

Din sökning på "*" gav 531698 sökträffar

Hets mot folkgrupp - ett symboliskt brott : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ analys av domar från Skåne och Blekinge

The aim of this paper is to study and analyze the differences between cases of incitement against ethnic groups in Skåne and Blekinge. Statistics from Brottsförebyggande rådet (BRÅ) in regard to incitement against ethnic groups and hate related crimes, show a decrease in antisemitism and an increase in islamophobia. In a similar vein, the law against incitement against ethnic groups has not been u

En drog vars stigma är starkare än dess potens? En studie av Lundastudenters inställning till cannabis

This study aims to examine the attitudes regarding cannabis among Swedish and international students at Lund University. The study has used semi structured interviews to collect data, in order to answer the questions. The collected data have been analyzed using Ellickson’s social control theory as well as the theory about legal consciousness developed by Ewick and Silbey. The results show that S

Forgotten faces: A Qualitative Exploration of particular vulnerable girls' experiences with prostitution and child marriage in Kenya

This qualitative study examines the experiences of particularly vulnerable girls affected by child marriage and prostitution in Kenya, with the aim of exploring how social control mechanisms and gender inequality perpetuate these harmful practices. By using a thematic analysis approach within the theoretical framework of social control theory, primary and secondary deviance and dominance theory, t

Visitationszoner i utsatta områden i Malmö - En analys av unga mäns uppfattning av polisens utökade befogenheter i och med lagregleringen

This bachelor thesis aims to delve into the emotional responses of young men residing in urban areas in Malmö, to the evolving legal framework, with a specific focus on their legal awareness using relevant legal documents pertaining to recent amendments in the policing legislation (1984:387) regarding the criticized policing method of visitationszoner. The research involved semi structured intervi

Var grottkonstnären en kvinna?

När 1800-talsmännen skrev förhistorien förvandlades männen till jägare och kvinnorna till samlare. I en ny bok ställs den bilden på huvudet. Men hur mycket avslöjar gravgåvorna egentligen om livet på stenåldern – och är inte flera av de dörrar som slås in redan öppna?

Sustainable machining strategies of Al-alloys

Bakgrund. Industrierna utsätts för allt större press att anpassa sig till de håll- barhetsregler som införs. Detta tvingar industrierna att utmana de traditionella tillverkningsprocesser och hitta sätt att göra dem mer hållbara. I de traditionella industrierna används mycket kylvätska, som har stor inverkan på både den miljön och den sociala hållbarheten. Två produktionsmetoder uppvisar betydande Background. Industries are facing increasing pressure to adapt to sustainability regulations being put in place. This forces industries to rethink traditional manufac- turing operations and find ways to make them more sustainable. In the traditional industries there are a lot of coolants being used, these have a big impact on both the environment sustainability as well as social sustainability. Tw

The End of Law and Other Miracles : On the Limitations of Apocalyptic Political Theologies

This article explores various attempts to critique the law with reference to an authority or idea that is seen as transcending law in its existing forms. As heuristic tools, I use a distinction be-tween prophetic and apocalyptic discourses, the former referring to discourses that remain scep-tical to the possibility of suspending law in any absolute sense; the latter describing discourses that art

Circulating lung-cancer-related non-coding RNAs are associated with occupational exposure to hexavalent chromium - A cross-sectional study within the SafeChrom project

BACKGROUND: Hexavalent chromium (Cr(Ⅵ)) is classified as a group 1 human carcinogen and increases the risk of lung cancer. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have key regulatory roles in lung cancer, but less is known about their relation to Cr(Ⅵ) exposure.OBJECTIVES: We aimed to 1) measure the expression of lung cancer-related circulating ncRNAs in exposed workers and controls; 2) assess associations betwe


Hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), is classified as a Group 1 human carcinogen and causes lung cancer. This study was to investigate associations between occupational exposure to Cr(VI) and lung cancer-related non-coding RNAs.The study included 111 Cr(VI) exposed workers and 72 controls in Sweden, 91.4\smokers. Cr concentration in red blood cells (RBC-Cr) was measured. MicroRNA (miRNA) and long non-codi


Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) is a human carcinogen, but the current exposure to Cr(VI) at Swedish workplaces is unknown.Recruitment of 113 workers with potential Cr(VI) exposure and 72 controls was combined with measurements of inhalable Cr(VI) (only exposed workers) and total Cr in urine and red blood cells (RBC), Bayesian analysis of occupational exposure limit (OEL) compliance was used, as well a

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Following recent years’ “audiobook boom”, audio fiction apps have emerged that focus on romantic and erotic content. The article examines how the audio format and its associated uses shape or reshape existing concepts of romantic fiction. Focusing on the case of the app Blanche Stories, the article analyzes new romantic texts, written for the app, along with older texts, love letters, and excerpts

Lexical cues and discourse integration : An ERP study of the N400 and P600 components

In a sentence reading ERP study in Swedish we investigated the roles of the N400 and P600 components. By manipulating ease of lexical retrieval and discourse integration of the critical words in four conditions (contextually primed/non-primed and degree of contextual fit), we explored these components from a sentence processing perspective. The results indicate that the N400 indexes lexical retrie

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Inledning till temanummer om romance

Förekomst av psykoterapi vid depression inom Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset

Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka patienter med depressionsdiagnos som behandlats med individuell psykoterapi hos psykolog inom psykiatriska öppenvården vid Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset åren 2013 till 2023. Data inhämtades från klinikens patientadministrativa system där vårdåtgärder registreras och innefattade 27 008 patienter. Patienter med depressionsdiagnos gThe study aimed to investigate which patients with diagnosis of depression received individual psychotherapy from a psychologist within psychiatric outpatient care at Psykiatri Affektiva, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, between 2013 and 2023. Data was obtained from the clinic’s patient administrative system where care measures are registered and included 27 008 patients. Patients with diagnosis