

Din sökning på "*" gav 535581 sökträffar

Modeling of the deposition of stoichiometric Al2O3 using non-arcing dc magnetron sputtering

dc sputter deposition of stoichiometric Al2O3 is usually difficult due to the formation of an oxidized layer on the target surface, which reduces the deposition rate drastically and causes charge buildup and arcing at the target. To avoid this situation the arrival rate ratio O2/Al must be high enough at the substrate position that a stoichiometric film can form but low enough at the target that a

Real-time PCR analysis for blood cell lineage specific markers.

We here describe the methods for the isolation of distinct hematopoietic subpopulations, as defined by their immune phenotype by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and how these cells can be analyzed even at a single-cell level for the gene expression of a number of transcription factors and other differentiation markers.

Low-dose GH improves exercise capacity in adults with GH deficiency: effects of a 22-month placebo-controlled, crossover trial

Fifty-five patients with adult-onset GH deficiency (mean age, 49 years) were enrolled in a placebo-controlled, crossover study to investigate the effects of GH therapy on exercise capacity, body composition, and quality of life QOL). GH and placebo were administered for 9 months each, separated, by a 4-month washout period. GH therapy was individually dosed to obtain an IGF-I concentration within

Study of flame stabilization in a swirling combustor using a new flamelet formulation

The dynamics in a swirl-stabilized flame is studied using large eddy simulation (LES). We account for the effect of turbulence on the flame through a model based on a filtered flamelet technique. The model provides a consistent and robust reaction-diffusion expression for simulating the correct propagation of premixed flames. The filtered flamelet formulation has been implemented into a high-order

Contradictory effects of dopamine at 32 degrees C in pigs anesthetized with ketamine

BACKGROUND: In critically ill patients who were surface cooled to 33 +/- 2 degrees C, we have observed that dopamine sometimes causes a substantial decrease in blood pressure. The present study was designed to compare the effects of dopamine in normothermia to those seen after surface cooling to 32 degrees C. METHODS: Seven pigs with a mean body weight of 21 kg were anesthetized with ketamine and

Characterization of serum antibody response to chlamydiae in patients with sexually acquired reactive arthritis

Sera from patients with sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA) with antibodies reacting with C. trachomatis and C. pneumoniae (group 1; n = 20) and also with C. psittaci (group 2; n = 19) were analyzed for antibody specificity. Sera from group 2 reacted significantly more often with C. trachomatis serotype E, H and K and had higher antibody titers to serotype E, as tested by microimmunofluore

The accommodative pupil responses of children and young adults at low and intermediate levels of ambient illumination.

Accommodative pupil constrictions were compared between 27 children (9-10years) and 13 young adults (22-26years) in order to clarify the issue whether or not children have such a response. Accommodative stimuli of 4 and 7 diopters were used to elicit the response and experiments were performed at 5 and 100lux in order to investigate whether the level of ambient light has different effects on devel

The astrometric instrument of Gaia: Principles

Compared with Hipparcos, Gaia will give an enormous improvement in accuracy, completeness and number of stars: about two orders of magnitude in accuracy, four orders in number, and a completeness limit that is 12 magnitudes fainter. How is all this possible? The answer is: by a combination of many factors, the most important being bigger and more efficient detectors, and bigger optics. The method

The foraging benefits of information and the penalty of ignorance

Patch use theory and the marginal value theorem predict that a foraging patch should be abandoned when the costs and benefits of foraging in the patch are equal. This has generally been interpreted as all patches being abandoned when their instantaneous intake rate equals the foraging costs. Bayesian foraging – patch departure is based on a prior estimate of patch qualities and sampling informatio

Imbalanced serum IgG subclass pattern in toxic shock syndrome patients: deficiency of specific IgG1 and IgG4 subclass antibodies to toxic shock syndrome toxin 1

An imbalanced serum IgG subclass pattern was identified in 10 patients with toxic shock syndrome (TSS) showing remarkably low subclass levels of various combinations. IgG2 levels were significantly reduced as compared to normal controls. The IgG subclass-specificity of antibodies to toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1) was investigated by a solid-phase radioimmunoassay. TSS-patients lacked pre-immu

