

Din sökning på "*" gav 539791 sökträffar

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Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 89 (2012) 69-99 Information Structure, Syntax and Intonational Properties of Multiple Wh-Questions* Mayumi Hosono, Leiden University/University of Potsdam m.hosono@umail.leidenuniv.nl Abstract I discuss the issues on multiple wh-questions from the perspective of information structure. I argue, on the basis of the literature (Kiss 1993), that in the multiple wh

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Questionnaire Tout participant du Corpus CEFLE a rempli un questionnaire concernant la L1, les L2, les connaissances du français, la note en français et en suédois, la motivation pour l’acquisition du français, etc. Observez que tout apprenant est anonyme. Les pseudonymes employés dans le corpus ne correspondent pas aux noms réels des apprenants. Commentaires spécifiques: 1re question La langue ma

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Info_questionnaire.pdf - 2025-02-24

Ingunn reviewed

Ingunn reviewed Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 98 (2017), 131–146 Weight effects and Heavy NP Shift in Icelandic and Faroese Ingunn Hreinberg Indriðadóttir University of Iceland Abstract This paper presents the results of two surveys on Heavy NP Shift in Icelandic and Faroese, where speakers evaluated sentences with shifted subjects and direct objects. The NPs were all shifted across a VP-m

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Ingridadottir_01.pdf - 2025-02-24

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3 Innehåll Förord ................................................................................................... 1 Innehåll ................................................................................................ 3 Briana van Epps: The three-gender system in two varieties of Jämtlandic 1 Introduction .....................................................................................

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Innehaallsfoerteckning.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 86 (2010) 179–198. ELLERHUR and other Yes/No-question operator candidates in Swedish * David Petersson, Lund University Gunlög Josefsson, Lund University Abstract. Our point of departure is a new use of the question tag eller hur (or how) „isn‟t it?‟ in Swedish: (i) Eller hur ska vi åka till Italien i sommar? or how shall we go to Italy in summer „We will go t

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Josefsson_ELLERHURslutvers.pdf - 2025-02-24

Kinn. WPSS 88. Slutversion

Kinn. WPSS 88. Slutversion Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 88 (2011), 21-50 Overt non-referential subjects and subject-verb agreement in Middle Norwegian1 Kari Kinn, University of Oslo Abstract This paper is a contribution to the long-standing debate on the relationship between subject- verb-agreement and the need for overt non-referential subjects. On the basis of new Middle Norwegian data

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Kinn._WPSS_88._Slutversion.pdf - 2025-02-24


Mayumi Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 94 (2015) 51–66 On Verb Movement in the Labeling Algorithm-Based Derivation∗ Mayumi Hosono, Leiden University m.hosono@umail.leidenuniv.nl Abstract In this paper, I discuss verb movement in the Labeling Algorithm-based derivational system (Chomsky 2013, 2014). I point out that in this system, movement operations that do not produce a new semantic effect

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Mayumi_03.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Förord Det här numret av Nordlund utgörs av tre delrapporter från projektet, Språk och språkbruk bland ungdomar i flerspråkiga storstadsmiljöer (SUF). Projektet leds av professor Inger Lindberg, Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborg, och är ett nationellt samarbete mellan universiteten i Göteborg, Stockholm och Lund. Projektledningen består i övrigt av Sally Boyd, Institutionen för lingvisti

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Nordlund_27__fo__rord.pdf - 2025-02-24

Nordlund 11 dec07 t Lena.rtf

Nordlund 11 dec07 t Lena.rtf 78 Gudrun Svensson Funktion och betydelse hos duvet i två gymnasistgrupper i Malmö 1. Inledning 1 Syftet med denna artikel är att diskutera och beskriva funktion och betydelse hos diskurspartikeln duvet2. Som underlag för undersökningarna ligger audioinspel- ningar av två kvinnliga ”kompisgrupper” vid två gymnasieskolor i Malmö, när informanterna gick i årskurs två på

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Nordlund_Svensson.pdf - 2025-02-24

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Software for general similarity network analysis Background The ideas behind the phrase “general similarity networks” are described in Östborn and Gerding (2014). In this note, we discuss why we judged it necessary to write our own software in order to analyse the diffusion of Hellenistic fired bricks using general similarity networks. We also outline the ideas and structure of software that we cr

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Note_on_network_analysis_software.docx - 2025-02-24

