Din sökning på "*" gav 533191 sökträffar
The Exercise of Discretion in International Law: Why This Topic Needs Studying, How It Should be Studied, and by Whom
The Jan Mayen Case: An Example of Successful Conciliation
Tystnadskultur i en minoritetsgrupp - Erfarenheter av anmälningsbenägenhet vad gäller sexuella övergrepp inom den döva och hörselskadade gemenskapen i Sverige
Uppsatsen belyser förekomst av och egenskaper i en tystnadskultur i samband med anmälningar av sexuella övergrepp inom dövvärlden, med särskild fokus på individer inom denna gemenskap vars primära kommunikationsmedel är teckenspråk. Syftet med uppsatsen är att illustrera komplexiteten för döva individer när det gäller att rapportera sexuella övergrepp inom dövvärlden, vilket påverkas av olika aspe
Tennisblockaden i Båstad 1968 : Vänsteraktivism och motmobilisering
The Båstad tennis protest of 1968: Left-wing activism and right-wing counter-mobilisationIn the spring of 1968, Sweden was supposed to play a Davis Cup tennis match against Rhodesia, a quasi-apartheid state in southern Africa. The game was scheduled to be played on 3 May in the small town of Båstad in southern Sweden. However, hundreds of anti-racist activists gathered and stopped the game from st
The sensitivity of pressure-based knock threshold values to alternative fuels : A comparison of methanol vs. gasoline
The heavy-duty industry typically uses a high cetane fuel to power their vehicles, currently typically fossil diesel. Switching to renewable fuels such as methanol requires a major changeover in engine technology. Due to the high octane number of methanol, the diesel engines will have to be replaced by more suitable spark-ignited engines. An accurate knock control system will then be needed to acc
Shrinking body size may not provide meaningful thermoregulatory benefits in a warmer world
Ontogeny shapes the ability of ETV6::RUNX1 to enhance hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and disrupt early lymphopoiesis
Räddningstjänst under höjd beredskap - En studie om samverkan med frivilliga försvarsorganisationer
Due to the increasing threat against Sweden and the worsened security policy situation, Sweden is strengthening both the military and civil defense. The fire and rescue service are an important part of the civil defense and during war, since their responsibility, in case of war, is expanded to include detecting, marking and clearing of dangerous areas as well as indication and decontamination of n
Organisationskulturens betydelse för work-life balance hos nyexaminerade i konsultbranschen
I denna uppsats har work-life balance och organisationskultur inom konsultbranschen hos nyexaminerade undersökts. Aspekterna har tidigare undersökts kopplat till konsultsektorn, men det har inte hittats forskning där både aspekter undersöks i relation till varandra för nyexaminerade. Huvudfrågeställningen för undersökningen lyder: Vilken betydelse har organisationskulturen för nyexaminerades uppleIn this essay, work-life balance and organizational culture within the consulting industry among recent graduates has been examined. Both aspects have been previously studied in the consulting sector, but previous research has not been found where both aspects are investigated in relation to each other and recent graduates. The main research question is: What significance does organizational cultu
Ett andra hem: En explorativ studie av studentnationers betydelse för lundastudenters känsla av sammanhang - ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv
Huvudsyftet med föreliggande uppsats var att studera sambandet mellan deltagande och engagemang i studentnationer och studenters känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) utifrån ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv. KASAM har i tidigare studier visats gynnas av stödjande sociala relationer och miljöer samt har en positiv effekt på psykisk hälsa. Föreliggande explorativa studie genomfördes som en webbenkät riktad tilThe main purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between participation and involvement in student nations and students’ sense of coherence (SOC) from a health promotion perspective. SOC has in previous studies been shown to benefit from supportive social relationships and environments, and has a strengthening effect on mental health. The present explorative study was condu
Remissyttrande: Vem äger fastigheten (SOU 2023:55)
Vesper om våld och vedergällning?
Magdaléna Rychetská, Uneasy Encounters : Christian Churches in Greater China, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 198 s.
Precision prognostics for cardiovascular disease in Type 2 diabetes : a systematic review and meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Precision medicine has the potential to improve cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk prediction in individuals with Type 2 diabetes (T2D).METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies to identify potentially novel prognostic factors that may improve CVD risk prediction in T2D. Out of 9380 studies identified, 416 studies met inclusion criteria. Outcome
N-body simulations of exoplanets and their moons
The planet-planet interactions in a many-planet system cannot be analytically calculated. Instead, they have to be investigated by using an N-body simulation. I discuss three questions about the N-body interactions in planetary systems: The first two are on the system 55 Cnc, a system with five known planets around a K-type star. I will first simulate the influence, that the other planets have on
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Perspektiv på skandinavisk humor. Utgåva med utgångspunkt i konferensen Nordic Humour in World 24-27 Aug 2022 vid Centre for Scandinavian Studies, Lund University.
Quiet resistance speaks: A global literature review of the politics of popular resistance to climate adaptation interventions
Despite that climate hazards are increasingly felt across the globe, there is widespread and often subtle resistance to climate adaptation interventions. However, adaptation research and practice have largely focused on overcoming barriers to implementation. By presuming adaptation programs are welcome, they miss that many people oppose or refuse to participate in them, and the politics hidden beh
The Resourcification of Waste: A Critique of Heroic Efficacy
This chapter questions the rallying cry that ‘waste is a resource’ through the lens of François Jullien’s critique of efficacy. Focusing on the waste hierarchy, the lean movement, and the circular economy, it shows that viewing waste as a resource privileges a heroic mode of action based on ideals, means and ends, and intended outcomes. Contrasting ancient Greek and Chinese philosophies, Jullien c