

Din sökning på "*" gav 531285 sökträffar

En studie om hur våldsutsatta kvinnor skattade sina välmånde med hjälp av ORS

Denna studie ingick i kvalitetssäkring av en behandlingsmottagning i södra Sverige. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur en grupp kvinnor (N=31) som utsatts för våld i nära relation bedömde sina psykologiska välmående med Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) samt belysa tidiga avbrott i behandlingen. Genom en longitudinell kvantitativ studie, undersöktes kvinnornas skattningar utifrån de fyra första behaThis study is included in a quality assurance of a treatment centre in southern Sweden. Using a longitudinal quantitative study design, a group of women (N=31), exposed to domestic violence, prior to four subsequent therapeutic treatment occasions estimated their psychological well-being based on the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS). Additionally, the study was aimed to illuminate the occurrence of trea

Tokyo Night Fever : A study of English code-switching in Japanese 1970s & 1980s city pop

The purpose of this thesis is to add further knowledge regarding the mixing of languages (code-switching) in Japanese popular music from the 1970s and 1980s. The genre of focus is the newly resurfaced musical style city-pop. Analysis of functional elements as well as a quantitative examination of three established code-switching types was made. Comparisons of the code-switching construction in son

Analyzing the Santa María Bay through the social-ecological system framework : identifying leverage points for sustainability in La Reforma, Sinaloa

Small-scale fisheries are highly important in terms of economic productivity and environmental relevance in Mexico’s Northwest. The Santa María Bay (SMB), in Sinaloa, México, is the largest bay in the state and is highly productive in terms of fishing and the economic activities derived from it. It is also home to endemic species and the region’s largest mangrove wetland. It faces environmental an

Tvekande hjortdjur - En beteendeekologisk studie av rådjur och dovhjort för att bedöma effektiviteten av en faunaport och en ekodukt i Skåne, Sverige

Tvekande hjortdjur Vägar utgör ett hinder och stor fara för många djur. Ljus och ljud stör djuren och vid stora mängder trafik blir vägen en barriär. Broar och tunnlar kan ge dem möjligheter att passera förbi, men ytterligare kunskap behövs för att veta hur man ska utforma dessa. Tidigare har man mätt antalet av besökande djur som passerat igenom för att bedöma hur väl broarna fungerar. ResultateWildlife crossing structures are needed to enable animal movements in an all more broken up landscape. The Swedish Transport Administration need to know how to build these. Previous studies have focused on passing frequencies and indices. Few have looked at the behavior of the visiting animals. In this study, I have complemented passage frequencies with vigilance behavior for roe deer and fallow d

Does Bad News Affect Trade?

The research paper analyses the impact of negative news, in terms of shock, on the binary trading relationship of Bangladesh with the rest of the world using the readymade garment industrial catastrophe of Rana Plaza collapse of 2013. To assess the geographical distribution of negative news, the per capita volume of search index from Google Trends is treated as the key variable. The paper applies

Topology optimization with optimal spatially varying length scale

Density based topology optimization has become an efficient way to design optimal complex structures with different goals, constraints and boundary conditions. To regularize the solution, density filters are utilized and is controlled by the length scale. The length scale controls minimum feature sizes, as well as minimum curvatures in the structure. Usually a constant length scale is used through

Digitalisation of household eating practices: A case study of meal-boxes

The aim of this thesis is to describe and explain how meal-box, as a digital device designed to assist households in carrying out eating practices, reconfigure household practices and enable specific behavioural activities, including sustainability. Taking a socio-material and practice theory approach and drawing on an ethnographic study of three meal-box providers – The Seasons, Hello Fresh and L

Svårigheter med emotionsreglering och alexitymi medierar relationen mellan svåra upplevelser under barndomen och kroppsliga symtom

Kroppsliga symtom som hänger samman med psykologiska faktorer är vanligt förekommande och utgör en stor utmaning för hälso- och sjukvård. Tidigare forskning har visat enkla samband mellan svåra upplevelser under barndomen, alexitymi, svårigheter med emotionsreglering och kroppsliga symtom. Syftet med den aktuella studien var att studera dessa variabler tillsammans och undersöka huruvida alexitymi Somatic symptoms are commonly associated with psychological factors, and their management presents considerable challenge to healthcare systems. Past research has shown simple associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), alexithymia, emotion regulation difficulties, and somatic symptoms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the aforementioned variables simultaneously, while a

Att som sjuksköterska inom ambulanssjukvård vårda i offentlig miljö

Bakgrund: En del av uppdragen som ambulanssjukvården utför handlar om olyckor, skador eller akut sjukdom som sker i offentlig miljö. Detta innebär att det vårdande utrymmet delas med allmänheten. För sjuksköterskan innebär detta en utmaning. Genom att studera sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda i offentlig miljö kan det skapas ökad förståelse för sjuksköterskors situation i ambulanssjukvården

Image Analysis of Circulating Tumour Cell Clusters from Imaging Flow Cytometry Data