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Sandy Åkerblom Om betydelsekategorin ’diminutiv’ i svenskan * Sammandrag. Syftet med artikeln är att undersöka diminutiv i svenskan, dels analysera olika språkliga uttryck för fenomenet, dels göra en jämförelse med andra språk som uttrycker denna betydelsekategori med ett suffix. I linje med Møller (1943) utgår jag från dimunitiv som en betydelsekategori, inte en formkategori. Kategorin undersöks

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Om_betydelsekategorin__diminutiv_.pdf - 2025-02-24

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58 Controlling for Movement: Reply to Wood 2012∗ Dennis Ott Humboldt University of Berlin Abstract In a recent squib, Wood 2012 provides an argument against the Movement Theory of Con- trol, which treats Control as A-movement, similar to Raising. His argument is based on Control configurations in Icelandic object-extraposition constructions for which no move- ment derivation can be plausibly assum

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Ott92.pdf - 2025-02-24

Swedish exclamatives are subordinate

Swedish exclamatives are subordinate Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 88 (2011), 169-237 Swedish exclamatives are subordinate David Petersson Lund University Abstract In Swedish, there are three basic kinds of exclamatives: wh-, som- and att- exclamatives. Superficially, these clauses display mixed properties with regard to the traditional division into main clauses and subordinate clauses. T

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Petersson._WPSS_88.slutversion.pdf - 2025-02-24

150202 Chr till Inger

150202 Chr till Inger 1 Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 98 (2017), 1–82. What makes the imperative clause type autonomous? A comparative study in a modular perspective1 Christer Platzack & Inger Rosengren Lund University Abstract. This paper is a case study of the imperative clause type and its relation to other clause types in Swedish and German in a modular framework. We will argue that th

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Platzack-Rosengren_01.pdf - 2025-02-24

Rosenkvist WPSS 88slutversion

Rosenkvist WPSS 88slutversion Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 88 (2011), 1-20 1 Verb Raising and Referential Null Subjects in Övdalian Henrik Rosenkvist Abstract Within the Scandinavian languages, there is a notable variation regarding verb agreement. Holmberg & Platzack (1995) suggested that this basic feature is linked to both verb raising and the presence of a handful of syntactic phenome

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Rosenkvist_WPSS_88._slutversion.pdf - 2025-02-24


Halldor 66 About pronouns* Halldór Ármann Sigurðsson Lund University Abstract This essay claims that pronouns are constructed as syntactic relations rather than as discrete feature bundles or items. The discussion is set within minimalist Context-linked Grammar, where phases contain silent but active edge features, edge linkers, including speaker and hearer features. An NP is phi-computed in relat

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Sigurdsson92.pdf - 2025-02-24

Style sheet for Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax

Style sheet for Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax Style sheet for Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 1. Main text: 14 p Times New Roman In between lines: at least 20 p. All margins at least 2,5 cm 2. Footnotes 12 p Times New Roman In between lines at least 14 p 3. Abstract just above the first section. Text: 12 p, at least 14 points in between lines 4. Page numbers centralized at the top of

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Style_sheet_for_Working_Papers_in_Scandinavian_Syntax_.pdf - 2025-02-24

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1 Icelandic let-causatives and case1 Jim Wood2 Abstract The verb láta ‘let/make’ in Icelandic provides a unique opportunity to understand the behavior of symmetric versus asymmetric DAT-NOM constructions. In this paper, I take a close look at láta and examine a set of cases where DAT-NOM verbs are embedded under láta, resulting in the otherwise nominative object becoming accusative in some cases a

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/WPSS87_Wood.pdf - 2025-02-24

WPSS framsida 87

WPSS framsida 87 WORKING PAPERS IN SCANDINAVIAN SYNTAX 87 Jim Wood Icelandic let-causatives and Case 1-52 Eva Klingvall On past participles and their external arguments 53-80 Ulla Stroh-Wollin Embedded declaratives, assertion and swear words 81-102 Verner Egerland Fronting, Background, Focus. A comparative study of Sardinian and Icelandic 103-135 Caroline Heycock, Antonella Soracse, Zakaris Svabo

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/WPSS87_framsida.pdf - 2025-02-24

WPSS 87 tidigare nummer

WPSS 87 tidigare nummer These working papers have been sponsored by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF) (no. 1-27) and by the Swedish Research Council for the Humanities and the Social Sciencies (HSFR) (no. 28-42), as well as by Erik Philip-Sörensen's stiftelse (no. 42-43). From no. 80, WPSS is sponsored by Center of Languagte and Literture, Lund University. PUBLIS

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/WPSS87_tidigare.pdf - 2025-02-24