Gels of hydrophobically modified hydroxyethyl cellulose cross-linked by amylose. Competition with cyclodextrin

Previous work has shown that amylose (AM) can cross-link hydrophobically modified polymers by inclusion complexation, whereby thermoreversible cold-setting gels are formed. In this work, the competition between AM and cyclodextrin (CD) for the formation of inclusion complexes with hydrophobically modified hydroxyethyl cellulose (HMHEC) is investigated. A detailed study of viscosity, NMR self-diffu

Civil Aircraft for the regular investigation of the atmosphere based on an instrumented container: The new CARIBIC system

An airfreight container with automated instruments for measurement of atmospheric gases and trace compounds was operated on a monthly basis onboard a Boeing 767-300 ER of LTU International Airways during long-distance flights from 1997 to 2002 (CARIBIC, Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container, http://www.caribic-atmospheric.com). Subsequently a m

Decreased core temperature and Increased beta(3)-Adrenergic sensitivity in diabetes-prone BB rats

Background: Diabetes-prone (DP) congenic DR.lypllyp BioBreeding (BB) rats all develop Type I diabetes between 50 and 81 days of age, while DR. lyp/+ or DR.+/+ BB rats are diabetes resistant (DR). The DP rats display reduced weight gain prior to developing hyperglycemia, implying that metabolic events may precede diabetes onset. We tested the hypothesis that temperature measurements could serve as

Mutations in the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases BdbC and BdbD can suppress cytochrome c deficiency of CcdA-defective Bacillus subtilis cells

Cytochromes of the c type in the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis are all membrane anchored, with their heme domains exposed on the outer side of the cytoplasmic membrane. They are distinguished from other cytochromes by having heme covalently attached by two thioether bonds. The cysteinyls in the heme-binding site (CXXCH) in apocytochrome c must be reduced in order for the covalent attac

Sources of variation in winter basal metabolic rate in the great tit

1. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the most widely used standard measurement of the cost of living. Despite the acknowledged phenotypic flexibility of BMR, little is known about the patterns of variation in wild animal populations. 2. We studied the sources of variation in BMR of great tit Parus major (L.) among individuals from two wild populations: Oulu (northern Finland) and Lund (southern Sweden

Breast tumours following combined hormone replacement therapy express favourable prognostic factors.

t The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between different types of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and risk of specific breast cancer subgroups. A population-based prospective cohort study including 12,583 peri- or postmenopausal women were followed using record-linkage with national cancer registries. During an average follow-up of 4.5 years, 332 cases of invasive breast

Involvement of CCR9 at multiple stages of adult T lymphopoiesis.

The chemokine CCL25 is constitutively expressed in the thymus, and its receptor CCR9 is expressed on subsets of developing thymocytes. Nevertheless, the function of CCL25/CCR9 in adult thymopoiesis remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that purified CCR9–/– hematopoietic stem cells are deficient in their ability to generate all major thymocyte subsets including double-negative 1 (DN1) cells in com

CtaG is required for formation of active cytochrome C oxidase in Bacillus subtilis

The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis contains two respiratory oxidases of the haem-copper superfamily: cytochrome aa(3), which is a quinol oxidase, and cytochrome caa(3), which is a cytochrome c oxidase. Cytochrome c oxidase uniquely contains a di-copper centre, Cu-A. B. subtilis CtaG is a membrane protein encoded by the same gene cluster as that which encodes the subunits of cytochrome c

U-Pb baddeleyite ages and Hf, Nd isotope chemistry constraining repeated mafic magmatism in the Fennoscandian Shield from 1.6 to 0.9 Ga

The Palaeoproterozoic (1.90 - 1.60 Ga) crust of central Fennoscandia was intruded repeatedly by dolerite dikes and sills during the Neo- and Mesoproterozoic eons. We report 17 new baddeleyite U - Pb dates comprising six generations of dolerites ( in Ma): Blekinge-Dalarna dolerites 946 - 978 Protogine Zone dolerites 1,215 - 1,221 Central Scandinavian Dolerite Group 1,264 - 1,271 Tuna dikes and age