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The Uniqueness Constraint Revisited: A symmetric Near-Far inhibitory mechanism producing ordered binocular matches Jens K. M. Månsson Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund Sweden jens.mansson@lucs.lu.se Abstract: Psychophysical studies have shown that image features, under certain conditions, can give rise to multiple visible binocular matches. These findings are di

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Microsoft Word - Lucs103inlaga.doc

Microsoft Word - Lucs103inlaga.doc Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 103 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2003 by the author THE COGNITIVE BIOGRAPHIES OF THINGS David de Léon Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård 222 22 Lund E-mail: David.de_Leon@lucs.lu.se Abstract: In this paper I argue that there is much to gain by constructing “cognitive biographies of things”. These are accounts th

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Microsoft Word - Lucs112.doc

Microsoft Word - Lucs112.doc Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 112 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2003 by the author EMOTION AND MOTIVATION IN LEARNING: CURRENT RESEARCH, FUTURE DIRECTIONS, AND PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS Andreas Olsson1 Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund, Sweden E-mail: aoo201@nyu.edu Abstract. Emotion and motivation are fundamental to learning, something

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Microsoft Word - LUCS114.doc Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 114 ISSN 1101 - 8453 © 2003 by the author FONOLOGISKT OCH SEMANTISKT MINNE  AV BILDER OCH ORD – EN DYSLEXISTUDIE  Magisteruppsats i kognitionsforskning av Anna Tebelius 1. INTRODUKTION Bakgrund  ”I begynnelsen fanns Ordet”, står det i Joh. 1:1 (Bi- beln, utg 1981). Det är tack vare ordet som kunskaper och idéer har kunnat förmed

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MGLUCS.dvi MAKING AGENTS LESSANNOYING: TOWARDS AN ANIMATED AGENT THAT RESPONDS TOSOCIAL CUES Marie Gustafsson Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård S–222 22 Lund Sweden mat99mgu@student.lu.se ABSTRACT Animated interface agents have been proposed as a more natural way for the user to interact with comput- ers. Such agents are frequently used in pedagogical and program help applic

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Microsoft Word - Framsida 121.doc

Microsoft Word - Framsida 121.doc Bodily mimesis as “the missing link” in human cognitive evolution Jordan Zlatev, Tomas Persson and Peter Gärdenfors Lund University Cognitive Studies 121, 2005 Jordan Zlatev, Tomas Persson and Peter Gärdenfors, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 121, (2005). Lund University Cognitive Studies - LUCS 121 ISSN 1101 – 8453 © 2005 by the authors Bodily mimesis as “the

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LUCS125.final 1 Tracing Integration of Text and Pictures in Newspaper Reading Jana Holsanovaa, Nils Holmberg b & Kenneth Holmqvistb a Lund University Cognitive Science Kunsghuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund Sweden b Humanist laboratory, Lund University SOL centrum Helgonabacken 12 223 62 Lund Sweden jana.holsanova@lucs.lu.se Keywords: information graphic, text-picture integration, referential links,

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Kenneth Holmqvist and Constanze Wartenberg, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 127, 2005 Lund University Cognitive Studies- LUCS 127 ISSN 1101-8453 © 2005 by authors 1 The role of local design factors for newspaper reading behaviour – an eye-tracking perspective Kenneth Holmqvist and Constanze Wartenberg Lund University Cognitive Science Kunsghuset, Lundagård S-222 22 Lund Sweden Kenneth@lucs.lu.s

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-127.pdf - 2025-03-13

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Perceptual Surface Reconstruction Jens Månsson Lund University Cognitive Studies 129 2005 Perceptual Surface Reconstruction Jens Månsson Lund University Cognitive Studies 129 2005 Copyright © Jens Månsson 2005 All rights reserved. Printed in Lund, Sweden, by KFS i Lund AB ISBN 91-974741-5-0 ISSN 1101-8453 ISRN LUHFDA/HFKO-1016-SE Lund University Cognitive Studies 129 Copyright © Jens Månsson 2005

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Choice Blindness Choice Blindness The incongruence of intention, action and introspection Petter Johansson Lund University Cognitive Studies 130 Copyright Petter Johansson 2006. All rights reserved. For further information, see authors’ webpage: www.lucs.lu.se/people/petter.johansson Cover and book design: David de Léon Cover photo: Mark Hanlon Printed in Sweden, Media-Tryck ISBN 91-628-6954-X ISS