Detektion av tumörceller i blod med hjälp av bildanalys Cirkulerande tumörceller är celler som har lämnat sin ursprungliga primärtumör och tagit sig till blodet. Dessa celler kan sedan ta sig vidare till andra delar av kroppen där de kan ge upphov till dottertumörer. Cirkulerande tumörceller är mycket viktiga att studera eftersom dottertumörer är den ledande orsaken till dödsfall i cancer. TyväCirculating tumour cells (CTCs) are cancer cells that have entered the circulation of the body breaking free from their primary tumour and that can act as progenitors of metastasis. At the time of writing, a study on a novel method to detect and count CTCs using imaging flow cytometry (IFC) is being conducted at Lund University. In the study, a problem was found where CTCs clustered with normal wh

Nordvästra Skånes prekambriska geologiska utveckling

Detta arbete sammanställer den prekambriska berggrunden och dess geologiska utvecklingshistoria i nordvästra Skåne. Studien baseras främst på SGUs berggrundskartor som benämns Af. 148 Helsingborg NO och Af. 180 Helsingborg SO samt tillhörande berggrundsbeskrivningar. Berggrunden inom det studerade området har bildats under regionala geologiska processer och dessa beskrivs it ett bredare perspektivThis study aims to summarize the Precambrian bedrock and its’ geological development in north-western Skåne. The study is primarily based on two SGU bedrock maps called Af. 148 Helsingborg NO and Af. 180 Helsingborg SO, plus the associated bedrock descriptions. The bedrock within the studied area developed during large regional geological processes and these are described in a larger perspective.

How brands can build religious loyalty

Purpose: This paper investigates the four dimensions that constitute a religion (Saroglou, 2011) and through a literature review and case studies analyse how firms can create customer loyalty by applying these dimensions to their brand management. Methodology: Literature review, case studies Findings: By analysing three companies (Apple, Harley-Davidson, and Chanel) and comparing the elements of

Effekten av öronakupunktur och öronakupressur vid rökavvänjning ur distriktssköterskans perspektiv En systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Rökning är ett stort hot mot folkhälsan. Det saknas effektiva hjälpmedel. Denna studie undersökte effekten av öronakupressur och aurikuloterapi vid rökavvänjning. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökningar i sex databaser identifierade åtta randomiserade kontrollerade studier (1232 deltagare). Metodologisk kvalitet bedömdes genom att använda SBU:s granskningsmall för RCT-studier. Background: This systematic review examined the effects of ear acupressure and auriculotherapy for cigarette smoking cessation (SC). Methods: Searches in six databases located eight randomized controlled trials (1232 participants). Methodological quality was assessed using the SBU review template for RCT studies. Results of included articles were synthesized using narrative analysis. Results: Stud

Lämplig infrastruktur för automatiserade fordon

Utvecklingen kring tunga automatiserade fordon framskrider, med den digitala infrastrukturen forskas det mycket om hur man ska få de fordonen på vägarna med de konventionella fordonen. Flera tester sker på dedikerad infrastruktur utan att behandla de konventionella fordonen. Det har inte genomförts många projekt i Sverige eller internationellt för att utreda vilka krav som krävs för att få automatThe development of the heavy automated vechiles is progressing at a fast rate, with the digital infrastructure allot of reasearch has been made to understand how the automated vechiles will drive on the roads with the conventional vechiles. Tests are being made on the infrastruture without the usages of conventional vechiles. Not many projcts have been carried out in sweden or internationally to i

Social Distancing AI: Using super-resolution to train an object detection model on low resolution images

This paper addresses the following hypothetical situation: suppose that we want to train an object detection algorithm but that only low resolution data is available. As a tentative solution to this problem, this paper suggest to first super-resolve the low resolution data to obtain higher resolution data that is then fed to the object detection algorithm. Super-resolution is a technique that take

Den moderna relationsekonomin på Tinder

The thesis examines the commercialization of intimacy, love and relationships on Tinder. The thesis examines young adults' active use of the Tinder application, which offers an easily accessible love market with an abundance of potential partners. Furthermore, the essay focuses on the interviewees' views on lasting and volatile relationships in today's consumer society. The sample exam

Krav på drogfrihet - hemlöshetens tvångsåtgärd? En narrativ studie om hemlöshet och missbruk

Denna uppsats undersökte de historiska och samtida narrativen kring hemlöshet och missbruk i sju av statens offentliga utredningar (SOU:er) publicerade mellan 1962 och 2018. Syftet med undersökningen var att genom kartläggning av narrativen nå förståelse för krav på drogfrihet på inackorderingshem för hemlösa; hur det kan motiveras och var det kommer ifrån. Vi ställde oss frågan hur vi kan förstå

The Dark Triad and Psychological Resilience: The Moderating Effect of Locus of Control

The relationship between the Dark Triad and psychological resilience is understudied and literature on the subject is insufficient. This study aimed to investigate the association between the Dark Triad and psychological resilience, and the possibility of locus of control acting as a moderator of this relationship. The Dark Triad was investigated both as a single construct, as well as the triad tr