

Din sökning på "*" gav 533529 sökträffar

A multi-case study of agile requirements engineering and the use of test cases as requirements

Context: It is an enigma that agile projects can succeed ‘without requirements’ when weak requirements engineering is a known cause for project failures. While agile development projects often manage well without extensive requirements test cases are commonly viewed as requirements and detailed requirements are documented as test cases.Objective: We have investigated this agile practice of using t

Dielectric Properties Modeling and Measurement of Single Tooth Coil Insulation System under Accelerated Degradation Test

Degradation of electrical machines for traction purposes is important to understand for right-sizing traction system lifetime versus vehicle lifetime. Based on the proposed test specimen and predictive monitoring method, this paper is a continuation of [1] to present the dielectric properties changes, including the AC capacitance and DC leakage current or insulation resistance, during degradation

The role of external knowledge(s) in the introduction of product and process innovations

This paper investigates the heterogeneity of the sources of external knowledge and their differentiated effects on process and product innovations respectively. The results of the empirical investigations show that the upstream vertical sources of external knowledge from suppliers exert a strong and positive role on the introduction of process innovations, whereas horizontal and downstream vertica

Nuclear spectroscopy with Geant4: Proton and neutron emission & radioactivity

With the aid of a novel combination of existing equipment – JYFLTRAP and the TASISpec decay station – it is possible to perform very clean quantum-state selective, high-resolution particle-γ decay spectroscopy. We intend to study the determination of the branching ratio of the ℓ = 9 proton emission from the Iπ = 19/2−, 3174-keV isomer in the N = Z − 1 nucleus 53Co. The study aims to initiate a ser

Skådespelarens musikalitet

This investigation takes its point of departure in the prominent use of the term ’musicality’ as a prestige word in theatre discourse where, obviously, not exactly the same reference and meaning is ascribed to the concept as in contexts of music. There seems to be very little previous research in this area, if any. The research question is formulated thus: What do theatre practicians mean when the

Microbiota patterns and risk of cardiometabolic disease - Opportunities for intervention?

In every human being, there is a substantial proportion (1-2 kg) of total body weight constituted by the gut microbiota content in the gastro-intestinal system. Recent research findings, based on mapping of the microbiome, have stated that in healthy subjects, the gut microbiota richness and diversity is higher as compared to obese subjects or patients suffering from cardiometabolic disease, or ev

Prophylaxis for Hemophilia in the Era of Extended Half-Life Factor VIII/Factor IX Products

There are two main bioengineering approaches to extending the half-life of factor (F)VIII or FIX products used for hemophilia replacement therapy. These are fusion to Fc-immunoglobulin G (FVIII and FIX) or to albumin (FIX) or pegylation/glycopegylation (FVIII and FIX). Four FVIII and three FIX products are in clinical development or have recently been licensed in regions of the world. The reported

Plug-in Software Engineering Case Studies

Empirical software engineering is a growing research area. Industrial experience gathered by systematic empirical case studies is extremely important for further evolution of the software engineering discipline. Scientific theory cannot provide effective means for software industry without fundamental understanding of the evolutionary development of complex software systems. However, there are cer

X-ray microtomography provides new insights into vacuum impregnation of spinach leaves

Vacuum impregnation is used in the food industry to facilitate the impregnation of porous products with, e.g. firming, antioxidant, antimicrobial or cryoprotective agents. X-ray micro-tomography (μCT) was used to study the process of vacuum impregnation in spinach leaves. Low (300 mbar absolute pressure) and mild vacuum (150 mbar absolute pressure) impregnation protocols were used to impregnate an

Towards Grading Gleason Score using Generically Trained Deep convolutional Neural Networks

We developed an automatic algorithm with the purpose to assist pathologists to report Gleason score on malignant prostatic adenocarcinoma specimen. In order to detect and classify the cancerous tissue, a deep convolutional neural network that had been pre-trained on a large set of photographic images was used. A specific aim was to support intuitive interaction with the result, to let pathologists

Oral Ixazomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone for multiple myeloma

BACKGROUND Ixazomib is an oral proteasome inhibitor that is currently being studied for the treatment of multiple myeloma. METHODS In this double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial, we randomly assigned 722 patients who had relapsed, refractory, or relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma to receive ixazomib plus lenalidomide-dexamethasone (ixazomib group) or placebo plus lenalidomide-dexame

Researchers’ use of social network sites : a scoping review

The study is a scoping review of 80 research articles in LIS and related fields (2004-2014) on the use of social network sites by researchers. The results show that social network sites are used as part of scholarly life, yet with disciplinary differences. It is also shown that the area lacks methodological, theoretical and empirical coherence and theoretical stringency. The most salient strands o