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Philip Diderichsen, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 132, 2006 Augmented communication: The communicative potential of the internet Philip Diderichsen Lund University Cognitive Science Kungshuset, Lundagård SE-222 22 Lund Sweden philip.diderichsen lucs.lu.se Abstract Sperber and Wilson’s (1995) relevance theory is used as a general communication theoretical framework to describe different media

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Pictorial Primates: A Search for Iconic Abilities in Great Apes PICTORIAL PRIMATES A Search for Iconic Abilities in Great Apes TOMAS PERSSON Lund University Cognitive Studies 136 Tomas Persson (2008) Pictorial Primates: A Search for Iconic Abilities in Great Apes. Lund University Cognitive Studies, 136 Copyright © Tomas Persson 2008. All rights reserved. ISBN 91-974741-9-3 ISSN 1101-8453 ISRN LUHF

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Microsoft Word - LUCS147.doc Niklas Törnlund, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 147, 2010 Lund University Cognitive Studies – LUCS 147 ISSN 1101 – 8453 © 2010 by the author EN PRIMAT PÅ RYMMEN EN DIKT TILLÄGNAD PETER GÄRDENFORS Niklas Törnlund Östra Vallgatan 21 S-223 61 Lund Sweden niklas@tornlund.net Förord: I följande dikt ämnar jag redovisa den fångst av meningar jag bärgat under idogt trålan

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Intelligent, socially oriented technology

Intelligent, socially oriented technology Intelligent, socially oriented technology Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science and engineering Editors Christian Balkenius Agneta Gulz Magnus Haake Birger Johansson Balkenius, C., Gulz, A., Haake, M. and Johansson, B. (Eds.) Intelligent, socially oriented technology: Projects by teams of master level students in cognitive science

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Amygdala Amygdala Activity and Flashbacks in PTSD: A Review Tania Storm*1, Marianne Engberg2 and Christian Balkenius1 1Lund University Cognitive Science 2DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture *stormtania@gmail.com Reliving symptoms and intrusive recollections are core symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), one of these symptoms is the flashback. Even though they appear in the PTSD

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Uppsatsmall 𝑉𝑡 = 𝑉𝑡−1 + 𝑑(𝑟𝑓𝑖𝑥 − 𝜃𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑥) + 𝑁(0, 𝜎) θ σ Gaze and moral choice Aim Empirical data Model Fitting θ θ θ σ σ η θ η θ η θ η 𝐿𝑅 = 2(𝐿𝐿1 − 𝐿𝐿2) χ χ Overall fits of models θ σ χ χ θ Basic psychometrics θ χ χ χ Exposure and gaze direction χ χ χ β χ χ χ χ χ χ θ

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Microsoft Word - despeerlearn_151026_tryck.docx

Microsoft Word - despeerlearn_151026_tryck.docx LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Designing for Peer Learning : Mathematics, Games and Peer Groups in Leisure-time Centers Harvard Maare, Åsa Published: 2015-01-01 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Harvard Maare, Å. (2015). Designing for Peer Learning : Mathematics, Games and Peer Groups in Leisure-time C

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124532_1_250_Ivo_J On the origins of physical cognition in corvids Ivo Jacobs cognItIve scIence | Lund unIversIty Faculties of Humanities and Theology Department of Philosophy Cognitive Science Lund University Cognitive Studies 167 ISBN 978-91-88473-25-7 ISSN 1101-8453 Corvids, the bird family that includes crows and ravens, have remarkable cog- nitive abilities. This thesis investigates what they

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C A N K A B A D A Y I Planning and inhibition in corvids 9 78 91 88 47 34 79 Faculties of Humanities and Theology Department of Philosophy Cognitive Science Lund University Cognitive Studies 169 ISBN 978-91-88473-47-9 ISSN 1101-8453 Planning and inhibition in corvids CAN KABADAYI COGNITIVE SCIENCE | LUND UNIVERSITY Corvids, the bird family that includes ravens and crows, are renowned for their cog

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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Attention and Learning through the Eyes of the Emotional Brain Oliva, Manuel 2018 Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Citation for published version (APA): Oliva, M. (2018). Attention and Learning through the Eyes of the Emotional Brain. Lund University Cognitive Studies. General rights Unless other specific re-

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