

Din sökning på "*" gav 530434 sökträffar

Odors are expressible in language, if you speak the right language

Odors are expressible in language, if you speak the right language Odors are expressible in language, if you speak the right language Published 14 January 2014 Jahai-man with a smoke cloud. Picture taken by Niclas Burenhult during fieldwork at the Malay Peninsula Burenhult & Majid in ScienceDaily Smells are supposedly difficult to name and talk about. It has therefore been suggested that olfactory

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/odors-are-expressible-in-language-if-you-speak-the-right-language/ - 2025-03-11

Once more about cat communication!

Once more about cat communication! Once more about cat communication! Published 5 December 2018 Long article (Dec 4th, 2018) in Dagens Nyheter about Susanne Schötz and her cat communication project, Meowsic! Related Files Kan_katter_prata_med_oss_-_DN.SE.pdf 4 MB Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=2536 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/once-more-about-cat-communication-1/ - 2025-03-11

Once more, about cat communication!

Once more, about cat communication! Once more, about cat communication! Published 29 October 2019 Cats want to make themselves understood. Recent research results show that there are differences in the melodies of their sounds and that cats use the same biologic codes as humans. Susanne Schötz and Joost van de Weijer interviewed by the Swedish radio programme Vetandets Värld about communication be

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/once-more-about-cat-communication/ - 2025-03-11

Pedagogical activities autumn 2021!

Pedagogical activities autumn 2021! Pedagogical activities autumn 2021! Published 1 September 2021 The Humanities Lab invites you to register for the courses and tutorials offered in autumn 2021. The activities will be mostly online. Everyone is welcome! Complete and info on how to register can be found on the webpage. Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=3097 Latest News 2025-

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/pedagogical-activities-autumn-2021/ - 2025-03-11

Pilot podcasting in the LARM-studio

Pilot podcasting in the LARM-studio Pilot podcasting in the LARM-studio Published 11 May 2015 The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology are piloting podcasting in the Lab's LARM-studio. Conversations between scholars on various themes will hopefully be made available online in the Autumn. The first recordings took place in early May. We hope many more will follow. Share http://www.humlab.lu.s

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/pilot-podcasting-in-the-larm-studio/ - 2025-03-11

Pingu helps researchers in new study

Pingu helps researchers in new study Pingu helps researchers in new study Published 10 November 2017 Maria Graziano interviewed in LU student Magazine Lundagård about her and Marianne Gullbergs research about Swedes' and Italians' habits of gesticulating. Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=2199 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bili

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/pingu-helps-researchers-in-new-study/ - 2025-03-11

PIRE undergrad student presents study from Lund at the 9th Int. Conference on the Mental Lexicon

PIRE undergrad student presents study from Lund at the 9th Int. Conference on the Mental Lexicon PIRE undergrad student presents study from Lund at the 9th Int. Conference on the Mental Lexicon Published 8 October 2014 This spring the Humanities Lab had the pleasure of hosting Julia Hotcher, one of the PIRE undergraduate students from the 2014 cohort. The PIRE network Understanding the bilingual m

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/pire-undergrad-student-presents-study-from-lund-at-the-9th-int-conference-on-the-mental-lexicon/ - 2025-03-11

Samarbete med forskningsnätverket Skåne

Samarbete med forskningsnätverket Skåne Samarbete med forskningsnätverket Skåne Published 20 December 2013 13 januari kommer en klass med fysikelever tillsammans med sin lärare Mattias Andersson från gymnasieskolan S:t Petri i Malmö till Humanistlabbet. Eleverna deltar i ett projekt mellan Humlabbet och Forskningsnätet Skåne (http://www.forskningsnatet.se). Forskningsnätets övergripande syfte är a

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/samarbete-med-forskningsnaetverket-skaane/ - 2025-03-11

Scent off

Scent off Scent off Published 27 February 2015 Smells red to me Culture, not biology, rules the relation between smell and language THE Maniq have a word for it—and so do the Jahai. Each sort of smell in their environment, that is. Putting names to smells is reckoned—unlike, say, naming colours—to be notoriously difficult. But perhaps that is because all the relevant experiments have been done on

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/scent-off/ - 2025-03-11

Seminar on Data driven research in the Humanities

Seminar on Data driven research in the Humanities Seminar on Data driven research in the Humanities Published 15 September 2017 The Humanities Lab is represented at the interesting seminar Data driven research in the Humanities at KTH in Stockholm, organised by Patrik Svensson and Pelle Snickars. Researchers, funders, leaders of infrastructures, and policy makers in a stimulating mix. Share http:/

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/seminar-on-data-driven-research-in-the-humanities/ - 2025-03-11

Still vacant places at the course Creating a Language Corpus (HTXN07)!

