webbplatsen använder cookies för att förbättra användarupplevelsen. Genom att fortsätta använda webbplatsen samtycker du till att cookies används enligt vår cookie-policy (på LTH:s webbplats) . Absolut nödvändiga cookies Dessa cookies är nödvändiga för att webbplatsen ska fungera och kan inte stängas av i våra system. De

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