Still vacant places at the course Creating a Language Corpus (HTXN07)! Still vacant places at the course Creating a Language Corpus (HTXN07)! Published 20 November 2014 To do systematic research on linguistic data, it is necessary to organize the data in ways that match the aims of your research questions. In this course you will learn how to collect, transcribe, analyze and organize linguistic da

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/still-vacant-places-at-the-course-creating-a-language-corpus-htxn07/ - 2025-03-11

Summer greetings from the Humanities Lab

Summer greetings from the Humanities Lab Summer greetings from the Humanities Lab Published 23 June 2022 Photo: Peter Roslund On Wednesday, the Humanities Lab staff celebrated the end of the spring semester by enjoying lunch and great company in the botanical garden, wishing each other a (according to preference) restful/exciting/productive summer.  And the same goes for our lab users, collaborato

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/summer-greetings-from-the-humanities-lab/ - 2025-03-11

Swe-CLARIN site-visit at the Humanities Lab

Swe-CLARIN site-visit at the Humanities Lab Swe-CLARIN site-visit at the Humanities Lab Published 31 March 2015 Johan Frid samt Nina Tahmasebi och Caspar Jordan från Swe-CLARIN. Foto: Stefan Ekman On March 13, the Swe-CLARIN coordinators from Gothenburg University kicked off their tour of the Swe-CLARIN nodes with a site-visit in the Humanities Lab. Nina Tahmasebi, Stefan Ekman, Caspar Jordan och

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/swe-clarin-site-visit-at-the-humanities-lab/ - 2025-03-11

The 18th LETA (Lund Eye Tracking Academy) workshop

The 18th LETA (Lund Eye Tracking Academy) workshop The 18th LETA (Lund Eye Tracking Academy) workshop Published 22 September 2016 The 18th LETA workshop on eye tracking took place this week, with 19 participants from all over the world. Here the lecture on detection of fixations and saccades with Diederick Niehorster teaching. Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=149 Latest New

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-18th-leta-lund-eye-tracking-academy-workshop/ - 2025-03-11

The Amazing Brain Symposium

The Amazing Brain Symposium The Amazing Brain Symposium Published 7 September 2017 As part of the festivities around the 350th anniversary of Lund University, Lu today hosted the Amazing Brain Symposium with a remarkable line-up of prominent neuroscientists talking about everything from myths about the brain, how the brain helps us navigate, language disorders and the brain, music and the brain, a

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-amazing-brain-symposium/ - 2025-03-11

The Annual Report 2019 is here!

The Annual Report 2019 is here! The Annual Report 2019 is here! Published 18 June 2020 Download here. LU_Humanities_Lab_Annual_Report_2019.pdf You can find the Annual Report for 2019 here  and at the link to pdf below. Related Links t3://file?uid=63185 Share http://www.humlab.lu.se?id=62865&tx_news_pi1[news]=2700 Latest News 2025-02-03 Article in Sydsvenskan! 2025-01-24 New Publications in Bilingu

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-annual-report-2019-is-here/ - 2025-03-11

The Annual report 2020 is here!

The Annual report 2020 is here! The Annual report 2020 is here! Published 7 June 2021 The Lab year 2020 was dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on education and research. Importantly, however, despite the semi-lockdown of the Lab in March 2020, Lab activities continued during the year, as this Annual Report will highlight. Find and read the full report on the Annual reports page. Sh

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-annual-report-2020-is-here/ - 2025-03-11

The Avaco project, Vocal Six, Pufendorf and the Lab

The Avaco project, Vocal Six, Pufendorf and the Lab The Avaco project, Vocal Six, Pufendorf and the Lab Published 11 May 2015 The Pufendorf Advanced Study Group Artistic Vocal and Choral Orders organised an experimental workshop with the group Vocal Six at the Pufendorf Institute on May 8. Peter Roslund from the LARM-studio documented the proceedings. The audience experimented with moving around,

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-avaco-project-vocal-six-pufendorf-and-the-lab/ - 2025-03-11

The exhibition "Pompeji" opens in Stockholm

The exhibition "Pompeji" opens in Stockholm The exhibition "Pompeji" opens in Stockholm Published 21 August 2014 Photographs: Above by Carolina Larsson. Below, by Hans Thorwid. As part of the Swedish Pompeji Project, Humanities Lab personnel and equipment contribute to a new and exciting exhibition at Millesgården, Stockholm. A unique exhibition about Pompeii, based on the work of Anne-Marie Leand

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/the-exhibition-pompeji-opens-in-stockholm/ - 2025-03-11